Gissou Nia | گیسو نیا Profile picture
Lawyer focused on international criminal & human rights law. Founder & director of @SLPJustice. @IHRDC board member. Sign the letter to end gender apartheid👇🏼
Jun 3, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Afghan & Iranian women have been using the term "gender apartheid" for years to describe the systematic gender segregation & subjugation they live under.

What this segment missed: it is actually the Global South that are now our key champions in codifying this crime. The Global North was actually shamefully slow to condemn the apartheid in South Africa and many are still not parties to the Apartheid Convention of 1973.

While representing a distinct form of apartheid from that in South Africa, the components of systematic segregation and subjugation that make up apartheid are present in Afghanistan and Iran today--and we are very grateful that countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa recognize this and have been part of the effort to propel recognition of this crime under international law.
Nov 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
What is being voted on right now at the special session of the HRC #SS35:

A strong mandate for an independent international inquiry mechanism, with a mandate to establish facts / the truth … … to collect, analyse & preserve evidence in a way that can be used in court proceedings. It will also identify perpetrators and prepare case files against them.
Oct 27, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger is going to jail for basically daring to take on Chevron & their environmental abuses.

I initially connected w/ Steven b/c I'd only seen these kinds of attacks on lawyers in Iran, Egypt or other dictatorships. Yet this is happening in the US. This move is meant to intimidate and silence lawyers everywhere who are willing to stand up for our planet and take on big corporations who pollute. As a fellow lawyer, I'm appalled and I will make sure to not stop talking about it while Steven is away.…
Oct 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Here is what Khomeini's fatwa in 1988 says:

"[s]ince the treacherous munafiqin do not believe in Islam and whatever they say is stemmed from their deception and hypocrisy, and since according to the claims of their leaders they have become apostates of Islam, and since they... ... wage war on God and are engaging in classical warfare in the western, northern and southern parts of the country with the collaboration of the Baathist Party of Iraq, and also their spying for Saddam against our Muslim nation, and since they are tied to the World Arrogance...
May 8, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
RIP Alireza Fazeli Monfared 💔

Brutally killed and disposed of by his family because of his sexuality.

Cultural attitudes in society towards homosexuality are a literal life or death problem. What compounds the problem is when the laws of a state do not provide any protection. Image As a baseline, it is important to understand that Iran's Islamic Penal Code explicitly criminalizes same-sex relations, even imposing the death penalty on individuals convicted of sodomy.