Chloe Timperley 🔰 Profile picture
Author & housing commentator. Works in mortgage policy. Order Generation Rent: Why You Can't Buy a Home (Or Even Rent a Good One) here:
Sep 2, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
“Books like Chloe Timperley’s Generation Rent... focus mostly on the exorbitant house prices that push young people into rented accommodation“ - While I am v grateful for a mention in a national paper, my book makes the exact point this article suggests I’m overlooking... See p.19 for example: Image
Aug 28, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The Sheffield Star interviewed me & I talked about why the housing crisis is not just a London & SE issue. Yes, some of the most acute problems are there, but in northern cities like Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester & beyond the situation is also dire. Plus some extra commentary on why a ‘corona crash’ in the property market won’t help first time buyers. Props to Richard Blackledge for an exceptionally well-written & researched piece - top quality local journalism.
Jul 23, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to the launch webinar tonight. @AnnaMinton, @jryancollins, @nearlylegal, @danwilsoncraw and @StephenHillFP - you were fantastic. We covered an enormous amount of ground in the short time we had. And everybody who attended, I hope you found it fascinating, and if nothing else it shed light on the huge multi-faceted issue we’re dealing with. And also how much debate housing can stoke!
May 9, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Personal take: I hope CV19 puts paid to the idea that “my property is my pension”. All those celebs called out by @MerrynSW dismissing stock portfolios as ‘too risky’ - how do you get income from a box of bricks when your tenants have lost their jobs & banks won’t lend? (THREAD) Not to mention said box of bricks falling in value by an unknown amount. Now many landlords want a bail-out bc “my property is my pension”. Should stock market investors get a bailout if they piled all their money into a handful of shares and didn’t diversify?
Sep 24, 2018 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Attn: 'My property is my pension' evangelicals: Why houses/flats are risky investments for your pension (NB: views 100% my own):

Risk No. 1: Political risk (*ignoring* Brexit): Homes make more money than equities etc. b/c of selective tax reliefs, mrkt subsidy & gearing. (1/5) BTL mrtgs (invest with the bank’s money), flat-rate mrtg interest relief for landlords, CGT exemption on current & former 1ary residences, Help to Buy (loans & ISAs), FTB SDLT relief, low-cost housing shortage (i.e. growing tenant population) – all prop up valuations. (2/5)
Jul 17, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Maybe housing-crisis-denialism (even in the face of mountains of hard data showing how dramatically housing affordability has worsened over the last 5 decades) is a direct consequence of the media laying the blame for the rise of generation rent at the feet of baby boomers (1/5) ImageImageImage (2/5) a.k.a. the generation who just happened to benefit from government leg-ups (e.g. Right to Buy) tax giveaways (e.g. MIRAS) & unprecedented financial deregulation...