cc: @PressSec@realDonaldTrump@PressSec 2/Reminder 2018: (Senate Intel Committee) Russian Active Measures Campaigns/Interference
In the 2016 U.S. Election: Volumes I and II
I. “ … Russian Efforts Against Election
Infrastructure … “
Thank you @AprilDRyan for addressing Trump/GOP attack on America Women for what it was/is: Anti-America. I do need to add, it's also a great example of the uselessness, the actual danger to Democracy of reactionary "reporting." 📎 Note: #BeBetterMedia (1)#MonumentalMediaFail -- references women exercising their American right to petition their government -- a majority government, by the way, that in majority numbers does not respond to them (U.S. citizens) face to face in meetings &/or in town halls W/out noting Trump is ... (2)
Apr 25, 2018 • 25 tweets • 4 min read
Trump/Pence/McConnell/Ryan/GOP/Russia excel @ Character Assassination/It's worth thinking about that as we take information in! Select excerpts follow from "Character Assassination Encyclopedia Entry"… … #ProgressDems#ComeyTownHall (1)
"The term could also be selectively applied to social groups, institutions,and corporations, which could all experience loss of reputation due to character assassination." (2)