Brandon Wilson Profile picture
Father of 2, @UCLA '94, M.F.A. '99, filmmaker w/ 2 features, cinephile, @AFTunion, @UCAFT_UCLA, @GCCguild. Anti-fascist. Contributor: @ebertvoices, elsewhere…
Mar 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
ATLANTA rewatch completed. Here comes the complete ranking of both seasons. Please note: even the episode at the bottom is pretty terrific. Woods
Teddy Perkins
Nobody Beats the Biebs
Crabs in a Barrel
North of the Border
Money Bag Shawty
Alligator Man
The Club
Streets on Lock
Champagne Papi
The Jacket
Sportin’ Waves
The Big Bang
The Streisand Effect
Go for Broke
Aug 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
She’s making sushi, you guys. It was good. Really really good.
Aug 1, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I haven’t been here for Matt Damon since he straightened out a Black woman on how diversity *actually* works on Project Greenlight. Never looked at him the same after that. That Project Greenlight was a train wreck. Watching a spoiled talentless neophyte white boy (who carried himself like he was Tarkovsky) stomp his foot to get 35mm and overrule his experienced Black woman producer was just pain. Pain.
Jun 16, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
A few words about Father’s Day for my brothers and sisters: the children of Fail Dads. If you had a good or great dad that’s awesome but I wanna talk to my people for a bit. First off I hope Father’s Day isn’t a downer for you. I hope it’s just another day and you’ve moved past all the stuff that goes with having had a dad who said or did things he shouldn’t have or wasn’t there (either emotionally or physically).
Nov 20, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
BARRY LYNDON got a muted response in my Kubrick class. In terms of enthusiasm, the air is going out of the ballon where my students are concerned. They have almost no patience for anything "slow." LYNDON and 2001 were real chores for them. This disturbs me. I remember seeing BARRY LYNDON by myself at a noon show at the AMC Century City back when I was an undergrad. I enjoyed it, was intrigued by it. I didn't find it particularly slow or difficult. Things have changed.
Aug 10, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Pretty funny that the success of Black Panther probably swayed the Bond producers to give Elba a shot because I came away from BP thinking this is why we *don’t* need a Black Bond. We can make our own heroes. As I’ve said here before many times, Bond is not, in my view, a Black man. Some characters can be racebent. And some cannot. I don’t believe Bond can be anything but a white male as he is a thug for empire not just a handsome adventurer.
Jun 16, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
It positively chills you to the bone the degree to which white people will accept almost any atrocity if you convince them it’s only happening because THESE PEOPLE WILL NOT FOLLOW THE RULES. My mentions are kind of an incoherent tidal wave right now but:
(A) I did not mean conservatives or Republicans when I said white people. I said white people. I meant white people.
(B) This may not apply to you directly but it applies to your group so save the “Not me” shit.