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Jun 13 38 tweets 12 min read
THREAD: With Labour’s manifesto pledge to appoint a covid corruption commissioner to recoup the billions the government wasted on dodgy PPE deals during the pandemic, here’s a potted history of our work to expose the industrial scale of the scandal… Covid-19 gripped the UK just four months after the 2019 election, and the pandemic has been the defining issue of this Parliament. Unluckily for our country, these extraordinary times brought out our ministers’ most egregious impulses – as shown in Partygate and the PPE scandal.
Mar 13 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵THREAD: In the lead up to the shocking revelations around Frank Hester's vile racist comments published by @guardiannews, we were keeping a close eye on the money flowing between him, his company and the Government... 🔎 🧵 💷Back in September, we revealed how Frank Hester's healthtech company, The Phoenix Partnership, had bagged £137m worth of hidden Government contracts⬇️…
Jan 4 23 tweets 7 min read
With Keir Starmer pledging "a total crackdown on cronyism" if Labour wins power in his speech today, here’s a rundown of just a small portion of the dodgy PPE deals which Good Law Project has helped to expose 🧵 In summer 2020, with @EveryDoctorUK, we challenged three Government PPE contracts set up with a pest controller, a confectioner, and a hedge fund.

The PPE delivered through these deals was either untested or had already been found to be unusable.…
Dec 19, 2023 30 tweets 10 min read
In the continued fallout of Michelle Mone's disastrous interview, here’s a potted history of Good Law Project’s fight to expose the PPE scandal as we prepare to release more stories in our new series, #TheVIPFiles...🧵 At the start of the pandemic, when NHS workers were betrayed by acute PPE shortages, we called for an independent public inquiry.

It wasn’t until a year later that the Government committed to one.…
Nov 13, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Thérèse Coffey’s resigned as environment minister. In her resignation letter, she said “I am proud to have delivered for people, the planet and prosperity [...] Turning ambition into action and delivery has been the hallmark of my service.”

So what did she deliver Having been a minister responsible for water quality between 2016 and 2019, Coffey would have been well aware of the sewage scandal when she took over the department last October. The deadline was looming to respond to our legal action over sewage dumping:
Nov 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
💥REVEALED: 6,000 out of the 9,000 beds bought for the Nightingale hospitals were not fit for clinical use and have now been sold-off for just a fraction of what was paid for them.

Read our latest investigation🔎⬇️ Since August, we have been working with the Daily Mirror to find out what happened to these specialist beds.

It was previously unearthed that in some cases, beds bought for thousands of pounds were being flogged for as little as £6 each.…
Nov 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Twelve companies have been awarded a share of a whopping £260m to supply facemasks to the NHS, official contract records for October have revealed. Globus (Shetland) Limited, a company that’s previously donated £375,000 to the Tories, is set to receive an undisclosed portion of this huge contract.

🔍 We’ve asked the NHS to confirm just how much the company is set to gain from the deal.
Aug 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Did you know your medical records might be given to companies? Let's dive in. 🧵 The NHS is considering a data contract worth nearly £500 million with Palantir, a controversial tech giant.

So who even are Palantir?
Apr 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Since 2021, we have been taking legal action against the use of private emails and communication channels by Government Ministers and their advisors…📧🧵 They’ve been using these channels for official business - including throughout the pandemic, when Boris Johnson and others were making important, costly decisions.
Mar 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
🔎INVESTIGATION: Cash through the Carlton Club 💰

The Carlton Club received £50k in January from a firm run by an alleged far-right donor, the German Henning Conle.

Since 2020, his company, Standrook, has given £150k to what is described as the ‘spiritual home of the Conservative Party’.
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨New figures show that, in 2022 alone, raw sewage was dumped into rivers and coastal areas across England 300,953 times by private water companies. The Environment Agency is due to publish the latest data on sewage dumping in full this week.

But we now know that between 2020 and 2022, water companies have overseen 1 million sewage spills from storm overflows into English rivers and seas.…
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
ICYMI: @ProtectDunsfold, who we have been supporting, were given the green light in the High Court on Thursday to continue their legal fight against fossil fuel drilling on the edge of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ⬇️ The legal challenge came about after the Government overruled Surrey County Council to give permission for exploratory drilling to take place in the area.

This was a scandalous decision and completely at odds with our mission to get to net zero.
Mar 3, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read

A Supreme Court victory, a samba band, and more PPE scandal…

It’s been a huge week here at Good Law Project! Here’s what happened 👇 On Monday, we revealed that Victoria Aitken, daughter of disgraced former MP Jonathan Aitken, threatened to sue a PPE supplier for commission after unofficially referring them to the VIP lane:
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨NEW: Company with just £85 in the bank made £20m profit after Dominic Cummings referred Innova Medical into the VIP lane.

Read our latest investigation here⤵️ 📧We have seen emails revealing that former No.10 advisor Dominic Cummings referred an offer from two middlemen representing US-based Innova Medical Group within a single hour of being approached.

💰Innova subsequently won contracts worth in excess of *£4bn* via the VIP lane.
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We're disappointed to share that we've not been given permission to proceed with our legal challenge.. 🧵 ⚖️This case goes beyond Boris Johnson and the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices. It is about equal treatment under the law.

❌There shouldn’t be one rule for those in power and another rule for us.
Feb 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

We’re going to be in court tomorrow for a hearing to decide if we can push forward with our case against the Metropolitan Police’s handling of the Partygate investigation. We launched this case alongside former Deputy Assistant Commissioner, @brianpaddick, in response to the Met’s failure to properly investigate Boris Johnson’s attendance at three lockdown gatherings in November and December 2020 and January 2021.…
Feb 12, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🚨 NEW: Greg Hands referred close contact for £25m VIP contract

New Tory Chairman helped land a £25m PPE deal for a firm linked to Mark Higton – then Chair of Hammersmith Conservatives – despite it having no experience providing protective equipment. Greg Hands helped Luxe Lifestyle Ltd, a company closely associated with the former Chair of his local constituency party, Mark Higton, land a deal worth £25m.

The contract was awarded without any formal competition and £20m worth of PPE supplied via the deal remains unused 👀
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Good to see that the Labour Party now looks like it will be taking a lead from our investigations into the Government's dodgy procurement practices... 👀 We still have a lot more to reveal on the Government's VIP Lane for Covid contracts, which we first exposed back in October 2020.…
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨WE WON: Government commits to publishing £248m missing Covid contracts after breaching transparency guidelines

Read about our latest victory here ⤵️ Back in March 2021, former PM Boris Johnson told Parliament that details of all Covid contracts were now “on the record” 👀

He was wrong 🚨

Government failed to publish 29 contracts worth £248m, awarded to suppliers as part of the controversial ‘Ventilator Challenge’ programme.
Feb 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Back in October, it was disappointing to see @ProtectDunsfold refused permission to continue with a legal challenge - that we have been supporting - against a new exploratory drilling site on the edge of the Surrey Hills.

But now there's some hope... We are now very pleased to confirm that @ProtectDunsfold have been given the opportunity to overturn this decision at a hearing on 2nd March.

Despite facing a setback, the community group vowed that they were not going to give up with so much at stake.
Feb 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🤝 We’re delighted to be supporting @ELF_Law’s intervention in a landmark case about whether water companies can be held legally accountable for sewage dumping.

The appeal will be heard on 6 and 7 March by the Supreme Court sitting in Manchester. In 2018, United Utilities brought a legal claim seeking clarification that it could not be sued for the alarming amount of sewage it has discharged into the Manchester Ship Canal.

The High Court ruled that the water firm could not be subject to private legal action over this.