Glen Grant Profile picture
Supporting Ukraine in any way possible. Have a clear understanding of the war from 10000 contacts including political and front line. Open for media interviews
Apr 9, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
1/8 Ukraine genocide. Please share. When defence analysts first saw mobile crematoria in the Russian armoured columns they made the sad mistake of thinking that the Russians intended to burn their own soldiers bodies and remove the evidence of their war. Now in Mariupol - 2/8 the truth is clear. Russia wants to destroy the evidence of their mass civilian murders in hospitals and schools and in the theatre innocent people used as a refuge from the bombing. Today, the atrocities in Bucha, the attack on civilians at Kramatorsk railway station,
Apr 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The press reports suggesting "Putin backed down" need to be ignored. What has he achieved. First the blockade of Azov remains in place. Second he intimidated USA forcing them to remove two ships from the Black Sea and to give him a summit with Biden. Fourth he made forward moves in the Arctic whilst all eyes were elsewhere. Fifth he rehearsed the rail system for a major mobilisation, there will be many lessons there. Sixth he deployed and practiced battalion groups deploying to the front line including their artillery and logistics ready for war. Seventh