Gina Phillips Profile picture
❤Jesus, Retired LPC, Though I speak about my experiences w Mind Control survivors, my texts r not meant to b taken as clinical advice.
59 subscribers
Oct 31, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Many survivors r dealing w the spider entity in their systems atm… 2. The spider entity will b the mother attachment for parts in the system. The spider will be associated w the Queen of Heaven Entity in her form she is Lilith. She is aka Ishtar, Cybele, Isis, Gaia etc The spider also corresponds to the survivors programmer who served as a
Jul 18, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
1. So much is happening w survivors programming atm I cant keep up. Check this out!… 2. I stated that over the last yr or so RA/ MC survivors have been receiving codes that r dismantling their "old world" programming. There will b an eventual deluge ( frying) of old system where non crucial parts r recycled and tge original core splits (gems) will b usedto set up
Jun 25, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
"Years ago Holy Spirit taught me how to use what Satan means for harm and turn it around for my own good. We see all around us that OFFENSE is the prominent demonic card being played 2.right now. Lets use it for our good Church! Areas of sin in my life serve as an inroad to Satan to legally traffic in my life and wreak havoc. The less inroads, the more peace I have and the more power and authority I can exert over Satan and his evil agendas. He pressures me
Apr 13, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Hundreds of dissociated parts in a survivors system r in a feedback loop of reliving the trauma they've experienced. Emotions contain loads of energy...especially traumatic ones. The Kabbalah tree inside of a survivor is set up to channel ones life force, chi, energy whatever 2. u call it to different entities and domains. Each Sephirot on the Kabbalah tree is one of the core splits of a survivor that happened in the lab. That core splits is referred to as a gem or living stone. The gem resides in a castle aka a sephirot and generates and channels
Apr 9, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Check out Justin Beiber's expression when Raven gives the hint "your car life is my ship." Being brief for time sake. In lucid dreams of survivors, they often find themselves in cars which symbolizes a mode of transportation they use to astral project… 2. Programmers groom survivors to internalize symbols and storylines to hide from them what they r actually doing. The survivor thinks they r just dreaming or playing out storylines in their heads. But in reality they r doing witchcraft, alchemy, fighting real battles in the
Feb 19, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
1. I looked at the S.Bowl halftime show last nite. The Oreo commercial was so shocking I had too dig more. This is just a cursory gleaning..a broad brush stroke decode. Below is H.E.R. She represents Minnie Mouse playing her frequency to the crowds w purple sky behind her. Refer Image 2. back the the Minnie Mouse Delta programming video I made for better understanding of that program. Minnie represents The Queen of Heaven and Mickey signifies the entity Baal. She is tied to the feminine energy of a survivors soul while Mickey is tied to the masculine energy.
Dec 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1.Crossing the rainbow Bridge is an occult/new age practice. We as Christians shud not b messing around in the astral plane. Although the Bible shares accts of traveling to the 3rd Heaven (Paul) or being caught up to Heaven (John) or even transported in the spirit (Philip), we r 2. not to seek out such experiences. We seek after Christ & if He decides to give us such experiences then so be it. We never seek these experiences outside of Christ. We seek Christ. He is the door. Only by entering the spirit realm thru Christ, the door, r we safe. Such
Nov 30, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1.Yes Faith! There is a Rainbow Bridge tied to all survivors. It is actually a portal kept open by one of the gems (core) splits of the survivor. There r other bridges/portals but the rainbow Bridge is the first Bridge established. I believe this gem parts whose jobis to keep the 2.rainbow Bridge open does so under the programmed belief that her father will die if she doesnt keep that portal open. The trauma memories may be along the lines of Dad doing horrible things to family members (likely Mom) then he bc suicidal from the guilt of what he did. In
Sep 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
1.I have no idea regarding this pic specifically. Id have to research its origins & search for threads tied to it to give an accurate decode. I just don't have the time to do that atm. But just looking at it, I'm reminded of the hand of glory ceremony coming up in rituals this 2.month. Also, in survivors programming they encounter a trauma where they r made to believe their own arm is not part of their body. Its common practice for the child's arm to b dislocated in this program. It causes pain to the child & can be repaired wo leaving marks or
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1.The kids look like the front two pillars of the First Freemason tracing board. The female is Blue and feminine...the pillar of Boaz. The male Pillar is Jachin. The red ballon is the celestial globe that sits on top of the pillar. Its element is Fire and the red balloon takes 2.the child to the stars (celestial realm). The blue balloon signifies the Terrestrial globe that sits on the Pillar of Boaz. It represents tge Earth. The element of Water is signified by the blue. The girl is transported to the water realm via her balloon.
Jun 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1.Yes the wicked clown IT lives in the mountain landscape of survivors programming. He is a human part and is tied to the entity Dionysus. Also a hairy monster part lives in the mountains called Beastie or Beast. Apollyon is his head entity The mountains r where the elements 2.of Air and Earth meet. The balloon is an early symbol used to signify to the child rising and crossing into the other realm. The balloon later bc complex things like steam punk mechanical ships or old Victorian houses like in the movie UP. But they r the "vehicle" to carry the
May 29, 2023 38 tweets 9 min read
1.This passage may b coming up in survivors atm bc its tied to Christopher Robin in Winnie the Pooh programming. Christopher is a part inside survivors. Survivors have a powerful & abnormal bond to him. Christopher wud have been a young childhood friend that the survivor bonded very strongly! Despite this powerful bond, survivors have little to no real memories about Christopher. This bond to Christopher is stronger than any bond they have ever had. To break that bond wud "feel" like the End of the World. If Christopher
May 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1.There r millions worldwide doing 40 day fasts. As Satan is bringing in his AC. God has rallyed His remnant to a fast, purge &cleanse themselves so they can receive the endtime outpouring of His glory. We r never left defenseless. But it doesn't come by default. We have the 2.responsibility of pressing in to Him. Seeking deep cleansing & purging. All sin is an inroads to Satan to torment us. God wants us free from that influence to serve Him properly. The Lord will pour out His glory into those vessels who have emptied self & made room for Him.
May 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
1. Big alert! Based on info Im privy to, the coronation of Ch@rl^s tomorrow will likely mark the waking up of Sleeping Beauty & Snow White parts in survivors systems. They have lain in a state of "sleep" since they were split off in early programming. The kiss of "true love :P" 2.from their long awaited prince Ba@l/Beelzebub/Mickey Mouse will culminate w a massive celestial sex event where Ch@rl^s serves as the top human portal interfacing w the entity Baal/ Beelzebub/MM. The harvested energy from this event will serve as a sexual consummation event of
Mar 23, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1.Morning beautiful people! Sorry for my lengthy absence. God is up to good things & its keeping me on my toes! The Lord is connecting us w other ministries & individuals who have already been faithful in forging a path for the cause of RA/MC survivors. We r meeting & sharing our 2.knowledge base, praying for the Lord to organize us & use us in the most efficient way to bring in the harvest of survivors that is imminent. Im working w "K" on the 3rd & final video in the Test the Spirits series. I have no doubt that she & I will work together on more video
Mar 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1.GO FUND ME Acct for "K"

I want to validate K's story. It is legitimate.  She has worked with me diligently over the last year to recover from childhood trauma, acquire deliverance, and grow in her new relationship with the true Lord Jesus Christ.  We several hours each week.  She is a joy to work with, and I have come to love her very much!  K is a hard working young lady.  After a bad spine injuries that ended her professional dancing career, K has had to work odd jobs to make ends meet.  At any given
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1.Very interesting. Looks like the dragon Figment is a split from Dreamfinder. So wo studying it much, it looks like Dreamfinder was the left brain split which is the Intellect split from the emotions. Then the intellect was further split and Figment is the split off the 2.imagination from the bigger left brain Intellect. The entity over the imagination is a dragon type entity. Remember the splits will involve human parts and their corresponding entities. Dreamfinder is likely tied to the Hindu entity Brahma. The air ship is the same story as
Feb 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1.Dang! It shud b pretty obvious to all that these big fashion shows have nothing to do w presenting a new clothing line....they r comms. Each of these animals in this show is "put inside" the programmed child early on. Meaning, the fragmented parts of the mind r harmed until 2.they believe they r these animals. The child eventually renounces his humanity. He is so sickened & traumatized by what he sees & receives from his fellow man he no longer wants to identify w the human race. There is even a part inside that identifies as a worm. Also note that
Feb 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1.Just want to put this out there so u folks can bear witness shud someone b trying to set me up. On my computer, saved in the files w my you tube videos was a video file that had women's breasts in the thumbnail pic. I didn't open the video. I erased it. Obviously the video was 2.not mine & no one else uses my computer. Yall remember a few months ago when Galaxy received a phone call from someone speaking & interacting w her in my voice? It was not a recording but they actually carried on a conversation w Galaxy. She only realized something was awry
Feb 11, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1.Our body is the veil that limits us from clearly seeing the Spirit realm. I often call our body our astronaut suit. Its a hunk of meat that is made up of earth elements. Its only purpose is to house our soul while we r on earth. It carries me around while on Earth but it will 2.not inherit eternity like my soul & spirit. It will bc dust & return to the earth. We get a new immortal body after death. My Spirit man is seated w Christ in HEAVENLY REALMS already if I'm born again(Eph 2:6). My Spirit is connected to the body via a silver cord(Ecc 12:6) but
Feb 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1.After writing that last Tweet about Petra & Rev 12, I want to clarify something about Rev 12:7 where Michael the Archangel wages war w the dragon in the 2nd heaven but Satan loses & is kicked down to earth. This Delta Military programming being activated now includes 2.fighting in the 2nd Heaven which I believe is taking place now. What happens in the spiritual realm is played out here in the earth realm. So u see this Delta programming played out in the earth realm as its taking place in the heavens. But pls know the fragmented parts of