Georgia Dunn - Ringo Awards Nominee Profile picture
Syndicated newspaper cartoonist, published author, Mom, cat enthusiast, mystery solving little old lady at heart. She/her ❤️ GeorgiaDunnBCN @ Bluesky
Oct 10, 2022 33 tweets 10 min read
For some time I’ve wanted to create BCN tarot themed art! From now until the end of October I’m aiming to share a card a day, which will bring us through the major arcana! Our first card drawn is “The Fool”, which I promise is not an insult 😅 This card is all about new chances, taking risks, opportunities, and greeting the world with open arms. The fool is optimistic, innocent, and eager to experience all there is out there! Image
May 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Can someone please explain to me why if any one of us tries to carry a bottle of shampoo onto a plane we’ll get taken to the ground, but a gun into a classroom is A CONSTANT THREAT WE JUST GAVE UP ON? We can send billions—BILLIONS—to another country in the blink of an eye last week but somehow do NOTHING to protect our own children here if requires bipartisan support?? Give Supreme Court members new protections OVERNIGHT, but we can’t do ANYTHING to protect American children?
May 10, 2022 38 tweets 7 min read
2010, I had no health insurance. I have uterine fibroids and at the time they had to be monitored through ultrasounds. I’d been very ill with them before (blood transfusions, 2 operations to have them removed—long hard sad story for another time.)

Continued… Planned Parenthood had a grant where women with fibroids like me could still have the ultrasounds to monitor them, I could pay what I could afford on a sliding scale.

Please allow me to tell you the story of the time I shouted down the protestors outside into stunned silence…
Apr 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve seen “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” about 100 times probably since it came out, and every time I’m still like “oh, it’s Tom Waits!” When I die and my life flashes before my eyes, it’ll just be a montage of me watching ‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’ and saying out loud “Oh, it’s Tom Waits!” once a year, every year since 6th grade.
Apr 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m ok!! But I am also a bit ill again... I’m a person who deals with lumps a lot (cysts and benign tumors) and I had a cyst go wild this week and developed a staph infection. I’m on antibiotics for 3x a day for 7 days. It was caught in time and I’m feeling tired/achy but good. I have dealt with cysts (mostly ovarian) and benign tumors (mostly uterine; they made me very ill in my early 20s, that’s a story for another time—I’m healthy now, thank God) for much of my life. Sometimes cysts show up elsewhere though.
Oct 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
To clarify my tweets last night,...

Economy = Ship
Giant hole = Covid
Water pouring in= Unemployment, evictions, etc.
Bucket = political decisions/efforts

Our leaders just used the bucket to mop the deck, instead of bailing out the water sinking us. If you don’t have time, you focus on the most vital problem first.

If people are telling you to postpone the mopping, you can let that one go. You prioritize anything folks say can wait. You don’t manically push forward, mopping.

You face and fix the vital problems FIRST.
Oct 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Imagine if they worked this hard to push through relief. The GOP is stress buying stuff they already have, while the country burns (literally, in CA’s case) “OOH ANOTHER JUDGE! PUT IT IN THE PILE—“

Hundreds of thousands dead, millions out of work—THEY HAVE TIME FOR THIS?!! Before I was a cartoonist I worked in banking for five years—we are sliding into a recession if we are lucky, it is more likely a depression. There is no time to waste to shore up relief and support for the millions out of work, facing eviction, etc
May 29, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
My grandfather was one of Providence’s finest FBI agents. Howard Hunt was at my parents’ wedding. My uncle was a police officer, my cousin is one. And let me tell you: BLACK LIVES MATTER and we need and must reform a broken system that crushes too many innocent people. Too many innocent people keep dying from a lethal overreaction of force. People of color keep losing their LIVES in moments of horrific lack of judgement. Asking for reform, questioning what can change for the better is not an attack on police—it’s what a free society does.
Jul 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Some of you didn’t grow up watching and rewatching your ‘Cats’ double VHS set until the tape wore out and it shows. Let me be clear: Everyone upset about that trailer maybe doesn’t know the musical’s audience because that looks BIZARRE, RIDICULOUS, CAMPY AF and it’s ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I WANTED AND NEEDED IT TO BE.
Jul 10, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
I didn't excel in science as a kid, but I loved writing and art. I was always in the A or AP levels of English, and the B levels of Science. I had a tough time with sticking to steps, listing recaps in lab reports, etc, my mind just wasn't really there and never has been. In 9th grade, while writing up a lab report I made a joke... And hesitantly ran with it. It went as follows:

Step 1: Turn on burner.
Step 2: Accidentally set lab partner on fire.
Step 3: Turn off burner.
Step 4: Find first aid kit.