Gibran Lewis Profile picture
I am a singer/songwriter, novelist, freelance writer and sometimes philosopher. A lover of Art, a contemplative Believer and Christian.
Jan 4, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
@flawlessflop @trapezius77 @SeanLindo @danyatma There is no overexplication, Marie, just biological facts, which matter, even in the face of shifting paradigms & cultural/ideological bullshit. Physical attraction is largely based on biological physical cues, which, while related to age, do not correlate exactly with it. @flawlessflop @trapezius77 @SeanLindo @danyatma Individuals develop at individual & variable rates, & to different degrees. A person attracted to a 22 year old who looks a certain way will also be attracted to a 17 to 19 year old who looks nearly identical. You yourself kinda exemplify this, Marie, as previously noted.
Nov 18, 2020 20 tweets 16 min read
@flawlessflop @SeanLindo @mrsakwood @danyatma They're biologically adults, & legal adults. Biological adulthood is defined basically by having passed puberty, esp. postpubertal ( able to fertilize or conceive, & generally finished major growth spurts ). Legal adulthood is more arbitrarily defined & variable. What you are @flawlessflop @SeanLindo @mrsakwood @danyatma focusing on, flawlessflop/marie, is mental/brain maturity, but, forget Google's overly generic bullshit, the prefrontal cortex of the human brain develops well into the 40s, by which time most women are on the threshold of menopause.…