Gavin Kelly Profile picture
Chair @resfoundation. Also Chair @LivingWageUK Commission. Trustee @TheOrwellPrize @prospect_uk @po_qu Tweets in personal capacity.
Dec 28, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Who faces the highest marginal tax rates - up to 96% - in the UK? Not the super-rich. Families on Universal Credit who are also having Child Benefit withdrawn. My piece on the clash of means-tests & what it all means.… The marginal effective tax rates for those on Universal Credit & having Child Benefit withdrawn. 80%-96%. Ugly.
Jan 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Given events over recent days (weeks, months) a few quick thoughts on policy & comms during a crisis.
Caveat: this may all seem elementary to some.
Tone: offered with due humility (based on hard Whitehall failures, as well as some relative successes). 1) Communicate contingency, don’t cloak it. Every big policy decision will be dependent on events HMG can’t control. Pretending otherwise will hurt you. Offering false optimism / certainty generates corrosive public cynicism not hope.