In the land of the free, 70% want M4A. Where is it Profile picture
Massage therapist/instructor. #M4A #GreenNewDeal #followback Ecovillage proponent. Mature immigrant. Direct Democracy visionary: #NotMeUs in action
Dec 21, 2019 31 tweets 6 min read
I did a little work on Bernie's tax plan. Here are some conclusions and thoughts.

1. If you are making up to 200k, your tax rates will be exactly the same as today. 1/;0;s 2. Big difference, now you pay thousands for a health plan that is offering next to nothing for most of us. Under Bernie's taxation, you will have full health coverage incl dental and eyes, with a possible copay of up to $50 and that's it. So, if you're making up to 200k, 2/