ককহ্ল ঋ্ঝ্বঁক্ষ‍্য Profile picture
Bharatiya. গৌড়ীয়(Bangali). রাঢ়ী. bhadrAlok😁. Dharma. Political Atheist. নায়মাত্মা বলহীনেন লভ‍্য
2 subscribers
Oct 29, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
The name of Bijan Setu is infamous for the massacre of Anandmargi saints. That's how everyone has heard the name of this bridge.

But, does anyone know abt Bijan Bose after whom this bridge is named? The answer is not at all.

Today we will learn abt a brave unknown hero. Image Bijan Basu(35) was an engineer of Calcutta Improvement Trust. Unmarried, he lived alone in Shyampukur, North Kolkata.

On 2 August 1974 he went to meet his cousin sister, who lived in Santoshpur.

A gang of dacoits boarded the Sealdah local down local from Jadavpur +
Oct 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The lunar eclipse of 28th October is falling in the Aries Sign, so it's affecting both 12th & as well as 6th house of foundation chart of Indian republic.

Not to mention 12th lord Mars is sitting in the Tula (6th house) & directly aspecting Aries. Image Also, 3rd lord moon is in Ketu's Nakshatra Ashwini & Mars(7th & 12th lord), Mercury(2nd & 5th lord), Sun(4th lord) are in Rahu's Nakshatra Swati. So, during the eclipse all these planets will be under the malefic influence of Rahu and Ketu.
Oct 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
First thing first, Sun coming under influence of Ketu & being aspected by Rahu is a bad news for head of states, big politicians around the world.

The ascendent lord moon itself is debilitated in the fifth house and it's being aspected by retrograde Saturn from eighth house. Image This is not good.

Saturn is also aspecting 2nd house which signifies nation's financial condition & 10th house which represents head of state i.e PM.

10th house also represents nations reputation on the world stage.
Oct 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Israel's foundation chart.

3rd lord(neighbors) in 12th house(war) directly aspecting 3rd, 6th(territorial attacks, conflict), 7th(open warfare). Explains why it has fought so many wars with its hostile neighbors since it's foundation.

Currently Israel is going through + Image Rahu-Rahu-Jup dasha. Jupiter is the Lord of 7th house which signifies full scale war. Rahu in foundation chart sits in the 3rd house which is owned by Mars.

During the first Arab-Israeli war, the country was going through Sat-Sun-Rahu period.

During third Arab-Israeli war, +
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Samarendra Kumar Mitra, known as the "Father of the Indian Computer Revolution", was born on this day in 1916 in Calcutta.

He designed, developed and built India's first computer (built by Ashish Kumar Maiti) at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata in 1953–54. He also designed, developed and built India's first second generation indigenous digital computer in 1963.

His father was the Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court Sir Rupendra Kumar Mittar who himself was a brilliant student. He was an MSc in Mathematics, Gold Medalist & ...
Feb 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
While we remember Neel Ratan Sarkar, BC Roy, today we hv completely forgotten the person responsible for decrease in maternal death rate of Indian women.

Sir Kedarnath Das.

For this he designed a long curved obstetric forcep, known as 'Bengal forcep'. Today's his birthday... He was born in Kolkata 156 years ago today. Losing his mother at a young age inspired him to study medicine.

At that time, Simpson forcep was used to deliver Indian children. But in reality it was seen that
often a deep wound form in the vagina, which in many cases resulted in +
Feb 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Doyen of Indian geography, Shibaprasad Chatterjee was born on today at Shantipur, Nadia 119 years ago.

He served as the president of International Geographical Union from 1964 until 1968. The name 'Meghalaya' was coined by him.

He established Geographical Society of India... Image which was at first known as Calcutta Geographical Society. India received membership of IGU in 1966, under his presidente.

But two of his greatest achievements are -

i) Establishment of National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO).
Aug 28, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Bengali identity & 120 astro cycle

1st partition of Bengal was seen as an attack on the divine motherland, Vanga Janani. 50,000 men took a vow before Ma Kali at Kalighat that they won't let Bengal get divided. Brits weren't ready for such ferocious reaction.

The rest is history Hindus thought that muslims too will join in this movement. 'They speak in Bengali like us, it means they are Bengali too, right ?' Barring some exception Ms did no such thing. Why shd they ?

In 1901 census, 90% Muslims from Bengal said that their ancestor were Arab & Afghan.
Apr 14, 2019 21 tweets 4 min read
Today is Chaitra Sankranti. Today Bengali hindus in WB, Bangladesh & Tripura celebrates gajan with great fervour. Gajan is related to Shiva, Dharma thakur & Ma manasa. Though Gajan in Chaitra sankranti is related to Shiva. It ends today with Charak puja. At Malda Gajan is known as Gambhira & at Jalpaiguri it is known as Gomira. Kali Dance is an important part of gajan. Also, Hara-Gauri Nritya, Kalika-Patari nritya, Samshan nritya are all important part of gajan.