How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App The paper is a retrospective cohort study that compares young adults and some teens who were referred for gender related services in Finland with a cohort that was matched using age and sex. The median age in the study was 19, so the majority of the population are adults. Firstly, it's simply untrue to say that trials didn't give HCQ 'early'. The idea that early treatment would be more effective was taken seriously, and entire RCTs have been run to see if earlier administration of HCQ would have a benefit The paper is here. It is a meta-analysis of self-controlled case series looking at mRNA immunization and the risk of future mortality. The authors found just three studies, and included just two of those in their cardiac model:… The study is here. It's a longitudinal assessment of cognitive ability in people who signed up to a COVID-19 Symptom Study. From a pool of 8k people, the authors got follow-up cognitive assessments on about 2k (~25%)… The IARC is an agency of the World Health Organization that looks into research on cancer. One of the main things they do is produce a list of substances classified by whether those things are likely to cause cancer in humans…