Giulio Ferrini Profile picture
Head of Built Environment @ihrb. Trustee at @london_cycling. Helping create fairer, healthier cities. Views are my own.
Oct 6, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
It's so disheartening when councils make decisions on LTNs based on popularity contests rather than whether they've met their policy outcomes.

Let's have a look at @EalingCouncil's own cabinet report on the results of the LTN and the "consultation" SurveyMonkey results First up, LTN 08 Olive Road
Internal traffic down 70-86%
Traffic on boundary roads: no material change
Air quality: no material change
So the trial continues, right?

No, because 259 residents said they didn't want it, so it's getting scrapped today. 259.
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
[Mini-thread] Lots of chat about about LTNs and people with disabilities. Chapter 8 of this report from TfL provides some useful insights…
- Walking (incl. wheeling) is the most commonly used mode of transport for disabled Londoners (8.10) - The proportion of disabled Londoners who drive a car to get around London is 28%, compared to 45% for non-disabled Londoners. The proportion who use a car as passengers is identical between the two groups (81%).
Sep 12, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Almost 3 months after this thread, time for an update The @cityoflondon have been replacing the very temporary cones / barriers with wands. They’re quite bendy and don’t look amazing, but they feel a lot safer and they can’t just be picked up and moved. Here on Cannon Street Image
Jun 21, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: Did a tour of the pop-up #StreetSpaceLDN infrastructure in @cityoflondon yesterday. With all the construction & utilities work, it’s hard to separate Covid works from others, but here goes
We’ll start with these wonderful 15mph pedestrian prioritiy signs Image Beech Street has been closed to non-electric vehicles, with complementary closures in the area forming the basis of a low traffic neighbourhood at the boundary with @IslingtonBC Image
Jun 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Inspiring to hear @Andybikes calling all of us all to break the silence and recognise that our built environment, including the active travel infrastructure we design, so often reinforces systemic racism Cycling infrastructure directly serving the needs and commuting patterns of privileged communities while those from BAME backgrounds cannot go for a run or a walk. Projects which provide health and economic benefits which deprived communities do not benefit from
Nov 25, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Thread: multiple friends have now opened the Uber app to get a @JUMPbyUber to go to @hackneycouncil or @TowerHamletsNow, realised they can't park a bike there and gotten an @Uber instead. Is this the outcome we want?@jonburkeUK @mayorofhackney @MayorJohnBiggs 1/4 Dockless bikes can be a nightmare for pedestrians and it's fair that licenses only be granted if certain conditions are provided (maintenance, geofenced parking areas, data access, financial contribution) 2/4
Nov 16, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
Inspired by Hugh Huddy @RNIB at #StreetTalks, I've been thinking about sound. Hugh pointed out that we mostly curate for sight. Our streets are designed to be enjoyed, navigated and celebrated through the eyes. Having studied sonic art, he challenged us to do the same for ears. What are people's favourite street-based soundscapes? @RNIB @hollyjaneweir @Daisynmurphy @johnstreetdales @catherine_max @nickygavron