George Ten Profile picture
CopyTHINKER. Sold more than 500,000 products online. Get a breakdown of my best marketing techniques for FREE below.
68 subscribers
May 17 21 tweets 4 min read
I’ve sold more than 500,000 products online.

And I know with a 95+% certainty whether a campaign is gonna be a winner or flop.


• Finding the big domino
• The double-take research
• Positioning.

Lemme explain…

>>> A CopyThinking Thread 🧵 <<< This works THE SAME in any market.

Any industry. Any niche. Any product. ALWAYS.

This works today. In 2024.
This worked 50 years ago.
And it will work 50 years from now.

Because it’s not based on tactics.

This process is rooted in creating your very own little “world map”:
Apr 30 23 tweets 4 min read
The BIGGEST mistake professionals are making with their content?

They’re pushing ideal clients to their competitors.

99% of you are doing that.

Your big competitors are growing.
And you’re stuck.

Here’s how to fix it with simple THINKING.

>>> A CopyThinking Thread 🧵<<< Yesterday I asked my audience this (image below).

And the answer I’m gonna give you is as relevant to ghostwriters…

As it is to copywriters. Or writers. Or coaches. Or ANYONE and everyone else.

Keep reading. Image
Sep 13, 2023 28 tweets 5 min read
I’ve sold about 700,000 products online.

• Courses
• Services
• physical products…

And here’s why it works:

• Awareness & sophistication levels
• Positioning
• Triggers
• Pain threshold

I will delete this in 48 hours exactly.

>>> A master thread 🧵 <<< Let me begin by saying that this is gonna be a LONG thread.

It’s not for skimmers. It will NOT make sense unless you read it all.

And since I’ll be deleting it in 48 hours?

I suggest you read it now.
Jul 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
How to make $40,000 in 6 months using AI:

A 3-step method.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< I like to do daily AMA on my Instagram account.

And one guy has been asking the same question for the last three days.

So I finally decided to answer in the most detailed way I can.

A thread.
With specific steps.

Here’s how he asked it: Image
Jun 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
How to sell a boring product using a sneaky 3-step framework…

• Without changing the product
• Even if nobody knows you or your product
• And without even talking about the product at all.

This works for ANY product.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< By the end of this thread you’ll know EXACTLY how to sell boring products.

But in order for you to understand it? You’ll have to read this short story first. It’ll be worth it. Promise.

Meet Bob. Bob works at a factory. And Bob is way overpaid for his work.
May 29, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
What if I could show you a matrix..

Where I take three businesses and show you how EACH one could pick ONE feature…

And beat the other two with that one single feature?

And how the other two can do the same to beat the first one?

>>>A CopyThinking Thread 🧵<<< I get one question a lot. A LOT. And that question is…

“How do you position a business in a highly saturated space to win?”

Well I’m gonna do you one better.

I’ll show you three examples in the same market. Where each can beat the others…

With a little thinking.
May 10, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How to create ENDLESS content that makes people want to buy from YOU…

With zero research.

Using only…
Your existing clients.

(Yes. This will not work if you have no clients. Don’t read).

And you don’t even need to ask for their permission.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< Dear friend.

The reason I’m writing this thread is because I’m sick.

Sick of 99% of the content on ALL platforms being recycled garbage.

You feel me. Don’t you?

I wanna solve this for you once and for all.

So here’s my promise to you:
May 8, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
A friend of mine hired an agency to fix his 8-figure funnel.

They couldn’t figure it out.

Could you?

You’d probably out-perform a HUGE well-known agency if you understood this…

Check yourself.
See if you’d be able to figure this out:

>>> A CopyThinking Thread🧵<<< I’ll tell you a quick story.

If you choose to take these concepts and run with them…

You’ll unlock a skill 99.9% of marketers and agencies never will.

If you choose to skim through it and just kinda read it…

I pray for your clients.
Apr 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Nurturing leads.

… Is BS.

And after managing lists with HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of subscribers?

I can tell you this:

If you need to nurture leads?
Your funnel is built THE WRONG way.

This short piece will annoy some. And put others out of work.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< Let’s understand what nurturing leads means first.

The premise is this:

You get people who don’t know you and/or are unaware of their problem on your list.

Then you send them a sequence to raise their awareness level…

And introduce yourself/your product/method.

BS. Why?
Mar 29, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Marketers will tell you that you have to break limiting beliefs.

But since I’m not as good of a copywriter as they are?

I need to use my brain to outsell them.

So I have a different approach.

I call it in-belief marketing.
It looks like this:

>>>A CopyThinking Thread 🧵<<< Let me start with an example and a question for you.

Let’s take ChatGPT for copywriting. That’s the product you’ll be selling.

There are two markets:

1. People who believe ChatGPT can write good copy.
2. People who don’t.

Which one would you position your product to?
Mar 23, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How to get your first client in 4 hours:

This is not theory.

Most of my friends did this when starting out.

• No experience
• No case studies
• No problem.

Do this and…

I GUARANTEE you’ll get your first client.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< I know you want to see the method already.

So let’s make a deal.

I’ll get to it 2 tweets from this one. But you HAVE to read those first two and not skim.


Here’s why I say this…

If you don’t read the first two tweets - this method will not work for you.

Feb 27, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
How to SELL a product BEFORE you build it:


I’m not the best copywriter. Or product-launcher. And far from being the best product builder.

But if there’s one thing I believe I’ve nailed…

Is how to sell BEFORE you build.
Here’s how and WHY:

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< 3 years ago I participated in a cohort (group coaching).

It was amazing.
I loved it.

But the product creator had a dirty secret which she shared with us only on the last call.

She SOLD the cohort BEFORE she built it.

She explained how.
And I followed her footsteps:
Feb 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
As you probably know…

The CopyThinking community has been postponed because we can’t set up monthly payments.

But we had an idea. An idea that’ll help us launch in about a week or so.

And we need YOUR feedback.

Read this if you are interested in joining 👇 What if instead of charging monthly…

(It’s $47/mo - $564/yr).

We give you two options:

1. Pre-pay $397 for a year (with 30% off)
2. Pre-pay $237 for 6 months (with 15% off) and…

And get something that’s (in my opinion) worth MUCH MORE than both options:
Feb 20, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
If you understand this 3-step thinking process…

You understand not only how to sell ANYTHING…

But also how to charge more than ALL of your competitors and STILL sell more.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< Let me start with telling you what I’m allergic to.

Five words. “Leaving money on the table.”

I’m allergic to those 5 words. And there’s a good reason. Context.

Most of the time when I hear that sentence?

It’s in a conversation about who to sell to. And it goes like this…
Feb 16, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Can I share with you how I made $30,000 (and gave up on $202k)…


From 2 threads?

Beginners will NOT be able to implement this - but experts will.

And no. It’s not about the size of your account. Let me show you how I did it in 5 steps:

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< Allow me to bust a myth for you first.

What I’m gonna teach you has NOTHING to do with:

1. Your ability to write.
2. Your copywriting skills.
3. Your selling skills.


Sounds far-fetched?
Let me add one more mind-blowing piece for you:
Feb 10, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Want to make $1,000?

Outsell all the other participants in this challenge and you get the money.

We’ll fund the ads.

Can you outsell everyone else?

This is a challenge my biz partner and I participated in once.

We got 10 times more signups than the runner up. Here’s how: 2018. I had quit marketing because I couldn’t make it work.

A friend of mine quit too.

Until he saw an ad on Instagram.

It was a new marketing college and they promised to fund ads for students.

My friend immediately signed up and paid.

After two weeks he comes to me…
Jan 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Selling nightmares. $80/month: Oh. You think nightmares are worth more than that?

I’d agree.

I think they’re worth more. But mine are discounted. Only $80/month.

No catch.

Oh you’re not interested in nightmares?

Excuse me but…
Why are you paying for them then?
Jan 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Who wants a video where I break down everything I know about Twitter growth?


• Thread writing
• Growing as a small acc
• Growing as a big acc
• Getting clients
• Positioning
• Building a network…

And much more.

Would you like that? I once wanted to sell it as a $2,000 cohort. But I decided to go a different route.

Wanna get it all for free?
Jan 12, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
2,325,000 people saw my last 3 threads. That’s 2.3 MILLION people.

And the last thread added 2,259 people to my email list.

But the threads I write are different than 99% of creators.

Can I share with you how I do it?
(Plus a step-by-step video).

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< I will share EVERYTHING with you.

Or at least as much as I can within one thread.

I’m also recording a video to show you EXACTLY how I do it step-by-step…

Get it PLUS 7 rules and 8 PSYCHOLOGICAL triggers for your threads.


Continue reading.
Jan 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve added 150 people to the community waitlist in 24 hours just by adding the link to my bio.

Crazy 🤯 And 10 more so far from this tweet 😆

Will update :)
Dec 28, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
I built (an almost complete) sales page with ChatGPT.

Took me 36 minutes.
… And I recorded it all on video.

ChatGPT will make copywriters go extinct. You’ll see.

But those who know how to THINK - can leverage AI to write copy QUICKLY.

Lemme show you how.

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<< I took a niche I know NOTHING about. Literally.

“Coloring books for adults”.

And I asked ChatGPT 4 questions. That’s all. Only four.

And using those answers…
I’ve built a sales page.

I also recorded a video of me doing it LIVE.

Get it here:
