Gal.G, Adv 🇮🇱 Profile picture
Creator of public debates |🎙️X #SpacesHost | The Critics | Lawyer, Internet law. Former CEO of Civil Lobby for the TLV families and the gifted in Israel
Paul Smith Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture Deby Ould 〓〓 🇮🇪🇬🇧🩸 Profile picture Kim Profile picture Lynne Lopez-Salzedo Profile picture 13 subscribed
Jul 23 5 tweets 3 min read
Next to the heavy artillery in this picture there is a small open kit, with a Stun gun, tourniquets, syringes and pills 💊. The kidnapping kit.

This was one of the most horrifying exhibits that I saw today in this documentary exhibition about the face of true evil >> Image I can’t tell you about everything that I saw and heard there because some of it is still confidential but let me just say this: I thought that I saw all there is to see about #October7Genocide - but I was wrong, there was so much more evil. And it’s very hard to breath after >> Image
Jul 21 25 tweets 12 min read
🧵1/ (עוד) דיון הטרלה התקיים היום בבג"ץ 2280/24 - בעתירה שעניינה ״הסיוע ההומניטרי לאוכלוסייה האזרחית ברצועת עזה״ אבל בפועל ממש לא, שהוגשה ע״י ארגון ״גישה״. גם בבג״ץ יש הטרלות. לתפיסתי העתירה הזו מראשיתה ומעיקרה היא הטרלה כמו גם שאר העתירות בשם מחטף ״זכויות האדם״ המדומה שעל דגלן. הסיבה שאני רואה אותן ככאלו היא לא בשל הפוזיציה, אלא בשל האמצעים לקידומה. הנה שרשור קצר עם כמה ארועים מכוננים מההטרלה הזאת והמורכבות שבה נמצא (לדעתי מכניס את עצמו בקונספציה) בית המשפט הישראלי מול זה >>Image 2/ לתפוס את הראש ולא להאמין אבל בשלב מסויים העתירה התמקדה בתוספי מזון ייעודיים לנשים - והאם יש מהם מספיק בעזה כרגע, בזמן מלחמה. בשלב זה נשמעו צעקות מהיציע, חלקכם אולי יזהו את הקול שלרוב נשאר מאחורי המצלמות >>
Jul 8 17 tweets 6 min read
🧵1/ #NUMBERS thread of #October7Genocide and the war that came after it.
* source @INSSIsrael

Two states solution support- I want to start with the most tragic and eye opening views of Israelis after this day (that murdered our trust in peace and/or co existence). The graph is about the belief of Jewish Israelis in a two state solution:
🟩 for supporting it
🟥not supporting it

The data is from 2015 to 2024 (March)
>>Image 2/ 🇵🇸War data (Gaza): update to July 8 2024:
• Israeli casualties: 1,625
• Israeli injured: 16,904
• IDF casualties: 680
• Israeli hostages still in Gaza: 120
• Rockets launched to Israel since October 7th (total): 19,000 (!)
• Israeli still evacuated from their homes (south, north): 123,393
• IDF reserve soldiers: 300,000

Jul 3 47 tweets 22 min read
🧵Mega thread, #October7massacre - graphic ⚠️
Hello my enemies and all beautiful souls out there that are so concerned about casualties in Gaza - I promise to care once again if I find space in my brain when it finally processes this. Probably never. Educate urself >> This is the inside of Israel, Sderot city. This maybe the first news video I saw - Toyota with armed terrorists shooting everyone on the streets of Sderot >>
Jun 27 4 tweets 3 min read
The #CryLie campaign: When I saw this ridiculous new blood libel I immediately thought: ‘how would @AJEnglish EVER get ANY content from this @IDF unit?!’ It turns out - this dog was kidnapped by #Hamas BEFORE the attack, meaning it was again orchestrated. Not only that, they also murdered the dog after.

The Qatari Al-Jazeera channel, which is affiliated with Hamas, published a document this week in which a stinging dog was seen attacking a Gazan woman who was in her home in the Jabalia refugee camp. But recently it turned out that the dog was kidnapped by Hamas along with all the combat equipment that was on his back. Today (Wednesday) the dog's body was returned and brought to the unit for burial.

“Hamas in its cruelty captured the god with the aim of harming the force and then murdered the dog. The IDF confirms the details and adds that ‘the incident occurred after the contact with the dog was broken. The dog was NEVER ordered to harm those not involved." (meaning he doesn’t know that order). We emphasize that as part of the Palestinians' massive campaign on the networks, they tried to use the incident to echo a narrative according to which an IDF dog attacked and seriously injured a Gazan woman.”…Image
Reminder from #October7
Jun 25 8 tweets 8 min read
🧵 1/ #Words_Matter: GENOCIDE

Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people, in whole or in part.

In 1944, Polish (Jewish) lawyer Raphael Lemkin coined the term genocide, combining the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") with the Latin suffix -caedo ("act of killing").

Following the German invasion of Poland, Lemkin fled Europe and sought asylum in United States, where he became an academic at Duke University. The concept of "genocide" was defined by Lemkin to refer to the vicious extermination campaign launched by Nazi Germany to wipe out Jews in the Holocaust - as he described in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,

In 1948 his analysis of Nazi atrocities were adopted by the UN Genocide Convention (CPPCG) as its criteria for a legal definition of determining "genocidal intent" - as an international separate crime.

Today, we are facing a new method of genocide - a very manipulative one, one that this Genocide Convention will not only not prevent but rather it will complicit in it. More on this in the following tweets.

I can tell you about the previously declared genocide cases in the world but I’m not going to. You can read about them here:

I will only tell you about the Ottoman empire's massacres of Armenians during WW I bc this was the case that deeply disturbed Lemkin - the absence of international provisions to charge Ottoman officials who carried out war crimes, and eventually it led him to his book and this coined new term: genocide.

The Armenian genocide was the systematic destruction of the Armenian people and identity in the Turkish Ottoman Empire during World War I. Spearheaded by the ruling CUP, it was implemented primarily through the mass murder of around 1 million Armenians during death marches to the Syrian Desert and the forced Islamization of others, primarily women and children.

>>…Image 2/ The Ottoman Empire suffered a series of military defeats and territorial losses—especially during the 1912–1913 Balkan Wars—leading to fear among CUP leaders that the Armenians would seek independence. They feared the “resistance/ liberation” - Ottoman leaders took isolated instances of Armenian resistance as evidence of a widespread rebellion, though no such rebellion existed.

Their reaction was mass deportation, intended to permanently forestall the possibility of Armenian autonomy or independence.

On 24 April 1915, the Ottoman authorities arrested and deported hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and leaders from Constantinople.

At the orders of Talaat Pasha, an estimated 800,000 to 1.2 million Armenians were sent on death marches to the Syrian Desert in 1915 and 1916. Driven forward by paramilitary escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to robbery, rape, and massacres.

In the Syrian Desert, the survivors were dispersed into concentration camps.

In 1916, another wave of massacres was ordered - leaving about 200,000 deportees alive by the end of the year.

Around 100,000 to 200,000 Armenian women and children were forcibly converted to #Islam and integrated into #Muslim households.

Massacres and ethnic cleansing of Armenian survivors continued through the Turkish War of Independence after WW I, carried out by Turkish nationalists.

This genocide put an end to more than two thousand years of Armenian civilization in eastern Anatolia.

Together with the mass murder and expulsion of Assyrian/Syriac and Greek Orthodox Christians, it enabled the creation of an ethnonationalist Turkish state, the Republic of Turkey.

The Turkish government maintains that the “deportation of Armenians” was a legitimate action that cannot be described as genocide.

Funny or tragic- everything Turkey is blaming Israel for today - Turkey not only did but justified. According to Turkey the Armenians were “resettled for military reasons”, not exterminated.

The Turkish denial of the Armenian genocide rests on the assumption that the "relocation" of Armenians was a legitimate state action in response to a real or perceived Armenian uprising that threatened the existence of the empire during wartime.

Deniers assert the CUP intended to “resettle Armenians” rather than kill them. They claim the death toll is exaggerated or attribute the deaths to other factors, such as a purported civil war, disease, bad weather, rogue local officials, or bands of Kurds and outlaws.

* Ironically, the slogan of the CUP was: “Liberation Equality Justice”

Whether there was an Arminian genocide or not (and I understand there’s a lot of evidence to it) Interestingly- this is the exact fabricated claims they use to try and shame Israel.

It was not until Lemkin coined the term and the prosecution of perpetrators of the Holocaust at the Nuremberg Trials that the United Nations defined the crime of genocide under international law in the Genocide Convention.

So today, we are facing a new method of genocide - a very manipulative one, one that this Genocide Convention will not only not prevent but rather it will complicit in it.

Jun 21 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ From #October7 to breaking news today:

This is Stav Barzani (23 y.o.), she was brutally and intentionally murdered with her boyfriend Asaf in the #NovaFestivalMassacre.

>> Image 2/ This is how alive she was

Jun 18 5 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ This is one of the most important articles I recently read, published by Dr. Avigdor Haselkorn about Tehran’s 🇮🇷 years of planning of a strategic way to conquer the Middle East from what they call the remains of the western imperialism, to create and govern their “Islamic Ummah” and from there to dominate the entire world, to complete their internal “revolution” and takeover on Iran.

Their meticulous plan was based on identifying all the weaknesses of the Western order and mindset and making them into their own advantages, leading to what they thought is a win win situation for them.

Iran (IRGC) is spending billions of dollars to enact a four-part strategy to dominate the Middle East. The plan has been in place for years and is now showing clear-cut results.

In summary, these are the basic principles of their manipulation:

1. Using others - Funding proxy terror armies, non Iranian martyrs, funding wars in other countries.

2. Religious- exploiting religious fervor (martyrs, jihad, Islamic Ummah etc.)

3. Legal - manipulating the rules of war

4. Asymmetric war - Quantity over quality over, using civilians, tunnels

5. Psychological warfare - fabricating narratives, using western indoctrination, constant chaos and manipulation in the west to create international pressure on their victims.

This IRGC plan has been put to motion since October 7, and it tries to build its momentum since, it’s also supported and observed by other similar bad faith actors in the world, but by doing so they were led straight into the trap that they thought they were orchestrating for the west.

They thought they are studying their enemies patiently, hiding behind their proxy’s blood and avoiding accountability by using terrorist organizations that are manipulatively separated from “states” thus avoiding all existing war laws and manipulating international public opinion.

But. By doing so, they also exposed their full strategy to the west, most importantly to the public in the west. Their voile/ mask/ Kuffiya etc. IS LIFTED. There’s no more double game. The world knows and will gradually know more.

The West will not be manipulated for much longer and will reply with a complete change in the governing powers in the west - towards a political right rise.

Whether this will be good for human rights - the future will say, but it will most definitely be very very bad to the Iranian strategy and their proxies, including the proxy immigrants they sent to destroy the west from within.

👉🏻 Here’s the full article:

From the article >>…Image 2/ ▪️”PROXY WAR

The use of proxies in war is a practice with long historical roots. The Iranian innovation in this respect is not only the development of multiple proxy forces spread over a large geographical area, but also intensive effort to coordinate between them so they can collaborate operationally during conflict.

Today, Iran can boast of its proxy forces operating in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Increasingly, there are signs of two other Iranian-sponsored fronts emerging in the West Bank and Jordan. All these fronts are involved in attacks on Israel and some are also fighting to eject the U.S. from the Middle East.

Iran is using its proxies in two main capacities. First, these terrorist formations are the driving force behind the forging of its regional geopolitical construct. They are also meant to impede any attempt to interfere with Tehran’s sinister design as it is being erected.”

Jun 7 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ 🇺🇳 How the @UN made itself complicit in crimes against humanity:

UN organization- UNRWA:

The IDF reveal today a 5th (!) case of an UNRWA school - used by 20-30 terrorists, occupying 3 classrooms inside the building for terrorism attacks planning on Israel >>

2/ Smurfs & terrorists
A few days ago, the IDF revealed a terrorist tunnel shaft going right into an active school in Gaza:


Jun 3 15 tweets 6 min read
🚨🧵1/ The remains of the body of Dolev Yehud were finally recovered in Kibbutz Nir Oz and he was identified and declared as murdered by Hamas terrorists in October 7, after a thorough analysis. This is his story and the story of an entire family destroyed by Hamas savages >> Image 2/ Dolev was a paramedic with UH and MDA. During the brutal October 7th terror attacks, Dolev left his family in an attempt to save lives. He left behind his wife Sigal (9 months pregnant) and 3 young children. They had no sign from him since and believed he was kidnapped >> Image
May 31 9 tweets 4 min read
🚨🧵1/ THIS WILL NOT BE ON 🌎 MSM: Noa Argamani 26 y.o.
On #Oct7 she was violently kidnapped with her boyfriend from the #Nova musical festival -Today, a new psychological terrorism video 📹with her voice was released by the Gazan terrorists militia: Hamas. Her story >
2/ This was proudly published by her kidnappers on October 7, the day of the massacre and her kidnapping. She was violently grabbed from a festival of innocent Israeli civilians after a genocidal massacre >>
May 28 13 tweets 6 min read
🚨🧵1/ THIS WILL NOT BE ON 🌎 MSM: Alex (Sasha) Trupanov is 28 y.o. On Oct. 7 he visited his family in Nir Oz with his girlfriend- all kidnapped as hostages to Gaza. Today, a new psychological terrorism 📹 of him was released by the Gazan terrorists militia: Islamic Jihad > Image 2/ This are the five unarmed CIVILIANS that were kidnapped that day. The father was murdered on the way to Gaza, Alex is still there as a hostage. This is his story > Image
May 25 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ Gazan terrorists Hamas just published another disgusting video emotionally extorting the hostages’ families with their unbearable tragedy. I will not publish the video as it is but I will show you - The West - what they don’t show you and what is constantly pushed on us > Image 2/ They constantly address the families directly as a pressure instrument and threaten on their loved ones. Of course they’ve been doing this vile manipulation for a long time so they will never say “we will execute them” - they say “your government is killing them” > Image
May 22 13 tweets 4 min read
🧵 1/ Naama Levy. is a symbol of what has happened to many Israelis after October 7 and will never be the same.

Naama, was a peace activist before she went to the IDF as an observer- a non combatant unarmed position.

Today, another video from her kidnapping was published > Image 2/ Naama was a peaceful loving person. This is her beautiful face before October 7.
> Image
May 17 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨🇪🇬 Wait, WHAT?! 🤯
Why didn’t #Egypt_Open_The_Gate
Israel exposed in The Hague today: terrorism tunnels connecting Hamas and #Egypt in a joint terrorism cartel industry:
• More than 700 tunnels shafts were discovered in #Rafah
• 50 tunnels under the Rafah border - to Egypt
• corrupted Egyptians were smuggling artillery & equipment to Hamas in Gaza,
• A possibility of Hamas leaders and Israeli hostages smuggled into #Egypt !

Egypt claimed that they flooded and closed all those tunnels on 2016, they apparently supported that industry of death to grow and also refused to allow Palestinian civilians that wished to evacuate themselves temporarily from a war zone to go through that border without paying 5000$ a person to that cartel that was smuggling them.

In that way, Egypt supported a terrorist genocidal party (Hamas) to grow and have the artillery they needed to try to genocide Israeli civilians

They then supported genocidal Hamas by imprisoning the Palestinians in Gaza with a completely closed border

And also supported the corrupted cartel to abuse that situation to get rich from that industry.

To try to escape responsibility for all those crime Egypt recently joined the South Africa lies in the @CIJ_ICJ circus.

No matter, we now know.
You are a genocidal criminal regime. Also discovered in #Rafah:
Apr 25 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ Dear @nelsonepega and @jonbingnj here we are again and I have to set the record straight, since I hear I was once again”represented” while I was asleep.

I truly appreciate your conversations and I think you’re a model for moderating, but you do it on impossible hours for 🇮🇱 so I can only to talk about them and not in them. X Spaces should be with all opinions- but no misrepresentation.

I disagree with many opinions on your panel (some might be “pro-Israeli” opinions - but I have no problem with them expressing all of it, on the contrary- they should all be heard and discussed, I only have a problem with you constantly platforming a person that claims “as an Israeli” and that claims to “educate” others because they have “first hand knowledge”, when all they have is their BS interpretation of what they think they know, as a tiny minority in Israel that frequently confuses facts with opinions and with wishful thinking, and sometimes absolutely mislead.

Frankly, there’s one “Israeli” that put the alarm clock to your spaces (always during the night in Israel) to push lies and opinions as “as an Israeli” knowledge and facts on your platform. The others might be pro something but are not from Israel or Gaza / Palestine

That’s completely ok but it will be a lot more credible if you at least insist that they do not represent Israelis/israel/Jews/any other “knowledge” they might think they have.

👉🏻 And this is a request because you can choose whatever you want to do with YOUR conversations, now on Spaces and soon on @Chatter_US - but I think it is important in general and for those who feel like their voices are stolen even more.

So here’s a few exemplary clips:
>Image 2/ It’s one thing that this person is confusing “cleaning the narrative” with facing that fact that THIS IS THE NARRATIVE. I’m fine with all of her BS, as long as she remembers to clearly state: opinions are my own, and those are my opinions and interpretations-

not facts. >
Apr 25 9 tweets 6 min read
🧵1/ I’m back from another “trip” online - from a network used by Gazans now, and yes - although Hamas is well aware that the West is looking there as well and it’s filled with propaganda, I can still see a more reliable source of information there than the “pro Palestine” false movement on x and in the streets of the West now- because those are walking zombies with zero authenticity and credibility, especially when they call them selves “press” or “journalists”. Two examples to understand how the information warfare is absolutely hijacked and manipulated and used as #pawns by terrorists leaders are Khamenei’s posts and this other post on Snapchat telling us that Hamas’s Goebbels (Abu Ubaida, the one responsible for Hamas propaganda) - is watching all speakers. So you need to really KNOW how this propaganda works to be able to screen it and look for actual authentic messages, from Gaza and for Gaza >Image
2/ First let me say that for some reason the people in Gaza count the same days, only they seem to “forget”:
• What happened 200 days ago - a Palestinian massacre of 1200 innocent Israelis, mass rape, looting and torture in which many of them participated even if not as Hamas

• The Israeli hostages that are still held in Gaza for those same amount of days - held by the leaders of those now complaining

• Who started it (their leaders) and who can end it immediately (their leaders) - surrender and release the Israeli hostages is all it takes. You can’t commit a crime and cry while you’re doing it that someone is making it difficult on you. >Image
Apr 22 22 tweets 10 min read
🧵 1/ Wow.
It turns out that my "trip" on the social network and my thread after it (which has already reached an x-exposure of 2.2 million) is very painful for the false "Pro-Palestine" movement, because it is an just a clear expression in the end of the broad and dangerous method of the unbelievably disgusting mechanism of #Hamas and its partners' exploitation of the suffering in Gaza for the purposes of financing terrorism and personal enrichment of the “leaders” and their allies 💰

And so, we will stay on this topic for the near future. Yesterday, a shocking episode by @LimorYoav was broadcasted in an Israeli TV program, about the financing mechanism of #Hamas and the way in which it literally reaps the real suffering and also the propaganda of suffering for their personal financing and terrorism financing, its partners in the world - the main ones:
Qatar 🇶🇦 ,
Iran- IRGC 🇮🇷
Turkey 🇹🇷
China 🇨🇳
But also the Western countries (🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🇪🇺) that are hostages of this financial mechanism that generates billions of dollars and assets in the West.

A mechanism that uses cash transfers through the aid trucks and other ways, a mechanism for offsetting goods of this mafia through a chain of money changers all over the world (🇱🇧 🇸🇾 🇵🇸 etc) a mechanism of investments (🇸🇩 🇦🇪 🇩🇿 🇹🇷 etc) and a mechanism that goes very deep into the crypto world as well, #Bitcoin and others (cc: follower @MarioNawfal and friends).

Who maintains this terrorist financing mechanism and why?

How is Israel working to stop him?

What can and must the West do to help before it is too late?

For all this and more in the days after the Passover holiday.

🎙️👉🏻The wonderful @easternvoices will give her POV in this Space TOMORROW, I recommend everyone to join it:

Later on I will publish another scheduled Space, of a conversation from my POV with special guest speakers who will give additional aspects to this matter which is the absolute heart of the problem and probably what hurts the terrorist supporters movement most, all those who try to hid behind an artificial and completely fake world of values will be revealed with their true goals and motivations: #money and #power, and its true means to get there: terror, propaganda lies, violence and incitement.Image 2/ We will talk about the manipulation of “humanitarian funds” and campaigns from institutions like “Gaza now” and what they did with the 💰
> Image
Apr 21 15 tweets 9 min read
🧵1/ I’m back from a short trip on a social network with photographs and videos from Gaza, with some brief personal conclusions.

First, it is quite clear that there are those in Gaza who know how to make extensive use of the networks and social media for the purposes of emotional extortion and also false propaganda, exactly like they live streamed the October 7 massacre and somehow turned it into “justified resistance”, they use quite a few Western buzzwords such as “genocide”, “occupation”, “oppression” and “Zionism”- and this is the simplest way to distinguish between Hamas propaganda posts and authentic people in Gaza, whom I’ve known all my life, who use much simpler words and not this indoctrinated manipulation bullshit.

I was looking for THESE authentic people - the real voices. And I think I found a few.

So first of all, what do I think there is NOT happening in Gaza? There is no genocide and no famine.

Yes, there is quite a lot of suffering, shortages in some places and lack of decent shelter etc. And there’s a lot of cynical exploitation of it for propaganda purposes. I’m saying it because you can see children are getting payed for it, you can see the absolute control of distribution and you can see how basic needs and the way out is blocked with money- Israel is not taking money for any of it, the West is sending free aid, so the money is demanded by those who want to control the suffering and use it.

You should know, that before the war - there was already quite a lot of very poor population in Gaza, but now the economic difficulty has greatly increased for two main reasons: one, the war damaged many sources of livelihood and the second - a major source of livelihood was working in Israel and this option was closed for a long time now, since October 7, and is now much less operational.

So in fact the main source of income is donations and funding from Hamas for control purposes of course.

This is how, among other things, Hamas uses the population to "work for them", and also to smile or cry for the cameras on demand.

Now on the issue of claimed famine- famine is when there’s NO food and water, enough for the population. As I said, my personal conclusion is that there is no shortage of food and water in Gaza at all.

The problem is that the food is not distributed equally, it is controlled by those who are powerful (usually Hamas operatives) and then sold at high costs to the population without them having sources of livelihood.

Food that should be distributed for #free is actually sold at a high price, the shelter tents are also paid for and the exit from Gaza is particularly expensive (5000$ that are paid to the transporters).

There are quite a few who refer to Gaza as a "prison" but Gaza is not a prison, Hamas has simply created a situation where it is very expensive to leave it - and thus the poor and the new poor are completely dependent on Hamas and other clans (Hamulas) in everything to do with food, shelter and exit, and they play with them as pawns.

If Gaza is a prison - then it’s because Hamas are imprisoning it.

All the suffering in Gaza started because of #Hamas it continues and increases because of #Hamas, but the main point is that #Hamas is also the one factor that can stop it.

If Hamas surrendered unconditionally and released the Israeli hostages, as done in any war in which you are forced to admit defeat - they would truly liberate Palestine. Remember- this is a war that #Hamas started, a war that on Oct. 7 was celebrated in the streets of Gaza.

But #Hamas prefers to keep the Palestinians captive so that it can showcase suffering (which they create) and use it as a tool for financial donations, manipulation of the West and a messianic jihadist war that will never end for them.

If the West doesn’t wake up to this ongoing manipulation- they will never help the Palestinians in Gaza or in general, and they will bring this jihadist chaos to their doorstep

From Gaza > 2/ All these videos are filmed and uploaded from last week, food in Gaza >

Mar 31 7 tweets 6 min read
Hey @nelsonepega & @jonbingnj , in your recent Space, that started on 3:00am Israeli time, you hosted “as an Israeli” POV from the least representative voice in Israel - MRose, and I’m fine with it, but I’m not fine with the absolute lies.

She can have *her opinions* (Israel is a democracy) but she cannot claim she represents “Israelis”, or use “we” or claim that she’s describing Israeli reality - when she’s non of the above and the only reason she gets away with it is that the timing of this Space was impossible for 99% of Israelis.

Let’s start with some facts (sources in the comments section)

▶️ This government (that I did not vote for and will not vote for WHEN there will be elections) - have already released and rescued 112 hostages from Gaza (~ 48% of the total 253 that we know of).

It’s not enough but to say: “It has accomplished nothing that it has claimed to get, get the hostages back and eliminate Hamas… they actually lost hostages” - is a LIE.

▶️ October 7 has indeed torn Israel, with pain. The prior protests torn Israel a part, and was used as a weakness by Hamas. This war - a very just war that we did not start, UNITED most Israelis.

“This war has torn this country apart…the country is literally in fire… there have been protests ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, we do not want this, we want the hostages back and we want this to end, the people want elections now” -

All of this is a LIE.

• First, yes, a few protests exist now, some escalated recently- the protests are in few targeted political places, with only the small amount of a few thousand participants (not hundreds of thousands, far from the majority).

• Those protests are a combination of a few very emotional and frustrated families of the remaining hostages (understandable), not all the families feel the same or participate in them + a very small group of political opposition extremists that are trying to reignite the political rift in Israeli society that preceded October 7, but WITHOUT success - because most of the public in Israel responsibly understands that right now this directly serves Hamas and this is a stated part of its goals: ׳to increase the internal rift in Israel as much as possible in order to weaken it from within׳.

• There were no "fires all over the country" there were a few centers with few individual people who tried to do it for the aforementioned political reasons, it was not widespread, and indeed there were arrests by the police of those people.

• I will not get into the political electoral situation in Israel now (simply bc it’s not the main point in Israel now, but Israel as usual is split between the political sides, and the opposition is motivated to pursue it, polls were NEVER reflective on Israeli politics because they are manipulated) - The main point is: whether you support this government or not, the vast majority of Israelis DO NOT support elections now, in the middle of a necessary war.

Most Israelis support the need to SET A DATE for elections or to have them at the scheduled time. Let me just say, that the majority of Israelis also oppose to ANY humanitarian aid into Gaza, until our hostages are released or at least visited by humanitarian forces - meaning, not everything is a “majority decision” as it should be.

• About the war and the hostages- Yes, most Israelis need it to end, but not at all cost. In fact, most Israelis - even if they oppose this government- support its efforts in this war. The reason it’s taking so long by the way- is because Israel wants to uphold the international laws while trying to achieve its goals (ending Hamas and bringing the remaining hostages back), maybe MRose that claimed this war is taking so long ONLY because of the Israeli government thinks that this government should have actually done a much faster war with more effective results, but with an actual genocide and one that includes the Israeli hostages.

Thank you @SpencerGuard . Hostages numbers (Wikipedia):…
Feb 28 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Tell me again that “Zionism” is not a code name for hating Jews.
You’re ridiculous.

Selected comments on “Zionists” as dirty and unclean- 100% pure Nazi blood libel against the Jews

Oh but this is a free Palestine argument 😂
> Image