Geneviève Doyle Profile picture
Science and Mathematics Educator, Intersectional Feminist. She/Her. Mum of four. Living on unceded Gundungurra land. Trans, Intersex, Bisexual.
Dec 18, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Anti-trans bigots thinking ‘the science’ backs them.

Seen in the wild. Image If you’re not recalling high school (about Yr 10-12) science… here’s what’s called a karyotype for a human being. Image
Nov 21, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
Vaccine and Virus Primer

I know this is unneeded for most people. Most have either decided to follow the advice of health authorities and doctors or decided not to listen to them. Maybe it will tidy up a loose end for you. My motive is simply that I hate misinformation. What is a Virus?

It’s a rogue genetic program that uses living cells to make copies of itself. That’s its purpose. To replicate. Making you sick is a side-effect from commandeering your body cells.
May 25, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Australian anti-trans bigots take so many of their cues from the manufactured moral panic in the US and the toxic culture wars in the UK that they have little grasp of the local situation and history - and it shows. There’s almost this illusion that a sudden push of trans people is happening to force their way into everything whether they’re wanted or not.

This is pretty much the opposite of true.
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m seeing a lot of people challenging anti-trans bigots with ‘what if it was someone in your family?’ That’s hopefully a good approach.

‘What if it was you?’ Seems to be beyond them.

This has been an ongoing problem. People can’t get their heads around it. I don’t know why they really expect to, it’s very much experienced. To say it’s not real because it’s not an experience that you have had is a very odd approach. None of us even know what it’s like to be *anyone* else. But we generally respect what they tell us about themselves.
May 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Do you have strangers attempt to interfere in your life? Do they try to take away your legal rights and status? Do they propose that you should be segregated… for no real reason?

Trans people do. Are you portrayed as dangerous, a potential rapist and called a child molester … for no reason, and you never have been?

Are you *told* what you are by people that don’t even know you, including ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’ - according to what they think?

Trans people are.
Apr 17, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
‘Women fought hard for their own spaces!’ ‘Trans can get their own’.

This sort of statement is regularly made by anti-trans people and parroted by the Australian equivalents.

It seems fair in a way, but is an example of how framing works. Much of the anti-trans rhetoric relies on framing a situation incorrectly, but in a way that suits their purpose.

The reality, here in Australia, is that trans people have always existed, and used facilities best suited to them pretty much the whole time, without incident. The law was clarified in 1977.
Apr 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A little addendum to my ‘girly’ confession 😅
I am on a hormone regimen that is still basically adulting on teen hormones. I have been on a fairly high dose as I feel better that way and the struggle and self-advocacy to even keep up a steady supply has lead to my being quite defensive about what I know works best. I’m primarily motivated by general well-being and mental health. Hormone therapy has actually been a better antidepressant for me than any psych meds. I was diagnosed at 15 with major depression. No one dreamed it was dysphoria back then.
Apr 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Windy and cool most of the day. Just resting and processing. I got myself a bit upset about drama but I’m back to rational. I’m listening to music again, that’s a healthy sign of trauma recovery.

So, my IRL friends won’t be surprised that someone commented about me being girly. Image I have had an interesting journey. I was never one of those trans women that over compensated and went and became a commando or similar. I’d accepted myself fairly early in life and just kind of went for a low profile of not overtly girly or ‘boyish’. I know this invokes
Apr 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
‘Men are not Women’

Is how anti-trans people are trying to portray their opposition to trans existence. It’s such a deliberately over-simplified to the point of silly statement. To the point that trans people agree with it.

We transition because that’s what we always were. If you can’t get your head around it, that’s ok. Just know that the anti-trans people don’t believe we are genuinely different. So they take that denial and rephrase what we are according to their views. They come up with what they think are absurdities - on purpose.
Apr 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Private schools already can discriminate under exemptions to federal anti-discrimination law. Some states have altered this. Certain schools want an actual right to discriminate, not just an exemption. Usually conservative and religious. The exemption, as it stands, is enormously generous - almost anything that may undermine the ‘ethos’ of the school can be the basis to discriminate. There’s no requirement to show that it’s indeed based on a tenet of faith. Remember private schools are only mostly religious.
Mar 13, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
More TERF terminology.


It is a real term: ‘Disorder of Sexual Development’. But they use it with malice.

Intersex is a common, normal, and expected, but less frequent outcome of our sex determination biology. There are 27+ processes in operation during foetal development. If enough lean a certain way, the person is intersex. There is no single cause or presentation for intersex people. It is itself a spectrum. It’s estimated to be 1.7% of people. Because there are a lot of less than obvious at birth types, it’s hard to have
Mar 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Atoms, Molecules and Bonding

I’ve written previously about salts, materials assembled from charged atoms mostly. But what about all of the other materials? One large category are molecular substances.

Molecules are structures made from atoms joined by bonds. Simple examples are all around us. Water is hydrogen atom - oxygen atom - hydrogen atom. Oxygen in the air is oxygen atom - oxygen atom. Ammonia is three hydrogen atoms joined to a nitrogen atom,
Methane is four hydrogen atoms joined to a carbon atom.
Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A very busy day that started around 6am. Success, but not what was planned.

Chris and I had to move out from where we were living in November. We didn’t want to, but had no choice. We lived with my bestie and 2nd ex, Emma, and her daughter (my stepdaughter). The problem is that I had thought that I was living there indefinitely and had a lot of stuff. The stuff was from when Emma and I and daughter lived together at another place. Since then, I’ve had a big drop in income. Chris and I are both unemployed. All we could afford is a room in a
Mar 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
To say ‘people can’t change sex’ when there isn’t even a hard barrier between the two typically male and typically female populations is nonsensical. Select any trait that is thought to vary between sexes and upon closer study, you will see a spectrum. I hold back in a lot of things I say, so as to not freak people out. Imagine, or try to, what it looks like for me, I’m intersex, trans, and bi. I’m not playing down that there is a diverse spectrum that includes ‘male’ and ‘female’. I am a woman, female sex and feminine gender.
Oct 7, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
My Difficult Relationship With Religion

Today, I want nothing to do with organised religion. I don’t hate belief in and of itself, but the way that others have chosen to practice their ‘beliefs’ has caused me genuine harm. Here’s how I got there. I’m acutely aware that this subject is touchy for many. Trust me, you aren’t about to find out that I’m a secret freak.
Oct 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This person was aggressive to me, was told that she had offended me, and then blocked rather than apologise.

She proudly says that she is ‘passionate about human rights’ - but could not be bothered dealing with that she had offended a trans person about her personhood. Image I know for a fact that we share several followers.
Oct 5, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Medical Gatekeeping and Hormones

My experience of the medical side of transition (and not all trans people get medical interventions) is coming from the perspective of living in a regional town about an hour from a capital city and another large city. Anyone with a less common set of needs would be familiar with quite a bit of this - not a lot of extensive research, doctors are very risk averse, conservative health goals, doctors scared of going outside their expertise referring you to specialists as a risk offload…