Harvey Jeni Profile picture
Writer, mother, feminist. "Like a meth addicted Mary Poppins."
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May 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵

1. I think it is very important for anyone who is considering standing or voting for POW to watch this video and understand exactly what is being said.

It is against the law (Equality Act 2010) to discriminate against anyone at work, or when buying and renting a property, 2. on the basis of a protected characteristic. We can legally discriminate against all male people (and this of course includes those who identify as trans) in some circumstances, and it is essential that we are able to do so for purposes that we are all familiar with: single sex
Dec 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Not looking for a fight (I'm tired, it's Christmas) but I do want to say that I don't relate to this idea that it is now popular to believe in the reality of sex.

For women whose political and social roots are embedded in the left, it has never been less popular. When I first started writing and speaking out publicly against self ID in 2017 it was difficult, but I was able to persuade some friends that the social and political erasure of sex was not the progressive project it was being painted as. My friends knew who I was and were, in some cases,
Jul 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I. I know that recent views expressed by KJK and others supporting a decision by Italy's far right prime minister Meloni to remove lesbian mothers from birth certificates has sparked a whole new conversation about homophobia, anti-feminism and social conservatism. 2. A sudden obsession with knowing who the exact biological parents of a child are (as though that has ever been possible) has become mashed up with a familiar discourse about the sanctity and superiority of the nuclear family.

On her 4th podcast with Carl ‘I wouldn’t even
Nov 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
An attempt to redefine rape as a crime of inequality, based purely on ideas of power differential, is absolutely terrifying when the redefiner believes that some men can be women and that some women are in a position of power over some men.

Think about it. No, please think about it. Because as feminists we have an analysis of rape as a crime that is committed almost exclusively by men with women and girls the large majority of their victims. This is backed up by crime statistics globally.

We also have an analysis of rape as a
Nov 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is Bannonesque levels of flooding the zone. Fill the space with shit, lies, disinformation, and leave no room for truth.

Which is that Maria Maclachlan was seriously assaulted at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park in 2017.

Left wing women were being attacked by TRA's in around the same time period. Paula Lamont was pushed, jostled, and verbally abused off her own picket line. Helen Steel was ambushed at the Anarchist Book Fair. I narrowly avoided being physically assaulted by an angry male at Goldsmiths book fair. At the Jam Jar I was trapped by TRA's
Nov 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When I said trans women were men it did not make me responsible for any male violence committed against them.

When I say Posie Parker aligns with right wing extremists it does not make me responsible for any threats made against her.

I abhor male violence. Without exception. And just as men were attacking trans women long before feminists began criticising self ID, Antifa and TRA's were attacking women opposed to gender ideology long before some of us began voicing concern at the direction of travel.

And just as I refused to be silenced by TRA's
Oct 17, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
1. A thread in response to Heather Brunskell-Evans’ article: Policing Adult Human Females.

First, a preface: I understand conflict within the women’s movement is unpleasant to witness, causing annoyance to many, even distress to some. I don’t like that.

However I feel I have 2. have no choice but to address an article that cynically takes direct quotes from my work and twists them, misrepresenting my words and giving them meaning I did not intend.

In this thread I will take direct quotes from Brunskell Evans’ article and address them individually.
Jun 14, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
A thread:

Can I say I don't feel inclined to celebrate just yet? That I feel strangely deflated and would rather hold fire and take a let's wait and see approach? Of course I'm delighted that women only spaces will continue to be protected in law...

thetimes.co.uk/article/boris-… (and that this will form part of centralised policy) but honestly, I mostly just feel tired and gutted that the Tory Party are the only ones prepared to acknowledge that female people exist as a distinct category of disadvantaged human and are entitled to their own spaces and
Feb 19, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
Catching up with the politics of today and this is where I'm up to. Please correct me if I'm wrong:

Three female Labour party leadership hopefuls sign a pledge stating that women who believe in women's sex specific rights should be expelled from the party. Women who campaign for women's sex specific rights can now consider themselves part of a 'hate group.' My goodness.

@RLong_Bailey states on the telly that she will make utilising the single sex exemptions illegal. She will abolish women only refuges. Except wait. Now she is saying she wants to keep
Dec 13, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
My take on the election result, for what it's worth, has taken up until now to formulate.

1. Because I am so so devastated by the result.

2. Because I had to go to the council for an interview about my housing benefit.

This is because I am an actual poor. A single parent on a low, self employed income. This means I get some help towards my rent. But this comes with incessant reviews and demands to see bank statements going back months and constant mistakes made so the benefit gets stopped, which then stops all the other benefits, and means I am
Jun 13, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
The man who hired Munroe Bergdorf has uploaded a video of himself to a porn site, wearing rubber under his work clothes, masturbating in @NSPCC toilets.

The attempt to paint women who think his actions constitute a sinister + sackable offence as "homophobic," as though this @NSPCC has anything to do with who he chooses to love, or have sex with, is deeply cynical.

I agree that people are entitled to a private life. I accept that people are allowed to like what they like as long as everyone involved is an enthusiastically consenting adult.

But filming
Jun 6, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
We believe the use of violence against women who will not accept that sex is no longer any kind of significant social or political category is entirely justified, and we refuse to condemn it.

We have neither the honesty nor integrity to say this explicitly and so we will instead blame the victim and attempt to portray the perpetrator as the real victim.

This is what society has been doing to female victims of male violence since forever but the significance of this is completely lost on our misogynistic, authoritarian, ahistorical selves.
Jun 1, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Exactly this. And when I see friends tying themselves in knots trying to "bridge the divide" and "focus on what we share" and "both sides, both sides," my head goes into my hands.

Because your calls for compromise will not protect you. It is full capitulation or die in a fire. And when one day those same friends come to me bewildered (and they will) saying: 'But I used the preferred pronouns. I said trans women were women. I didn't complain about gender neutral toilets. All I said was that I could understand why some females might still want *some*
May 26, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Leeds Anti-Fascist Network inciting others to intimidate feminists leaving a meeting held specifically to discuss sex based rights.

They are unable to effectively argue their position at all. My comment was deleted and I was blocked to prevent me commenting further. This was despite my comment receiving many likes and lots of engagement from women following their page.

So many women sitting nervously on the sidelines, grateful and relieved when somebody speaks out.
Apr 29, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
An observation:

I often escape the kind of vicious, misogynistic abuse many gender critical feminists experience on this platform. I don't know why.

However, the times I have been subject to great swathes of (mostly men) descending on my mentions with insults and threats, it has always been as a result of pointing out the sexual motivations behind certain behaviours.

Shon Faye once posed in bondage gear with a glazed look and open mouth looking much like a blow up doll. I tweeted that I found this idea of what a woman was disturbing. That I thought
Mar 22, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
A statement from trans pride after Peyton Rose is charged over calls for feminists to be "throat punched."

They *do* have a policy against violence and harassment. But in reality feel any violence and harassment is understandable, justifiable, and not the perpetrators fault. If women refuse to submit to the idea that biologically male people are female just because they say so, then really they only have themselves to blame when they are threatened with violence.

It was a "tongue in cheek" comment = I was only joking - can't you take a joke?
Feb 23, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
A thread.

Today I have read an article by a male writer, @jonathanliew, that finally gets down to brass tacks.

In it, he acknowledges that if males who claim to identify as women are accepted as literal women, then natal women may well be pushed out of sport altogether. @jonathanliew Jonathan's article essentially asks: Who cares? Because as far as Jonathan is concerned, women as a sex do not exist, are not important, and males who identify as women usurping all their opportunities and achievements is "inspiring."

It is honest, I guess. But let's take a look
Jan 27, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
This is brilliantly put and is my position.

I have values beyond one single issue and however much I believe the new gender ideology to be a vicious attack on women and their rights, I will never align myself with racists, misogynists and right wingers.

genderispoison.wordpress.com/2017/04/30/sto… I feel irked by some of the responses to this tweet. Perhaps I should have written 'extreme' right wingers. Perhaps the line in the article referring to fascists *is* a little over the top. But this is about general principles: ie my right to have them!

I'm allowed my limits.
Jan 17, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Feminism doesn't kill trans people.

Neither are women reponsible for the mental health of male people who erroneously believe themselves to be female.

Women are a distinct biological class of people entitled to rights and privacy. Take your emotional blackmail and shove it. Every single point made in this video can be refuted. Many can be proven untrue.

The issue is, and has always been, risk of male violence and perception of risk. Women know that male people perpetrate almost all sexual violence. We have been socialised all our lives to fear and
Dec 29, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
This is my parents cat. He has just sicked on the carpet. Earlier he pissed in the hall. His name is 'Mighty' but he's terrified of tin foil.

He is the world's crappest cat. Bless. In the style of Attenborough's Dynasties:

This is Mighty, fighting to survive in the wild. Unfortunately, Mighty has seen a small mouse and become startled. He is hiding now.
Nov 26, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
It is a sensible piece yes, and the debate is toxic, but this Trumpian 'both sides, both sides' rhetoric is terribly frustrating for those of us only too aware that the rape and death threats come from one side only. I have never sent a picture of my vagina to somebody because I disagreed with their political views.

Never. Not once.