Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF) Profile picture
Graduate Employee Union at University of Oregon. Fighting for fair, safe, and democratic working conditions since 1976 ❤️‍🔥 AFT Local 3544 #UOWorksBecauseWeDo
Jan 11, 2024 64 tweets 12 min read
It's January 11 and GTFF's Bargaining Team is negotiating once again with the UO, perhaps for the last time before a GE strike. Our union has announced intent to strike on January 17, 2024 if UO does not bring us a deal that meets the financial needs of *all* GEs! GTFF Bargaining Team on January 11 With only 6 days left until a potential GE strike, GTFF rank-and-file members are preparing for a fight! Here's our amazing Research Assistant Graduate Employee caucus (RAGE) with our countdown clock. We're so proud of the research organizing that RAGE has pioneered this year! RAGE caucus outside the GTFF office with a 6 day countdown strike clock
Nov 30, 2023 35 tweets 7 min read
It's Nov 30, and GTFF's Bargaining Team is negotiating once again with the University of Oregon on behalf of 1,400+ Graduate Employees. Last month, unionized GEs voted 97% approval for a strike. GTFF has not yet declared 10-day intent to strike, but could do so at any time. While GEs gain the legal right to declare strike at this late stage of bargaining (~9 months in), UO gains the right to impose a contract. However, even if UO imposes, nothing is truly settled until there is a contract ratification vote by GTFF members. We are a democratic union.
Nov 20, 2023 79 tweets 13 min read
GTFF is negotiating with UO again today! While our Bargaining Team is at the table, our rank-and-file members will be sitting in at Johnson Hall to put pressure directly on UO Admin in support of our collective demands.

We'll have bargaining updates soon, but for now, some pics: 15-20 GTFF rank-and-file members and Bargaining Team members at Johnson Hall wearing GTFF shirts and holding GTFF signs The sit-in is meant to send a clear message to university leaders directly from GTFF members: we are overworked, underpaid, and ready to strike if UO keeps stalling on a fair contract that meets GE needs!
GTFF members occupying space during the sit-in at Johnson Hall. several are wearing GTFF shirts and holding GTFF "Ready to Strike" signs
GTFF members sitting on the steps of Johnson Hall with "ready to strike" signs
Nov 9, 2023 57 tweets 11 min read
Today is the first mediation session since our overwhelming 97% Strike Authorization Vote, so the GTFF Bargaining Team wanted to make sure the power of our members is represented in the room today 😎❤️‍🔥 We'll be updating this thread throughout the negotiations today, as usual. Bargaining Team members holding up solidarity fists with signs referencing the 97% Strike Authorization vote Believe it or not, several rank-and-file GTFF members showed up outside our room (EMU 239) at 9am sharp this morning to show UO that GTFF's Bargaining Team has the power of our members behind us!

GEs can drop by any time today; our team will come out to share periodic updates! Three GTFF members in GTFF shirts holding GTFF signs that say "ready to strike", "living wage now!" and "97% strike authorization approval"
Oct 30, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
Another day, another mediation session between GTFF and the University of Oregon! We'll be negotiating over the respective "Final Offers" submitted to the Employment Relations Board on Oct 26. As always, view all proposals on our public Trello:… First up, GTFF and UO will walk through places where each party made movement in last weeks "Final Offers".

Note: "final" is a bit of a misnomer here. "Final Offers" are given after declaration of impasse, but negotiations and adjustments will continue until there is a deal.
Oct 16, 2023 41 tweets 8 min read
It's Monday October 16th, and GTFF is in state mediation with the University of Oregon yet again! Today is a partial virtual session (9am-12pm) mostly meant for info-sharing.

Standby for live updates, and if you have time, drop by the GE Work-In at the EMU today from 9am-3pm! UO is starting with Article 19 (Summer Term)

Section 3 - UO cut their prior proposal for a three-tier hiring system during summer (which GTFF rejected on the basis of not wanting different benefits/pay levels) in favor of a two-tier system (hourly and full GE appointments).
Oct 9, 2023 64 tweets 13 min read
Happy Monday! The GTFF Bargaining Team will be in mediated negotiations with the University of Oregon all day again today + we'll be live-tweeting what we can from the session (as usual). To start this thread off, here's a team picture from the room this morning! Image Slow start this morning; we've been waiting for UO to join us since 9am (currently 10:20am). We'll keep updating our public Trello with proposals throughout the day:

Keep in mind: so far, UO has only been presenting non-binding mediation
Oct 4, 2023 50 tweets 8 min read
Gooooood morning world! Today, GTFF is starting state mediation in our ongoing contract negotiations with the University of Oregon. Bargaining Team member here to give you live-time updates throughout the day. You can track proposals on our public Trello:… Here's our Bargaining Team in front of the office this morning, before making the trek all the way down to the FASS building... whew!

UO refused to reserve space for our membership today, but members can drop by the GTFF office from 12-5pm for updates from Contract Action Team. An image of the GTFF Bargaining Team in front of our office
Sep 14, 2023 40 tweets 6 min read
MEOW!!!! 🐈 CAT (Contract Action Team) member here yet again as your bargaining correspondent for the last open session of the summer in our negotiations with @uoregon. Starting in about 15 minutes! Check our bargaining hub to see today's proposals: VERY STRONG turnout!!!! MCK 221 is absolutely packed with GEs, right around 100 people. Full house and AMAZING energy from GEs in the room today ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Aug 31, 2023 40 tweets 7 min read
It's raining in Eugene, but GTFF is staying dry inside—at the bargaining table in MCK 221! Negotiations with @uoregon start soon. We passed most articles to UO last week, so hopefully they brought lots of counters. Faithful CAT member here to livetweet & offer commentary 😎👍 GTFF offered a few clarifying questions and then passed to UO. UO's start was not very promising:

UO: I'm just going to come out and say it, we don't have a salary counter today.
Aug 24, 2023 28 tweets 5 min read
Knock-knock! Who's there? GTFF, and we have a whole pile of proposals for our bargaining session with @uoregon in 221 MCK today! Starting up around 2pm PST and I'll be here (as usual!) as your friendly Contract Action Team correspondent. Keep an eye on this thread for updates! Setting up in the room now, currently looking at a good turnout of maybe ~60 GEs for this late-summer session. We are starting with a few TAs (Tentative Agreements). You can track GTFF & UO's proposals online here:…
Aug 3, 2023 61 tweets 10 min read
After some chaos over a double-booked room, we are now sitting down in Lillis 211 to start today's bargaining session with the University of Oregon! Enthusiastic CAT member here to be your live correspondent for the day. Follow our proposals on Trello: Room is absolutely packed! Probably close to 100 GEs and allies here. We are starting the session with some questions about the Reimbursement Article and then will proceed into GE testimony.
Jul 20, 2023 48 tweets 8 min read
Hello internet! Proud member of the Contract Action Team here to serve as your bargaining correspondent for the day. Today's bargaining session between the GTFF and @uoregon starts soon! Stick around and we will be livetweeting the negotiations from about 2-5pm. Emalydia (one of GTFF's lead negotiators) is introducing the session, explaining that we are giving UO the floor and asking them to start today. UO wants to start with the new Expense Reimbursement Article. Follow the proposals on our Trello here:
Jul 6, 2023 41 tweets 7 min read
*tap tap* Is this thing on? Just kidding folks. Proud member of the Contract Action Team (meow!) here to serve as your bargaining correspondent for today's contract negotiations between @gtff_3544 and @uoregon—stay tuned for livetweeting in this thread starting at 2PM🤠❤️‍🔥 Our lead negotiators, Cy and Emalydia, are introducing the session! GTFF is bringing counters for Articles 9, 17, 23, 30, and the Equitable Housing LOA today. We don't yet know which counters the UO is bringing. Track our proposals on the public Trello:…