Lesbian, not queer, & critical realism's a bitch Profile picture
Ph.D. candidate. Feminist security studies. Critical military studies /military ♀♀. Queer theory sux. Hobby scriptwriter. I no longer know which views are mine.
Nov 17, 2019 51 tweets 8 min read
Trans Slim
By Terf War.

Some doctors are cruel, and hurtfully* write on their notes that I am 'morbidly obese'.
This damages my mental health and self-worth.
I will stop seeing and listening to doctors from now on so they cannot casually invalidate me.
...1/ (will be of many!) I have size dysphoria.
I identify as 'trans slim'.
Therefore, I must genuinely be slim**, and all of you must accept that my Body Mass Index is actually 21, lest you callously invalidate me as a trans sliman and hurt my feelings.
Yes! Regardless of what your eyes tell you! ...2/