Giuliana Chamedes Profile picture
Transnational Europe, fascism, socialism, economics, religion | Author, A Twentieth-Century Crusade (@Harvard_Press) | Associate Prof @UWMadison | Opinions mine
Feb 14, 2021 17 tweets 7 min read
Feb 2021 marks the 10-yr anniversary of the Wisconsin Uprising--the mass worker and student movem't that stood up to defend the collective bargaining rights of state public sector unions. What lessons can the Uprising-- and the Occupy movement it helped spawn--teach us today? In Feb 2011, then-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced Act 10, which struck down the rights of public employees, nurses, and teachers to organize in the workplace. The response was massive: 100,000 people protested in the state's capital, occupying the Capitol building. 1/n
Feb 10, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
Mario Draghi, soon to become Italy's PM, has been hailed as the nonpartisan technocrat Italy needs to gets its house in order. But who is Draghi and is his brand of technocracy truly politically neutral? What can his journey tell us about European neo-liberalism past+present? 1/n Draghi got his university degree at La Sapienza in Rome in 1970 under Federico Caffè, a strong critic of free trade and a committed Keynesian. Caffè saw social protection as key to a well-functioning society. He wrote for Il Manifesto, a socialist paper critical of the USSR. 2/n