Fulan Nasrullah Profile picture
‏‏We were promised an AI which would- think like a human, instead we got -humans being trained in robot thinking. ~@pvl0101| Director @GICS_Conflicts
Feb 14 12 tweets 2 min read
This again speaks to Fatshi's terrible hubris-filled way of thinking. He had a good thing going with Kabila fils, who gave him a presidency he didn't win, with the acquiescence of ALL powers relevant to DRC affairs, including Kigali. Yet Fatshi bonked it! 1/ He bonked that relationship with Kabila fils, then turned on the one with Kagame, one time went after Kamerhe (the current National Assembly speaker), while doing nothing to build a proper military throughout his first term 2/
Apr 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
To paraphrase what I was discussing two years ago with someone, the Ibrahim brothers and the other founders of the JEM, broke with the Islamist part of Khartoum and Jazira elites, because they were excluded from sharing in the power. 1/ So Khartoum sent the Arabs of Darfur to deal with them, the various SLAs and other Darfurian groups.The Arabs of Darfur including ex Chadian Arab refuges,were told killing the Fur, Mesalit, Zaghawa etc in the name of Khartoum would secure their positions in the order of things 2/
Mar 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Minus the platitudes to democracy in this piece (i do not subscribe to democracy), I 100% agree otherwise with this article... /1

H/T @NatSecElitist

breakingbeijing.com/commentary/202… The CCP's China at it's core doesn't seek a better or fairer world, it seeks world domination in the same mode as Nazi Germany, it seeks to create a dystopian reality where man is reduced to nothing but a robot, unable to think or dissent 2/
Apr 22, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
I remember one time, not long ago in Mauritania, after we finished praying with Abu Hafs Al-Mauritani, I left afterwards to the market with a friend of mine, and spent thirty mins haggling in Arabic with a guy selling trinkets. He wanted to charge extra to engrave my name on one I had told my friend about my unique problem with Arabic. I speak fus-ha of the Qur'ân and struggle with modern terms and structure, and i understand some Libyan(at the time i could speak Libi still), but i struggle with accents. Egyptian, Lebanese, and Palestinian especially.
Apr 20, 2019 12 tweets 13 min read
So today I have gotten over 100 new followers,and following in the footsteps of the great @MENA_Conflict, here's an introduction so incase i am not who you think i am, you can exit stage right. Most of you probably followed me from my thread about the war in Northeast Nigeria 1/ I am Muslim, Salafi, Nigerian, Male. I do not subscribe to democracry or the rule of the people. I believe in a responsible, benevolent, dictatorship of those who preserve the values of their society and yet pioneer its advancement. 2/
Apr 20, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
2009-2019, ten years. That's how long the war in Northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad region has raged. In that time I have been involved in various capacities on various sides in how this war has evolved. Today my involvement is solely to study it, and aid civilians 1/ In that ten years a lot has changed, a lot has remained the same. My first takeaway is, ISWAP/Boko Haram etc are ONLY as strong as Nigeria allows them to be. Today tje war is at a stalemate, neither side is able to force a victory. Statements of bravado aside 2/