PlanningAI expert, Timefold cofounder, OptaPlanner creator, Java, Python, Kotlin, open source contributor, operations research, international speaker
Oct 4, 2022 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Most @java programmers only use 10% of their... debugger.
Use the full power of your debugger with advanced breakpoints.
Diagnose complex bugs in minutes, instead of hours.
Test your debugger skills with 4 challenges in this thread. Works with @intellijidea and other IDEs. 🧵
1) Challenge
Line 8 throws a division by zero exception.
Presume line 5 and 6 are hidden in 1000 lines of code.
How do we find out if variable a or variable b is causing it?
May 31, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The JVM does not load all classes in the classpath.
It only loads the ones it needs. What triggers the JVM to load a particular #Java class?
Then answer might surprise you.
Consider the code below. What does it print?
Let's show the output and explain why. 🧵
Class A, C and D are loaded.
Class B, E and F aren't.
Class F is never used, so it obviously isn't loaded.
Notice that MyBean contains fields of type B (static) and type E (non-static), but the B and E classes aren't loaded, because no instances are created.
May 17, 2022 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
You can probably optimize your @Java programs to run 2-10x faster, by focusing on the bottlenecks.
Those bottlenecks are not where you think they are.
Use free tools such as async-profiler, VisualVM, JFR and vmstat to find them.
Let me show you how. 🧵
Create a main() Java application that runs the bulk of your code on a seriously sized dataset for at least a minute.
Run async-profiler and Java Flight Recorder (JFR) on that, either from the command line (free) or through @intellijidea Ultimate (paid) as shown below.