G.Strand Profile picture
Q, Trump, Patriot, Anti deep state, digital soldier, 🇸🇪
Emerald Rose ❤️🤍💙 Profile picture Sascha R. Profile picture The Swedish Chef 🇸🇪 Profile picture Robert Johnson 🇺🇸👻 Profile picture Paulo Kiefe Profile picture 8 subscribed
Feb 16 11 tweets 4 min read
Jönsson själv uppger att det kommer från helt frivilliga donationer.
– Huvudsakligen från Swish. För att använda socialdemokratisk retorik är jag solidariskt finansierad av folket......
En clowntråd 🧵🤡>> Image Marie Söderqvist lämnade Livsmedelsföretagen 2017 för att bli Henrik Jönssons handläggare, Livsmedelsföretagen är dotterbolag till Svensk Näringsliv (Jacob Wallenberg) Hon är medgrundare till United Minds som gör bland annat Väljarbarometern för Aftonbladet, de fick även Sabre Award där Henrik lärt sig om att sabrera bubblet. 🍾, andra medgrundare som bor i Indien bland SEB och bankerna. Söderqvist jobbade för Expressen fram till 2018 som jag kan se så Liljestrand känner till deras legitimitet väl.
Jan 11 12 tweets 5 min read
Ellemtel, Ericsson, Telia and The AXE telephone exchange

At the end of the 1960s, L.M. Ericsson and Televerket were both working on developing computer-controlled exchanges. But the work was taking longer than planned for both of them and costs soon raced past the budgets. Image “The whole world was talking about the coming of electronics. There was almost panic at L.M. Ericsson. Nobody knew how far competitors had come and there was no competitive solution in sight.”

On several occasions Bjurel proposed the idea that he and his colleagues had of a joint development company owned by Televerket and L.M. Ericsson.

/Bertil Bjurel
Dec 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Taylor Swift and the optics.........

SWIFT was founded in Brussels on 3 May 1973 under the leadership of its inaugural Swedish CEO, Carl Reuterskiöld (1973–1989), a Wallenberg-associate, and was supported by 239 banks in 15 countries......
Image Before its establishment, international financial transactions were communicated over Telex

Telex messages are routed by addressing them to a telex address, e.g., "14910 ERIC S", where 14910 is the subscriber number, ERIC is an abbreviation for the subscriber's name (in this case Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson in Sweden
Nov 25, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Ericsson in billion-dollar battle over secret database in the US

Telecom giant Ericsson is about to become the administrator of a critical part of the US telephone system. But with an aggressive and extensive lobbying campaign in Washington.
Image The holder of the assignment for 17 years, Neustar, is trying to prevent its foreign competitor from taking the prestigious order - worth SEK 3.2 billion.

For 17 years, the small technology and analytics company Neustar.
Nov 15, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
The development of events surrounding Sintraericsson's (Sindicato de Trabajadores de Ericsson de Colombia) protests against starvation wages and unsafe working conditions at the Ericsson factory in Bogotá.....
Image The board of directors for Sintraericsson repeatedly turned to the trade union "Samorganisationen" at LM Ericsson in Sweden and appealed for support. The company had dismissed union-active workers, the wages were not livable and the workers' union rights were not respected.
Nov 13, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
John Lönnegren och Carl August Robert Paulson Nazister och Sandlerkommisionen...
John Lönnegren

Lönnegren var anställd vid Svenska Dagbladet i flera år från 1903, varunder han hann med att vara korrespondent i London och Berlin.
Under finska inbördeskriget var han engagerad för den vita saken. Han erhöll Frihetskorset av tredje klass 1918.
Nov 7, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Heta Bananer.

År 1909 bildades "The Banana Company AB" av norrmannen Carl Matthiessen med säte i Göteborg. Bolaget namnändrades snart till det mer svenskt klingande namnet "AB Banan-Kompaniet".
🧵>> År 1910 utökade AB Banan-Kompaniet sin verksamhet till import av sydfrukter, och etablerade också lager i Stockholm och Malmö. Stockholmslagret fanns på Tunnelgatan (nv Olof Palmes gata) och i Malmö hyrdes lokaler av Kioskbolaget.
>> Image
Oct 28, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Palestine Telecommunications (Paltel). (Jawwal), Hadara Company (Internet provider), and Reach (Contact center). It was founded by Sabih Masri, chairman of the board of directors, in 1995, as a public shareholding company.
Image In 1995, when Yasser Arafat set up the Palestine Telecommunications Company “Paltel”, only 3% of Palestinians owned a telephone, applicants would have to wait years for a connection by Bezeq, the Israeli state-owned provider.
Oct 10, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Yom Kippur war.

The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War, the October War, the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, or the Fourth Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from 6 to 25 October 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
🧵>> Image The war began on 6 October 1973, when the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, which had occurred during the 10th day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in that year.
Sep 23, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Svenska tillfälligheter omkring Stenungsund och Bhopal....

Unifos kemi AB delägde Union Carbide och heter idag Borealis..... Image borealisgroup.com/stenungsund/bo…
Sep 22, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Fire eye eller Huo-Yan laboratories ägs av BGI-Group.

Men en kort sökning ger......🧵 >> en.genomics.cn/huoyan/index.a…
Image ...oss direkta kopplingar till Karolinska institutet.

"Bedömare varnar för risken att kopplas samman med företag kopplade till presumtiva människorättsbrott."
>> Image
Sep 8, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Ericsson has done business in Ethiopia for a long time. Sales of telephone receivers commenced in 1894.
Image The Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and King Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden visit Ericsson, the museum. Demonstration by the president, Sven Ture Åberg, of the first Ericsson telephone. Image
Sep 7, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
Smittad zon i Norberg

Varför ligger Norberg mitt i Bergslagen?
Hur många gruvor finns?
Vem var Taher Amini?
Skogsbranden vid Målarberget utanför Norberg?
”Kan ta två år att utrota svinpesten”
Ingen får vistas i området trots att det inte smittar människor.
satt upp en "operativ ledningscentral"
Donald Trumps son jagar "onda" vildsvin i Sverige
Carl Norberg

Nog bara en tillfällighet.
Image Image
Aug 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Land Grab

In the winter of 2006 – his last – Adolf Lundin had talked to Cristina Stenbeck about one of the two's boldest experiments – The Black Earth Farming. It was put under a new Vostok Nafta. The Russian one the gas was reserved for a Vostok Gas, 90 percent owned by Gazprom Image company raised its initial funding from the family backed Swedish investment companies Vostok Nafta and Kinnevik who remain major shareholders.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ear…
Aug 4, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Eritrea och kolonialism sedan länge.....
"Eritrea har många naturtillgångar men utvinningen av dem är begränsad. Landet är rikt på guld och andra värdefulla mineraler. Utanför Rödahavskusten antas det finnas gott om olja och naturgas."

Svensk Eritreanen eller Eritrea-Svensken...... Image
Aug 1, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Ericsson in South Africa

Thanks to its major breakthrough in the British telephone market at the end of the 19th century, Ericsson did not have much trouble in getting its foot in the door in South Africa, which was partly ruled by Britain.
Thread 🧵 Image The first telephone exchange was delivered to Capetown in 1896, and was followed by several orders by other cities. In all, Ericsson installed four telephone exchanges in South Africa between 1896 and 1900, making it Ericsson's largest market for exchanges outside Europe. >> Image
Jul 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Är det bara på grund av koranbränningen eller..... Tweetsamling: Image
Jul 13, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Ericsson SAAB and Bofors in India

Ericsson received its first order for a manual switch from the Indian government in 1903. At this time, India was a British colony, and Ericsson had very successful sales in Great Britain.
🧵>> Image It was thus appropriate that the sales office in Calcutta was opened by Ericsson's British company. For a long time, this was one of just two sales offices in all of Asia. The other was located in Indonesia.
Jun 4, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Carl-Ernfrid Carlberg
Carlberg financed a large part of the Nazi propaganda in Sweden before, during and after the Second World War, and was a founder and contributor to the Carlberg Foundation.
🧵 In addition to this, he was also the Swedish representative within the German far-right organization Fichtebund. -->
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Sweden's first speeding - a real speed freak
🧵 The man in the party, bookkeeper Henning Forslund, offered the ladies a ride home in the car - an offer they absolutely did not refuse. Driving an automobile was still somewhat exotic 1900.
Jun 2, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Saved by the Cold War. The Wallenberg family's Nazi dealings in a new light

🧵 From DN translated direct via Google translate:

" To what extent did the Wallenberg brothers and Enskilda Banken function as bulwarks for German war industry? Behind the information about Wallenberg's purchase of Nazi gold (DN 15/2) is a story about Enskilda Banken's intimate collaboration with Bosch and other German war suppliers.