Gary Chambers Profile picture
Zoey’s Dad Advocate/Entrepreneur/Strategist Booking email: #ChangeAgent Bigger Than Me | Founder
Jul 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump plays in Black people face everyday.

The reason he said “they are taking Black jobs” is because Trump doesn’t believe in hiring Black people in top positions.

How many Black judges did Trump appoint? 9

How many Black judges did Biden appoint? 59

How many Black cabinet appointments did Trump have? 1 Ben Carson.

How many Black cabinet appointments did Biden have? 6 including VP. Next in line for the job. Why does this matter? If there are no Black people in these positions, then our perspectives and experiences aren’t in the room to be considered.

The president appoints about 3600 people in key government positions only 1200 require senate confirmation. These are the people who run the government. It’s why Trump and his people in Agenda 47 say they want to “purging federal bureaucracy” which means fire government employees.
Feb 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
We are trending toward a Black society in America that sees money as the door to freedom.

Black people built Greenwood, Power allowed it to be burned down.

If we yield our political power & ONLY gain wealth, we’ve just become rich slaves to a system that continues to harm us. Some of us have been slaves so long, when we see free men and women we criticize what we don’t understand.

America has fooled us that money equals freedom.

Wealth without power is not freedom, it’s leverage. Anyone can navigate enough leverage.
Dec 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Two things can be true.

One can be happy to see Deion Sanders advance his career. I believe he’s special & has the capacity to do something special any where he goes.

It just felt good to see him bringing all that Black power to a Black institution. His leaving has impacts. We have to be able to have more than one perspective at the table to have an honest conversation.

First, Deion Sanders can do whatever he feels is best for him & his family.

Second, people can feel different things about how it impacts others, because it does.
Nov 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m going to list how many Black voters we have in different parishes around the state vs how many Black voters showed up to early vote.

E. Baton Rouge 129k - 12,520
Orleans 145k - 16,443
Caddo 73k - 6,955
Jefferson 73k - 6,428
Lafayette 37k - 2,751
Ouachita 37k - 2,928 Calcasieu 31k - 2,260
St. Landry 25k - 3,038
St. Tammany 22k - 24,09
Tangipahoa 21k - 1,541

That means for every 10 Black people you see this weekend, only 1 of them voted.
There are 942,000 registered Black voters in Louisiana. If you want change share this & let’s move them.
Nov 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A year ago @lukemixonla called me to tell me he was running for the U.S. Senate. I asked him how would he get the Black vote. He stumbled around with his answer because he had no plan to get Black voters. Today he dropped a ad with a fake New Orleans accent pandering to Black voters in New Orleans.

When people ask me why I ran, it’s because I’m tired of people like Luke Mixon taking my community for granted.
May 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As a Black man in America I’ve never feared my Muslim brothers and sisters.

It was young white men who hung my ancestors. It was young white men who became cops & got away w murdering us.

The biggest threat to Black liberty has always been white men. Even the gun violence in the hood.

Who created the ghetto? Who redlined Black people into housing projects, paid us unfair wages, gave our tax dollars to their communities while starving ours?

White men did. Those are facts. If you don’t like those facts, change your ways!
Jun 20, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
He’s the best man I’ve ever known, William Johnson. He’s also my Daddy. God knew I needed more than one because I’d be a lot to handle.

When I was 2 months old, his wife came home with her brothers baby, me. They took me in the day my mother died, and raised me as their own. William took me to school every morning. He taught me how to tie a tie. He gave me my first car. He helped me buy my second car. He taught me to be proud of my Blackness. He taught me how to like myself even when the world hated me.
Jun 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I carry his name, Gary. I’ve told you all my story and through it, I’ve told you his. My father married my mother his high school sweet heart. When I was 2 months old, she took her life. My father struggled with alcoholism and was homeless after that. So he left me in the care of his oldest sister and her husband. I never saw my dad intoxicated, he was too proud for that.

My dad moved to Florida, fixed his life and by it fixed ours. I watched this man drive a 1985 Honda Civic and load my brother & 2 sisters in it.
Jun 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
So today is me & Connie’s anniversary!

On today last year, I just went to the school board meeting to speak because Dadrius Lanus asked me to come. For years we had pushed to change the name of Lee High School, Connie was shopping while people were sharing their heart on the issue.

Y’all know how the rest of the story went. Connie walked out. We changed the name of the school to Liberty High School, but she’s still on the board.
Apr 21, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
You know, because I’ve dedicated so much of my life at this point to fighting injustice. I know as soon as I see something if it’s right or wrong.

What upsets me, is how easily one factor can make some of you justify our murder.

In America you have a right to defend yourself. In America I’ve watched white men murder half a dozen Black people & be taken to jail.

Cops show restraint when they want to. They use less force over & over when they deal with white citizens.

Truth is, when this nation was founded it only saw white men as citizens.
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You know, whoever this cop is — this is where the problem starts.

This jackass, like many believes that there is such a thing as a blue life. News flash jackass, it’s a job. The people who wear the badge are all nationalities, the problem is too many of you have elevated a profession above humanity.

What a disgusting individual. I would say more, but I’m trying tonight to stay lifted above the hatred.
Mar 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In December, they said we had no chance at all. Three weeks ago, they polled us at 6%. We got the phone calls, we heard the chatter, we just kept pushing. Head down and working hard to connect with THE PEOPLE. We won over 140 precincts in New Orleans. We shook up the political establishment and if we had one more week of runway we’d be in a runoff today, heading to an upset.

The Senators had over $1 million a piece helping them via their campaigns or independent expenditures.
Mar 21, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Thank you to each individual who believed in this campaign. Thank you to every person who gave their resources, time, and positive energy in our direction.

Last night we came 1500 votes short of knocking out a sitting state Senator that’s been elected 20 years. No one thought we had a shot. The polls said we were at 6%, we finished with 21.3% of the vote. That’s due to my amazing team, thank you for everything you sacrificed and have to this team. I appreciate you. We earned every single vote we got.
Feb 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Black Doctor forced by police to pay movers or go to jail. This officer had no reason to touch Dr. West, this matter should’ve been addressed in civil court, because it’s a dispute over payment. Comments from the legal team give more clarity into this situation.

“On December 28, 2020, Dr. Threvia West was confronted with a bill from a moving company that grossly exceeded their previously agreed-upon price.
Jan 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
My Grandma Emma passed away today at the beautiful age of 88.

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. This weekend it became clear my grandmother was starting to transition from this life. ImageImageImageImage I did my best to stay focused on our objectives while also trying to be a good grandson.

So on the day we announced I was running for Congress, I sat by her bed and let her watch the video. She couldn’t speak, but she watched the whole thing and attempted to give me a sign
Jan 6, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Republicans have spent the last decade showing us how little they care for bi-partisan legislation.

Democrats Black voters have given you a gift. Control of the White House, the House, & now the Senate.

Medicare for All.
Green New Deal
Expand the Court
Balance the scales. Will we have to amend, and make legislation stronger? Yes.

Will we consider the perspectives of ALL Americans? Yes.

Now is the time for us to go forward with intention to be about the work of justice.

We won’t be able to blame a republican senate on no change.
Dec 19, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
People hate the phrase defund the police.

Yet we defund education and healthcare almost every year.

I live in a parish with 11 different police agencies, in the 2nd most incarcerated place in THE WORLD. It hasn’t solved crime.

Move the money. It’s not making us safer. Call it defund.

Call it reappropriate.

Call it reallocate.

Call it reprioritize.

Call it whatever the hell you want.

Cops don’t need bigger budgets.

Cities need better plans to address the social ills of communities. That’s how we fix communities, not more cops.
Nov 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Mr. GoAuto @GoAutoInsurance Greg Tramontin thought it was appropriate to call the Vice President Elect Kamala Harris a “hoe.”

Greg benefits from many Black women who currently have auto insurance with his company. I think that everyone of the women who support his company >>> and family by purchasing auto insurance should know this is how he thinks and speaks about Black women.

White men in power struggle to respect anyone else but other white men in power. They can’t grasp that anyone else is competent enough to lead.
Nov 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Most people voting on Republican tax plans, will never reach the tax bracket that the plans benefit the most.

It’s the idea that helping their bosses pay less taxes will save their jobs.

It’s the thought that maybe one day I’ll be rich like Trump, and want to cheat taxes too. The poorest states in America are ran by republicans.

Think about that. The people who are telling you to trust their economic strategy can’t build booming economies.

The last two republicans presidents made decisions that tanked the economy.

Stop letting these people lie.
Nov 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Celebrate, but don’t you dare think the 71 million people who thought a bigot in the White House was acceptable aren’t fuming right now.

Trump helped make clear how deeply divided this nation is. That won’t go away with Biden & Harris.

White supremacist are real & angry now. Trump will continue to fan the flames of division all the way to the end.

Decency has never been his thing, and it isn’t for his supporters either. They voted for him. Which means to whatever degree they agree with his approach.

Expect pushback from them in the days ahead.
Nov 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
As a Black man, I’m going tell you right now.

Stop discounting the 82% of Black men that voted for Biden.

If Democrats of all colors & genders stop trashing Black males & putting us against our own we could turn out more Black men.

Stop discounting our contributions. By only discussing the percentage that didn’t, you’re literally spitting in the face of MILLIONS of Black men.

It’s wrong & it won’t help us motivate Black men in the future.

It’s literally the 80/20 rule in action. You’re going to discount all that we are doing for a few.