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Wacky desire to randonner in France.
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Feb 28 5 tweets 1 min read
An example of the extreme fuqqery of Election 2024:

Ramapo 35 precinct, in NY state, results for senator:… And results for president (you have to scroll down to Ramapo 35):…
Feb 24 4 tweets 1 min read
I will need about 5 years to figure all of this out and digest it. This was abhorrent action by Biden.

For now, the best I can surmise is that the CIAMafia, and the LikudMafia, embedded in the National Security Council, intentionally nudged Biden from the correct path (to hobble/destroy Russia). Why? Because they prefer to keep THEIR friends in power in Russia - so that the Mafias (CIA, Likud, Kremlin) can continue their giant underworld profiteering.

I've been using these numbers for several years: that the world economy is $80T; the
Feb 18 7 tweets 2 min read
A few weeks ago I wrote that there are 2 giant Mafias in the world: the KremlinMafia, and the LikudMafia. And they work together, but they will steal from one another on the edges. The 2 have been working hand-in-glove to destroy America.

Trump was first a Kremlin creation, going back to the 80's. Read Craig Unger's books to get an idea. As time went on, Trump and the LikudMafia started to work together too.

Back in 2017, I would have placed the KM as the top mafia, and the LM as #2. But then Putin invaded Ukraine and lost over 1 million men.
Feb 15 14 tweets 3 min read
It likely started as a CIA operation (the evil part of the CIA), and then Mossad was let in on it, and because Mossad works with KGB to undermine America, the KGB was also brought in.

The Epstein Kompromat Operation became useful to all 3 Intell Agencies. If you read Unger's "Den of Spies", you will find out that the CIA doesn't really work for "America", and that they've worked with Mossad for 70 years to help the Big Guys in their respective countries.

Once you get your head wrapped around that, everything gets much clearer.
Feb 12 12 tweets 3 min read
Look...Trump did NOT win. Please stop with that innumerate language.

ANY serious review of the voting data showed that some serious FUQQERY happened. If you concede the election results as being "ok", you will certainly lose in 2026 too.

I agree with everything else. WHY do I insist on hammering this point?

Because if you concede on this point - without being serious about reviewing the actual FUCKING data - then I believe that you will be a tin soldier in the fight ahead...easily knocked over with the slightest puff of wind; easily swayed
Jan 14 11 tweets 2 min read
If this wasn't responsible for the destruction of America, it would be a great spy novel...

The LikudMafia used Biden's White House to bleed Russia dry.

Both the LikudMafia and KremlinMafia worked together to install Trump. These 2 mafias have worked together for 200 years. The Pale of Jewish Settlement was established by the Czar in 1791. Within it there would have been a lot of desperate thugs that would make deals with the Czar's police force. Birth of a Mafia.

During the Soviet era, the Communist Party had to balance the forces in the USSR.
Jan 13 8 tweets 2 min read
At this point, the only way that Biden can prevent the destruction of America is to:
1. Present the evidence of Russian attacks on US persons using microwave weapons.
2. Present the evidence of R bounties on US soldiers in Afghan and payouts of $200,000 per head - that Trump called a hoax.
3. Present the evidence of Trump stealing classified docs and selling them.
4. Present the evidence of Trump organizing Jan6.
5. Present evidence of GOP collaborators in Media.
6. Present evidence of GOP collaborators on Jan 6 and arrest w/o bail at least
Jan 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Because the KremlinMafia and LikudMafia work together and the LM controls the MediaMafia...

It was actually a photo in the Guardian on Jan1, 2017 that got me going on all this. Trump was on stage crooning with a guy named Joey "No Socks" Cinque. As soon as I saw him, I said to myself "That guys is MOB." And sure enough, a quick search showed that he was a soldier in the NY Mafia and had 5 bullet holes in his body.

"How is it possible that Trump is president-elect and I never heard a thing about his chumming around with Mafia?", I asked myself.
Dec 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
A few musings/predictions:

1. Heuermann court hearing today: plea deal? Where he reveals his work killing stray Kompromat girls that Trump and Roger Stone and Giuliani were using? he Trump's half-brother?
2. Friday Dec 20 - Intell report due on whether there was foreign interference in the Nov election. Of course there was. Does Biden then arrest Musk on the 20th, or 21st?
3. Does DoJ also then arrest people for being involved with Epstein? Which is a national security issue of the highest order? Has Ghislaine been talking?
Dec 14, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The thing is...given what I know about the US and Ukr weapons that Ukraine has now at its disposal...

I know that they could take out the rail network that supplies the R troops, 100%.

And they could take out every oil refinery, depot, and port.

And take the lights out in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


So I know that everything that is going on has to do with TIMING.

eg. Biden ripping Syria from Putin's hands has now REALLY made Putin vulnerable to a take-down by his own lieutenants. It would be easier if the siloviki did
Dec 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I should be very clear about what I think this thread means.

1. Giuliani is a member of the Mafia, like his father and uncle. He corrupted his way into the position of US attorney of SDNY. When the Russian Mafia showed up, he prosecuted his buddies in the Italian Families, allowing the Russian Mafia to take over America's Mafia scene.
2. The Russian Mafia melded with the KGB when the Communist Party collapsed. The combination of Mafia and KGB, and later oligarchs (legal businessmen), is a formidable weapon that only the LikudMafia can match.
Dec 12, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Besides the story of Trump/Felix Sater and Sater's ability to save his ass by calling the Kremlin to get the cell phone # of Osama bin Laden to give to the FBI so that he could stay out of prison to be Trump's handler for Putin leading up to 2016...

Another of my favorites is the Rudy Giuliani ties to AMI/National Enquirer - and this how I came to see how REALLY big this whole Mafia thing is.

First we had 9/11/2001. Everyone was frightened.

But not quite frightened enough to allow the Mafias to push us into a war - especially in Afghanistan!
Dec 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If my theory is correct and Biden is working to destroy the KremlinMafia, and pursuing a path to ensure Trump never gains the White House, what might we see?

1. Russian oligarchs fleeing from Russia to London, Istanbul, and Tel Aviv.

2. GOPMafia behaving strangely, and some flying off to odd countries.

We're living in a moment similar to Sept 1, 1939, or Dec 7, 1941. All the vectors are converging to one point, and the future path is unclear, and could be one of enlightenment or extreme evil.

If you know "Dune", Joe Biden is Paul Atreides, using
Dec 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
A good explanation of how Syria was the Kremlin's keystone province.

The Kremlin doesn't have the aircraft that can fly from southern Russia all the way to mid-Africa. They needed their base in Syria.

Unknown to most, and a key linkage between the Saudis, UAE, Israel and Russia (the ones that conspired to install Trump in 2016) is Russia's strategy to take over the important mineral sources in Africa - the ones needed for solar panels, electric motors, and batteries.

The Saudis and UAE would provide the money, and Russia the muscle (Wagner).
Dec 8, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
That's easy! It's a classic Mafia process. The KremlinMafia and LikudMafia used Kompromat Operations to ensnare powerful men.

The kompromatted men were then ordered to hire some of the Mafias' men, who were themselves kompromatted.

Within 10 years, the GOP, NRA and Evangelicals were totally infiltrated. Within 20, the Media were totally infiltrated. The Media then soften, or omit altogether, any ugly stories about these insiders.

And all along, they were committing bank fraud, money-laundering, helping with the human trafficking
Dec 6, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The KremlinMafia overextended itself with the failed invasion of Ukraine. And now drinks some very bitter dregs.

Putin's invasion was supposed to be over in 3 days - he expected the Ukr govt to flee or be decapitated, and then he would install his puppet. He had everything in place, with his Ukr traitor agents in place in the major cities...but it seems that they took the bribes but didn't deliver! Only 2 groups did what they were supposed to, and they have been dealt with by Ukraine.

And Zelensky stayed. If not for that, we would be in a
Dec 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Why would these Mafias take control of our Media?

The question should be: why would they not? Just look at the numbers.

The world economy is approx $80 Trillion. It is estimated that the underground economy is 10% of that, so $8 Trillion. Feel free to make up your own number.

The Russian Mafia controls approx 40% of that amount. Again, make up your own numbers - it will be HUGE no matter what.

40% of $8 Trillion is $3.2 Trillion. If YOU were the CEO of this sprawling organization and had to manage that much cash every year, would you NOT
Dec 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
So many people really don't understand "kompromat", which is the KGB term for "compromising material".

It is NOT about sex. It is all about getting info on a target so that they must do what you ask of them - forever.

The Godfather 2 had a perfect example of this - Michael Corleone asks the senator, that he has been bribing for a long time, for a casino license. The senator refuses, as he has other clients to satisfy. Later in the film, the senator is, magically, found by Corleone's lawyer, Tom, in one of Corleone's brothels, with a
Nov 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Everyone ALSO needs to understand that Jack Smith was working for the Hague investigating RussianMafia human trafficking crimes in the Balkans.

Kosovo is the center of the KremlinMafia's eastern European sex trafficking network.

The KremlinMafia needs these young girls both for prostitution BUT ALSO FOR THEIR KOMPROMAT OPERATION.

This is how they entrap powerful men in their web: a rich guy goes to a party, goes to a room with a young "woman", and the video cameras are rolling.

Later, he gets an email with a snippet of himself with an
Nov 28, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
There are 2 very large Mafias in the world: the KremlinMafia, and the LikudMafia.

Mafias work together although they also compete. They loathe each other, they need each other.

Their main weapon is kompromat: entice powerful men to have sex with 12-yr olds and get it on video. The Mafia now has a "friend" for life. See George Nader. See Dennis Hastert.

Jeffrey Epstein ran his Kompromat Operation for 40 years. It was likely a Mossad operation, that would share kompromat with the KGB and CIA.

Both Mafias have been working to infiltrate
Nov 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
There's a lot going on...

Russia conspires with Trump/Musk to steal the election.
Russia tries to steal the Moldova election.
Russia gets an unknown into 2nd round of Romanian election.
Russia fucks w the Georgia election.
Russia plants bombs on DHL planes.
Russia causes the crash of a DHL plane.
But on the other side...Russian ruble loses 10% in 2 days.
Russian army now down 750,000 soldiers. Rather extraordinary.
Russian arm depots, oil depots, oil refineries, airfields...getting destroyed.
NATO surrounding Kaliningrad and Crimea.