Kat Ithikkat Profile picture
Veteran Air Warrior. I love the outdoors but home is where the heart is. Football is an obsession, Motorcycling a passion. Adore dogs, love military history.
May 22, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
As promised to the good General, a series of tweets on #FallGelb.

The defeat of France within a few weeks in 1940 has remained one of the most astonishing and seemingly revolutionary events in the twentieth-century military history. A whole host of explanations were offered: communist treason, unwillingness to fight, fifth columnists.
Feb 18, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
@adgpi @SpokespersonMoD @IAF_MCC

I have always wished a CO a safe command tenure, safe for his boys and their loved ones. Sadly, the past few months have been awful.
We are losing the flower of our youth. N/n

We need a blue ribbon commission in the armed forces and MoD.