Med student 😍 Artist🎨 Autist 😊 Spreading awareness about autism ♡ Open for commissions
Mar 24, 2021 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Please hear me out! (1) I know I am not the first one who talks about this. But this is important to me. I am not over this.
#SiaMusic I know, I know. You've heard it. It's bad blablabla.
If it was just a bad movie and the whole stereotype thing once again is renewed in peoples
(2) minds that would be annoying yes, but I wouldn't be scared. Jet I am.
If one of my once favourite singers would have made a film that is horribly researched and insulting to autistics I would have been hurt and that's about it. I would wish no one would see it - who can blame