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Christian Reactionary
Oct 22, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
This is silly and porn-brained.

Barring obesity:

The majority of women under 30 are attractive.

The large majority of women (under 35) can be hot with some makeup and revealing.

A minority can be pretty and a small minority can be beautiful but most are attractive. Hot is not rare. It's fairly simple to achieve for most women with make-up, exercise, and clothing-choice.

It's not something they should try to pursue, but getting men hard with a look is well within most young women's capabilities.
Sep 3, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Sept. 11, 2001 was the bump.

July 2007, when the subprime crisis started to kick off was the set.

July 2012 when Masterpiece Cake Shop was sued and August 9, 2014 when Brown was killed, were the spike.

The political problems of today were set into motion by those events. 9/11 showed America was not invincible, led to massive increases in government intrusion, and, most importantly, the good will and unity 9/11 engendered was wasted on unsustainable foreign adventurism that broke the empire.
Aug 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Me, making a 14-book library every 10 miles because some idiot urbanite thinks that's a productive use of resources. Also, if you weren't a hateful person looking to dunk on those you think inferior, you'd probably know that most churches actually have small libraries.

Jul 3, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
It was a symptom, not a cause.

You can go back to the 80s amnesty, the CRA, FDR, the Fed, the Civil War, but the most proximate cause of problems now was in 2008-2012, when Obama and leftlibs decided on pursuing "revenge" instead of winning and reconciliation. The long-term fallout of the CRA and 80s amnesty, 9/11, then the 08 economic shock, set up America for a realignment akin to FDR and the Civil War.

With white Americans losing their majority new questions needed to be answered:

What is America? Who is American?
Mar 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
It's interesting to compare the McDonalds marketing from the US and Japan. Both are hitting an anime theme at the same time, but in different ways.

The Japan ads are cute, straightforward, and happy. A cute anime girl shakes a bag and eats fries to a happy ditty... On the other hand, the US ad has to have an ironic, almost mocking tone, to it.

"Yes, we're doing anime, but we need you to know we're above that kind of stuff. So, we'll take the piss out of it."

They can't just do something straightforward and sincere. Image
Sep 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

I agree all these should be banned.

Except unplugging. There is nothing immoral about letting someone naturally expire instead of keeping them alive artificially. Because it wouldn't matter.

Nothing short of a pervasive folk activism campaign of "fiery but mostly peaceful protest" targetting "clinics" will stop abortion in democracy and the betrayal of folk activists in the 80s by cons prevents that.

Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The white working- and lower-middle-class is filled with degeneracy.


They are still the base of the American right. They have been demoralized by the Powers That Be, but they are the only faction who have not wholly sold their soul to them.

They need leadership. American working- and middle-class whites have undergone decades of what is likely the largest, most comprehensive, most pervasive, demoralization op in world history.

They have adopted some degeneracies from it, but before we condemn, they are still standing.
Jun 19, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
New "voting" system idea: Indirect Democracy.

Instead of voting days, parties etc., each citizen has one transferable ballot.

They can choose to vote on bills themselves, or can transfer their ballot to somebody else, who votes on their behalf. So, then representatives are "elected" simply by collecting transferable ballots, which are directly transferred to them by the citizens and can be revoked or transferred elsewhere at any time by the citizen (with maybe a waiting period between transfers).
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm conservative America, you kill burglar.

In Soviet America, burger kills you. There are about 2 million burglary and trespassing victims a year.

1% is 20,000.

So, if this is accurate 20,000 Americans protect themselves and their home.

Not rare.

Compare to other high profile violence, about a dozen unarmed blacks die to police.

Jun 7, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
One major cause is likely because everything is permanent.

In ye old days if you did something "stupid", unless it was paralyzed or death stupid, was non-permanant. A handful of friends or family may remember and that was that.

It was fairly easy to get over something. Nowadays, everything is potentially permanent and life-ruining.

Embarrassed yourself and you're an internet meme.

Say sowmthing rude and lose your college placement or job.

Do anything and be harassed by strangers.

And there's not forgiveness or redemption possible.
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
On SuperAI/singularity:

The question of whether AI can/will be more intelligent than humans/better than humans/conscious/etc. is msotly ared herring.

What matters if it can outcompete humans in the darwinian sense. A "stupid" AI with no consciousness at all would "decide" the future if it could "grow" and take resources from humans faster than humans could take/defend resources from it.

That point is likely closer than a hypothetical hyperintelligsnt SuperAI. It might not even take an "AI"
Feb 15, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
A civilizational filter, perhaps the Great Filter, is approaching: parasociality.

TV has to a larger degree than anyone would like to admit replaced friendship and community with Friends and Cheers (where everybody knows your name).

Everybody: low-level parasocial friendships. There has been a broad, near- universal decline in number of friendships and community involvement.

Likewise there has been a broad decline in romantic relationships. What was the report last week, a third of millenial women will be single at 40.

Something will fill the gap.
Apr 4, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Certain minority groups commit violent crimes at rates 5-7x higher than the majority population.

That is statistically unarguable

If you do not have a real solution to protect the majority from these minority groups, you can never have "walkable" neighbourhoods.

Choose Because you can not even discuss that fact, let alone propose real solutions that would actually, demonstrably work, without being labeled "racist", you will never get the urban policy you want, because people don't like being murdered and robbed.

Nov 16, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The American justice system was originally designed for high-trust civic-minded Americans

Since the 60s, it has adapted to continually reimprisoning a revolving door of a relatively small group of career criminals and gangsters.

It's terrible for normal person is caught in it The US justice system is terrible but given current socio-economic conditions and elite opinion fashion, there's no way to fix it.

Revolving door life-long criminals and normal people being prosecuted for crimes are judged the same and it fits neither.