Vlad Mehrotra Profile picture
Doctor | Interested in Medicine, History and Geopolitics..... and Lovecraft !
Jun 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Arabs couldn't defeat us . They accepted India was unconquerable .
But then the play changed . Turkics were like artillery against a primitive nation . We survived for 200 years , an anomaly Kings levied special taxes on their citizens to raise armies to counter Turks , made a fort mesh in Haryana area. Believe it or not Haryana was probably the most dangerous area of the world in 11th 12th c. Like cilicia of 8th c .
Jun 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ancient Indians used to smoke something called "Dhumavarti" . Recommended by Charaka and other famous physicians , it contained multiple herbs . Was even shaped like a cigar Image Preparation of the most common of the 5 types of dhumravarti in use ImageImage
Jun 4, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
@Smahiam @cestlaviepriya @PrasunNagar To the answers already given to you about Hunnic survival in NW regions of India I would like to add some info I know about Huns in Middle India. @Smahiam @cestlaviepriya @PrasunNagar When Alkhanas invaded and occupied India for 2 decades in early 6th c , they necessarily settled some Hunnic population in and around Gwalior , especially to SW of it . That land came to be popularly called "Huna Mandala" the province of the Hunas .
Jun 29, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
This thread will be for sculptures /paintings that might help us get knowlege of arms and armours of Martial hindus in premuslim times . Shunga era Cavarlry Archer . An example of cavalry archer before the use of Recurve bow in classical times.