How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App remember one incident of the Science, tech. and society (STS) course where on such field trip one non-Gujarati student asked the farmer why he has not gone to his farm today, is unemployment so widespread? having a painkiller won't actually cure one's bacterial or viral infection, the same way medication will not actually cure stress or depression, but it can give you relief as if it has been cured. the initial chitchat, the host share lots of misery in his life. Unemployment, bad health of family members, etc. the logo's designer Simon Oxley thought about calling his creation 'Octopuss' (combination of octopus and pussycat) to represent how complex code combines can create peculiar things. of all death is one of the 16 Samskara and for each Samskara our scripture has given all possible actions, rituals and process. humbles Karna many times before the Mahabharata war some examples include Draupadi Svayamvar, the Virata war, and the killing of Jayadrath.