Katie Galloway Profile picture
Assistant Prof @MITChemE ; mom^4 + wife; enjoys building cell-fate circuits, exploring dna topology, reprogramming the living world, and soccer; soli gloria deo
Oct 18, 2024 36 tweets 12 min read
So you want to engineer your hiPSCs, but targeting DNA payloads requires multiple slow, inefficient steps for each construct. What if we could accomplish multi-site integration seamlessly?
🚨Introducing STRAIGHT-IN Dual! 🧵 (1/n)
Link: biorxiv.org/content/10.110…Image STRAIGHT-IN Dual enables simultaneous, allele-specific, single-copy integration of two DNA payloads with 100% efficiency within one week. Engineering the landing pad (LP) with a promoter trap supports 100% efficiency through selection (e.g. burn-the-hay strategy). (2/n) Image
Nov 27, 2023 46 tweets 14 min read
How do individual transcription factors (TF) influence reprogramming? Isn’t it just the cells with the highest levels of TF expression that reprogram? So just blast them & it should work, right? 🤨Buckle up for our lab’s preprint & tour de force led by Nat Wang @nbwang22 ! (1/n) On its own, high expression of transcription isn’t a great predictor of reprogramming outcomes. So what else do cells need? (2/n) Image
Oct 18, 2022 33 tweets 12 min read
How does transcription of proximal genes influence the expression of their neighbors? How do we engineer compact circuit designs for specific profiles of expression that enable robust cellular engineering? Today @CellReports we provide some answers (1 /n) tinyurl.com/24vtfbyw We integrated DNA biophysics with classic #synbio and stochastic simulations to explore how to optimize the expression levels, variance, and dynamic response of transgenic systems. We found that supercoiling-mediated feedback significantly influences these behaviors! (2/n)
Sep 11, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Research experience is so formative for undergrads, but right now in-person training isn't an option for most. During the shutdown, we switched to emergency computational modeling (surprisingly successful!) This semester we're taking a more proactive training approach...(1/n) Image ...and experimenting with a series of didactic trainings on reading lit, reviewing lit, writing proposals, and building graphics and figures. And then having the students deliver these items. While these are essential skills, I don't recall being taught as a UG to do this...(2/n) Image