Lenore Skenazy Profile picture
Founder, Free-Range Kids. Prez, Let Grow, the non-profit promoting childhood independence @LetGrowOrg. Book: https://t.co/L3PrcKpJcK
Jun 20, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1/10 Here’s a thread on a piece in today's @nypost titled "Free-Range Parents Let 4-year-old Play with Fire and Curse Like a Sailor” by @MaryHuhn, @AnthonyBeltempo & @HeatherHauswirth. Have a read and then come back for the analysis. 2/10 Free-Range is NOT:
X Letting young children run unaccompanied into the street
X Stay up all night, and “curse like a sailor”
X No bedtime
X No sugar
X Saying F**k freely
X No limits