Feisty-n-Friends ⭐⭐⭐ Profile picture
For those who have faith, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanations are possible. Supplemental account for @CHHR01 Feisty Cat.
🇺🇸🍿🎬#Dark2Light🌓🐸🦅 Profile picture Twitter author Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 22 15 tweets 7 min read
There ya have it... the Biden resignation letter was written by #Ricchetti. How exciting to finally be at the point where we can openly talk about him! Every time @realdonaldtrump asks who's running the country, I mention "why, Ricchetti of course" 😎 Image Another set of brothers to think about besides the Podesta Brothers are the Ricchetti brothers. Jeff is into big pharma, insurance lobbyist. But then there's STEVE, Biden's Top Advisor, or to put it into 7th century parlance "The Mayor of the Palace. Image
Jul 17 8 tweets 5 min read
The Trumps, through faith and with humble obedience, walked straight into the plan eyes wide open. Using Melania's pics to show her background advisory role with Trump, a pic of a clock striking 12:00 pm & Barron as a little child on the beach with a huge sand castle behind him. Image I noted that the clock pic was taken on April 17, 2014 & that Trump's last tweet that night was a pic from the WWE "Battle of the Billionaires" July 2011. The fight where the winner was to shave the loser's head. (Vince McMahon went home bald that night.) Image
Apr 8 9 tweets 4 min read
.@AwakenedOutlaw is asking us to weigh in... well, here goes.
Image Money is tight for those who define their careers as activist journos. Image
Mar 29 21 tweets 6 min read
It came out yesterday that Cohen was the one having an affair with Stormy. I've been saying this since April 2018. After a bit of digging, I found all of my early material and pulled this thread together with what's going on with P.Diddy and Cohen P.Diddy was not detained, nor were his traveling privileges revoked. He has spoken to and is cooperating with authorities. Image
Oct 7, 2023 30 tweets 10 min read
🧵 McCarthy's Ouster

September 30, 2023, Jamaal Bowman pulls the fire alarm delaying the vote on the appropriations bill. Did Kevin set his alarm?

Look at all those "Yellow Jacks"!
Note: January 28th, Trump suggests he took control of the "contagion" and McCarthy agreed. Trump wearing the "Yellow Jack" and McCarthy, sporting no tie at all suggests his "negotiations were completed"
Post 4738