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Happy People Don't Vote Democrat. #HPDVD Never-Again-er, and I mean it. " a choose-your-own-adventure quote-threaded-maze of interesting"
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Oct 24, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm not stupid.
I learn.
I no longer treat any accusation regarding Trump with any open-mindedness at all.
They have thrown everything at him.
- They changed a misdemeanor to a felony to get around statutes of limitations, he's the only person charged under the law, ever.
(cont) - They changed sentencing rules so that his "conviction" would be in aggregate.
- They claimed a civil award for defamation that still actually vindicated Trump is a "conviction".
- They turned the entire *foreign* intelligence community apparatus on him, looking for dirt.
Oct 22, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
I was going to write one of those Dem testimonies of things that never actually happen, like a 4yo redneck in a bar standing up to say he was going to vote for Kamala and everyone applauding.
I was formulating it in my mind to make sure it was obviously parody.
And it hit me: The *main* message Kamala has for undecided voters is basically:
"I want your vote, you racist, misogynist Jesus freak."
Sep 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Short 🧵
This is one of the reasons I push my redefinition of L v R.
If you assume this is a behavior inherent to the individuals' identities, you are embracing a Leftist ideology. 2/ Not trying to initiate purity tests.
And, of course, we are all a mix of ideas an ideologies.
But I think one of the positive results of redefining Right v Left is that it can act as a curb, alerting you when your thoughts are starting to stray into dangerous ideology.
Sep 20, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
@AndToddsaid I'm really liking the implications from taking "Leftists believe Consensus establishes Reality" as an axiom.
First, it is less insulting than "To be a Leftist, you have to let the Leftist brain trust do all your thinking for you."
Less insulting is easier to accept. Lots of other implications follow, too!
Like, it's why the Left seems to *enjoy* interpersonal conflict. It's how Consensus gets built. And once they get you to shut up, by whatever means necessary (guilt, fatigue, dislike of conflict), then their Consensus is Established.
Jul 18, 2024 26 tweets 4 min read
Interesting how the "cancel culture" is demonstrating differences in critical thinking ability.
HOW you think about a problem will absolutely affect your conclusions. It's easy to look at it terms of "principle."
"I didn't like it when they did something to me, so I can't approve of it or allow something similar to be done to others."

That's a good principle.

But it isn't an equivalency. So it isn't a principle problem.
Jul 17, 2024 31 tweets 4 min read
A lot of talk today about Cancel Culture, and how if we complained about it, we can't engage in it out of principle.
I wholly disagree.

And, to be blunt, I don't see ANY way it ever ends.
Ever. Democrats/the Left started it.
They continued despite being told it was wrong.
They continued despite us begging them to stop.
They continued despite us warning it would returned upon them.
They didn't care.
They established the rule. Thoroughly.
May 2, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
The US Constitution was a great innovation.
The best thing about it is the Founders understood that concentrated power is a pure evil.
The whole point of the US Constitution was to decentralize and diffuse power. But they made a few mistakes.
Feb 18, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's how Democrats got us to this point.
They created a moral system whereby Oppressors are always wrong, and victims are always right.
Then they allow people to choose to identify as victims, IF AND ONLY IF, they support the Leftist agenda. "The Powerful" are, generally speaking, white Christian male gun owners who vote Republican, but that's just the core that establishes the Leftist immorality and Oppressor Identity.
Women who support their husbands are Oppressors.
Minorities who vote GOP are also Oppressors.
Jan 22, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
Yes, no one is owed your vote.
But you are not owed your preferred nominee, either.
If you're in the minority within the party, you face the same choice MAGA faced before Trump.
Are you going to take your football and go home, or are you going to help defeat the Democrats? There is a case for Trump.
Obama made life worse for everyone.
Trump made it better: real wage growth, low unemployment, sex trafficking ended, better trade deals, more.
Biden made life worse for EVERYONE again.
Whatever Trump's problems, he makes life better as POTUS.
Jan 17, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
Some follow-on thoughts about this.

When what someone believes to be true conflicts with available evidence, they end up in in a state of Cognitive Dissonance.
The only way to resolve it is admit being wrong.
The human ego is strong.
Most people can't admit being wrong. It's understandable why people can't admit they were wrong, particularly about politics.
On the Left, they are Borg mind, and are told what to think, so they are never wrong. If they turn out to be wrong, they are never wrong. This resolves the problem. Mostly.
Dec 12, 2023 72 tweets 11 min read
I can understand the thought process that went into this. I don't disagree with the conclusions if those are the given elements.
But I still think it's wrong. Just not sure how to define it.
Wrong Scope?
Category Error?
Threat analysis error?
Target prioritization disagreement? Let me explain.
No, there is too much, let me sum up.
Aw, who am I kidding? I'm going to explain.
Aug 10, 2023 69 tweets 12 min read
Okay, Fred, to help you understand this, I have to go back in time a little.
No matter how far you go back, there's always something that precedes it, but for our purposes, let's start with W.
Because Clinton beat his dad and won a 2nd term, W decided Big Govt was undefeatable. W ran as a "compassionate" conservative. Basically, Big Government with a slight right lean.
Going just as Left, just slower.

I think it was during his Presidency that the GOP brain trust developed the idea of Hispandering, based on Hispanics being the future.
Jul 14, 2023 41 tweets 7 min read
@eigenrobot I owe you an explanation for my slagging you for saying "both sides only care about rights when they're out of power, but suppress when they are in power".
Maybe I pissed you off to the point you muted me, dunno.
But here's why I think you should know better. The place to start is here. "There are two types of people in the world" is a hackneyed phrase, but there is CLEARLY a fairly bright-line division into two types of people based on this fundamental paradigm: Image
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I think one of the weirdest things about my childhood was that up until maybe age 6(?), the word we used for "poop" was "key".
I remember being puzzled my neighborhood friends didn't know or use it. And I don't know how it lasted until I was 5 or 6. Or maybe just 4. Memories are hazy.
I was the youngest of 6 kids. I can't imagine the older kids were still using it.
Which, interestingly, means that the topic of poop wasn't really discussed in my family?
Apr 4, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Those of you who blame Trump for "hiring people who betrayed him" or "not firing Fauci or Wray", please note that Trump was the one who actually stepped into this buzzsaw, *AND* had half his *own* party working against him. Hey, I'll be blunt: I have mixed feelings about Trump.
But there is a difference between no longer enthusiastically arguing in favor of him and outright disrespect.
There is a significant difference between worshipful Support No Matter What and merely respecting his past service.
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Someone saves someone else’s life, and we call that person a hero.
Am I alone in thinking that’s a misuse of the word?
“Lifesaver” is already a fine word.
To me, “hero” should involve risk to the person.
Like the pizza guy who went into a burning home to save kids IS a hero. The guy who dug a guy out of a snow bank is admirable, laudable, observant, quick-thinking, and, yes: a literal lifesaver.
But “hero” doesn’t seem to be the right mantle.
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
My major concerns re: DeSantis are, in no particular order:
- he ran for Governor, he should FINISH his term
- he's GREAT at the state level. I haven't seen him do anything that applies to POTUS level
- Why make GOP enemies by infighting if Dems vote fraud machine beats anyone? - why make GOP enemies by infighting when DeSantis hasn't announced he's running yet?
- What evidence do we have DeSantis would be as effective as POTUS with a hostile Congress & Swamp like Trump had? Meaning, if Congress doesn't protect Trump from swamp, why would they DeSantis?
Apr 1, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
@Peaches_Sabrina @AndToddsaid I've been struggling with that, too.

I think some of it is simply herd mentality virtue signaling. Or some form of confirmation bias? Trump has made some mistakes and gotten worse in some ways, so people are abandoning him and forgetting all the good things he actually did. @Peaches_Sabrina @AndToddsaid I've seen a bunch of people saying that Trump is a RINO. That Trump did nothing. That the only legacy of Trump is letting Fauci rape the nation.

It makes me feel like either I'm taking crazy pills, or I'm the only one who didn't.
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Back about 20 years ago, maybe 30, there was a Leftist fable that if suddenly everyone who was guy turned purple, there would be a lot of people surprised by how many purple there were, and who they were. There were two implications of that:
1) gay people were far more than the then-claimed 10% of the population (they've since admitted it is well below 4% and may be below 2%)
2) some people were gay & didn't know it yet. Which was the fable that orientation was set & unchangeable
Mar 29, 2023 35 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday I concluded and asserted that the Left has already initiated a civilian-on-civilian insurgency.
Maybe I should explain this a little more.
The principles of an insurgency are to wage a low-level terror campaign. You sneak attack military or civilian targets with your irregular military that dress like civilians, then melt back into the populace before a counter-attack can be mounted.
Mar 28, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Someone asked what batshit crazy issue the Left is going to promote next, like bestiality?

the *correct* question is: what community are Leftists going to *weaponize* next? Read this, and note: this is exactly the attitude of BLM for most crimes committed by those they consider "their own."