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Nov 13, 2024 32 tweets 5 min read
Why the UAP/UFO Subject Matters:

This subject is understandably divisive. It’s been engineered by the establishment gatekeepers to be just that since the 1940s. For decades, the subject was made taboo and banished from polite conversation or academic study.

(LONG 🧵) Not even that was enough for the gatekeepers though, as they spent untold amounts of time and treasure infiltrating the various UAP/UFO “communities” and dividing those into warring tribes as well.
Nov 7, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I originally came here to share information I uncovered regarding the Trump/Russia backdoor coup in '17. I never intended to stay, only share what I could when I could. Then a funny thing happened...

I was embraced by a small section of Twitter's best and most dedicated sleuths. People who were committed to bringing the truth to light no matter the risks - and I knew I found my tribe. People I could learn from, lean on, and rely upon to sort the signal from the noise.

May 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Emotions are high all across the board - justifiably so.

But there's something I keep coming back to.

45 had the chance (and I'd argue duty) to unleash the full force of the legal system against his political opponents - who were ACTUALLY guilty of an attempted palace coup... But 45 didn't take that road because he feared it would open a can of worms, spawning an endless partisan back-and-forth in the courts that would ultimately undermine the People's faith in the American system of justice.

This was despite overwhelming evidence...
Mar 31, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This indictment is a GPS signal for where we are as a republic. We've slipped into a world where norms no longer apply. A world where the aura of our institutions have not just faded, but have been destroyed - no matter what your partisan viewpoint is. We might be watching the death knell of the American experiment - the public arrest of political opponents to the cheering adulation of half the country and the teeth-gnashing of the other half.

This has been the plan. It's been building and building and building.
Feb 18, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A Putin victory in Ukraine is NOT the biggest risk of all to humanity - to the myopic leaders in the west who want to dominate every facet of geopolitics it may be, but it's not to the rest of us.

A nuclear exchange between the west and Russia is the biggest threat. No question. The true aim of the west is not removing Russia from Ukraine, but removing Putin from power in Moscow.

There's a GIANT difference between those two aims. The former is laudable, the latter is hubris born from the same minds that brought us 20+ years of endless regime change wars
Aug 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Its just conspiracy to suggest that a multitude of profit centers can be generated by creating endless war zones across the globe.

It’s just conspiracy to suggest an element of our establishment is deeply involved in the trafficking and exploration of vulnerable humans for profit and pleasure.

Jul 8, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Still think the discussion about a shadow WW3 is just "conspiracy" talk?

Take a step back and look at the decline of the unipolar world in just the past 10 years.

Then look at just the past 5.

Then look at just the past 3.

When you do, things become more clear:

1/10 The decay of the unipolar world order is speeding up, not slowing down. We've had an engineered plague unleashed on the world, which then justified changing election laws to get the unipolarists back in control. The "people" welcomed this, expecting a return to "normal"...

Jun 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
These are the same people who pushed lie after lie after lie - on everything from Epstein, to Ukraine, to Russia and the election. The one commonality between each instance? They knew they were lying when they lied, and proceeded to do so anyway...

1/4 ... And the media happily went along with each and every one because it serves their agenda which is not truth. Not justice. And most assuredly not the American Way.

May 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
True. The left controls "cool" by default since most of the on camera entertainers are left leaning, or cowed into being left leaning by their peers in the biz.

And if you resist, you suddenly find yourself losing out on jobs you otherwise would have landed. The funny part is that many of the producers and behind the scenes talent aren't rabid leftists. But they know the game and put green ahead of red or blue (can't blame them), so they stay quiet.
May 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
More than one story has broken over the past 24/48 hours stating that Putin "very sick". These are the type of stories spooks like to plant to cause instability in adversarial governments. But, if it's accurate, then things are about to get a lot worse and much more dangerous... Remember, the Washington establishment (neocon/neoliberal wings) have been ITCHING for Regime Change in Moscow since at least 2014. They've tried to force that issue. They've tried to rally the country around it. Nothing's worked so far. This is a clear policy agenda for many...
Apr 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
In every school, in every decade or era, there always seemed to be one or two children who were fair game for ridicule and abuse by the rest. An easy target for everyone to pile on, an easy punchline for the rest of the group.

This is an example of Herd Mentality. Image It represents an ugly truism of human nature: there's safety in numbers, and so desperate is our innate desire to be included in the group that most are willing to join an ugly mob they don't necessarily agree with just to avoid exclusion.
Apr 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"The only kind of speech that needs defending is that which offends."

This used to be a staple of liberal, post-enlightenment thought because it was understood that the chilling of speech, thought, or expression - no matter how vile - is a sure way to stymie progress in society. The same liberal minded folk used to understand that defending someone's right to say something does not equate to agreeing with what was said.

That's why "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" was a childhood adage passed down from parents.
Apr 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The most toxic, corrupting, and vile ideology of the 20th century not named Nazism or Communism remains neoconservative/neoliberal wars-for-profit.

1/4 That people keep lining up next to proven liars, crooks, and monsters just because they've been made to fear the latest boogeyman, is a sad testament to the power of fear when applied to those who lack either the brainpower or principles to see through the grift.

Apr 6, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
In an ideal world, both could be accomplished. But this isn't an ideal world, and the people in charge at the moment do not have the republic's best interests at heart - quite the opposite.

1/19 "Spark an implosion from within" has been the marching order for 2+ decades, with a 4 year break. It's to the point of being inarguable that this is the guiding principle of western elites at home and abroad.

Mar 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
It's really not strange or bizarre tho. It's the inevitable result of mass programming and actual brainwashing by the IC/Establishment media who have been attempting to bifurcate reality for decades now.

There's a reason the NPC meme was so impactful. It's real...

1/5 Millions of minds have been broken by these mass propaganda and Information Warfare tactics. The goal has been to suppress our ability to think for ourselves. If that fails, to make it so socially uncomfortable for those who do think for themselves as to render them pariahs.2/5
Mar 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A great question with a complex answer:

Imagine for a moment what would happen if a select group of humans were granted access to advanced technology in the early 20th century and tasked with developing that tech in secret for 80+ years...

🧵(1/6) ...How advanced could that group become in such a scenario? The answer might surprise you.

Normal technological evolution speeds up exponentially, we see it in our world every day. Think of your cell phone today compared to the one you owned 10 years ago as an example.

Mar 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The truth is, outside of voicing our opinions to our representatives, the individual has little to no influence on what will or won’t happen in matters of war.

That’s not a call for apathy but rather a reminder that their goal is to weaken us mentally, economically, spiritually They want us to feel powerless, and nothing reminds humans of that more than the chaos and tragedy of a shooting war.

So how do we regain some agency in this situation? One way is to find balance - as best you can. It sounds trite, but imo our thoughts produce energy.
Feb 28, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
It's Monday, if you turn on any news source it'll sound like the world is spinning off its axis.

Maybe it is, maybe it's not. We can't be certain because we do not have a media worth a damn. It would be foolish to blindly trust the same sources and people who lied over & over. But similarly, it's foolish to discount the entire conflict in Ukraine because, regardless of the quality of information we're getting on the issue, anytime bombs and bullets are flying things run the risk of spinning out of control.

Even from the architects of the conflict.
Feb 25, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
There are elements within the west that want this war to expand. They need it to. For some it's the only way they to hold their own seats of power. For others, it's a part of a larger plan: imploding the Republic and western hegemony from within.

Let's dive deeper: These are dangerous times, made all the more dangerous by the complete usurpation of the media by the IC over past several decades (particularly the past 10+). This forces us to question every bit of info they push - especially on topics like cyber.…
Feb 24, 2022 39 tweets 4 min read
Biden's team has had 2 full weeks, and 12+ hours to prepare for the speech he's about to give. It better be a banger. If it isn't, it won't be because Biden didn't have time to prepare, it will be because he's inept.

Will live-tweet the speech in this thread whenever it begins. Update: Now 1.5+ hours late to the podium, and reports swirling about Biden being presented with the option to launch a cyber attack on Russia.

This speech looks like it will have it all. Bumbling, fumbling, whispering, yelling, incoherence and threats of massive escalations.
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the same man who spied on Congress, attempted to illegally overthrow a sitting president, and had a US journalist executed on the streets of Los Angeles for asking questions about his background.

When Brennan talks about losing one's very soul, he speaks from experience Receipts:…