Gavin Stevens 🍕 Profile picture
Working On Indie Titles OverDose & //Unannounced// | Father | SEN Support | Children & Adult Author | GTS Decompiled | Artist | Designer | IWHBYD
May 11, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Hey, kid, listen:

While paying the RE 4 demo on my series x and ps5, I had the exact same crash and text (text on SX), in the same spot, doing the same thing (jumping out a window onto several Ganado). Wasn’t in the final.

(Cont) The vram error is because, yes, it ran out of memory. Just like the series x. And the ps5. And my expensive pc.

Because when a game gets into into a certain state and it’s memory isn’t allocated corrected, it doesn’t matter how much you have… crash.

Mar 31, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Ok, this isn't the kind of thing I would do, but I'm deleting the Konami post (and backing it up fully below). I would usually NEVER delete a post when "wrong", however in this case, its an exception, and let me explain why... Over the last barely 24 hours, I've had nothing but abuse. I've had multiple death threats. I've had one person send me pictures of DEAD CHILDREN, telling me it would happen to my daughter for being wrong. I've had multiple hack attempts at my social media. Oh, it goes on.
Mar 30, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I may pin this as my main message. It really fills me with confidence to know the 6 books I wrote and drew with my kid mean this much to people, all because they don’t like the same “v i d e o g a m e s” I do.

The worlds an absolute shite place, and these morons are the cause. Image It’s funny, in the last few days the death threats have come through because I posted I didn’t enjoy the new horizon on ps5, and now people are acting this way because they aren’t hearing what they want about PlayStation.

There’s a connection… I don’t know what…
Mar 30, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ok, serious topic of discussion for the day. PS have had a bit of a naff week so far, IMO of course. But its the end of the financial year, and there is talk of something else to come. What do you think it is?

All talk points toward a possible acquisition. Now, do I think so? Yeah, it's likely. But the names thrown around... I just don't know. FROM, Capcom, Konami, Square... All names I can see WHY people are saying, but... Wouldn't those be a total waste of money? They are pretty much in bed with Sony anyway?
Sep 15, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Xbox Series S|X used WiFi 5. That tops out at 3.5gbps. WiFi 6 tops out At 9.6gbps. However... WiFi 6’s main selling point isn’t its speed (which let’s be honest even WiFi 5 speeds barely anybody will reach for years). No, the main improvement... 1/4 comes from the ability to have more WiFi 6 devices in use at one time without a detriment to the overall network stability/performance. In fact, truth be told, a single WiFi 6 device on a WiFi 6 router (yes you need a new router too) won’t be much better than two on WiFi 5. 2/4
Sep 10, 2020 • 42 tweets • 11 min read
How are we all doing? I’ve decided to keep on with the tech posts but in a slightly different way. So, using updated and final info on what the new XSX and XSS are like, I wanted to talk about the big question right now: Is the Series S going to hold back next gen gaming? 1/41 SPOILER: No. No it’s not, and anybody with even a little experience will tell you as such. I’ll go into more detail below as to why that is, but the most important aspect is that this is NOT a last gen console, I can’t stress that enough. 2/41
Aug 22, 2020 • 36 tweets • 9 min read
Ok, how are we all this weekend? I’m sorry for the delay on this, it’s been a crazy week for me. I won’t be able to answer everything, as it looks some things are being held back still. But, if you have a few minutes… Let’s take a look at those Hot Chip slides, shall we? 1/34 First of all, a notice: I see a lot of people use my threads and talks for fanboy drivel. If you don’t like what you read, challenge me, talk with me. Don’t instantly move into idiot fanboy mode as you will just get blocked and forgotten. Act your age kids, and discuss. 2/34
Jul 18, 2020 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I feel I need to do a follow up post based on my thread yesterday. That thread was meant to be a layman’s terms, simple to understand for anybody type entry to SFS. It wasn’t supposed to be a complex in-depth tech talk. 1/11 Heck, I didn’t even go into advanced features of the later revisions such as how you only load the mip required (which I thought I covered but didn’t) or how you only load the part of the mip that’s drawn. 2/11
Jul 16, 2020 • 27 tweets • 7 min read
You're going to hear a lot about why SFS (Sampler Feedback Streaming) is such a big deal and why its so important in maximising the potential of the @xbox Series X hardware with regard to its Velocity Architecture. So lets take a very brief and fast look at things. 1/1 First, textures. Games are made up of textures, of which a single surface can contain several. What looks like one simple visual asset to you in the game world, can actually contain many. Commonly, surfaces are created with a bare minimum of: Diffuse, Specular and Normal. 2/2