Garath McCathron Profile picture
Arizona lawyer, moderate political and religious blogger. There is almost always a middle path, and shades of grey everywhere along the road. Pen name...
Dec 26, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
@Alien_LifeStyle @maqaz @AZGOP Here's what I go from that video... You tell me where I am wrong.

1. Dude's whole premise is that the mail-in ballots swung too far for Trump. 2. He bases that conclusion on some mathematical model he doesn't reveal ("don't worry, we've done that work for you"), (cont...) @Alien_LifeStyle @maqaz @AZGOP ... while admitting that he doesn't know the *actual* breakdown of mail-in votes;

3. He then leaps to the conclusion that the large votes for Biden in mail-ins comes from fraud, ignoring

a. Those four counties are the most urban (blue) counties in AZ
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Huh. A few things I gleaned from this article:

(1) the report is by a Trump hatchet man proven too stupid to know the difference between MI and MN;

(2) Trump's attorney violated a protective order in giving an interview about this hatchet job; [1/] (3) the county in question went for Trump by something like 25% (by a margin of 4k out of 16k total votes
... I'm not a statistician and my % is prob'ly wrong, but still);

(4) Biden took Michigan by more than 150k. [2/]
Apr 3, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
This is the tweet and reply that got me, a constituent of #LD16, blocked from my state rep's, @KellyTownsend11's, Twitter feed. This exchange came after a series of irresponsible (IMO) tweets attacking the constitutionality of COVID measures (1/thread) My reply was critical, certainly, and questioned Rep. Townsend's political motives and rhetorical approach. But it was not inappropriate. There is no profanity, and the reply is limited to public, not personal concerns. This is not ad hominem, it is healthy public discussion (2/)