Rauðgrani ᚱᛆᚢᚦᚴᚱᛆᚿᛁ Profile picture
♓ ♈ ♌ Green-eyed shitlord
Stantron Profile picture Learning in Public - Coding - DataSci Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 21 5 tweets 1 min read
It sounds like something later Christians backdated to justify their gentile focus. The fact that we see remains of an early conflict over gentile converts and Jewish law tells me that the founders didn't teach ditching the Torah and Jewish custom, and didn't focus on gentiles If Jesus or whoever had went around preaching this clearly we wouldn't have seen a problem with it early on.

The epistle of James is a point for point attack on Pauline ideas. We later see attempts to have it both ways
Aug 8 7 tweets 1 min read
Before the 2nd Punic War there were no marble temples or villas in Rome. In the 180s bce the first marble temple was dedicated. It wasn't until decades later the first citizen built a like mansion. The temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was a wooden structure until... ...the 80s bce. To put this on a timeline, Julius Caesar was a young man by then and this was the most important religious site in Rome. Greek style statuary came in around the same time frame, and until then most temples had clay or wood images of the gods.
Aug 7 8 tweets 2 min read
Greek influence did far far more than the Jews at this point.

They wouldn't have considered sex to be degeneracy. Before early modernity or so, there wasn't much sense of privacy. People in medieval towns would walk naked to go bathe People shared beds with other people, strangers or family depending on the situation. People would have sex and use the bathroom in front of other people. This only started to change 300 years ago, a bit earlier in some places. Among the wealthier first, who could afford it.
May 27 9 tweets 2 min read
The new testament is full of gnosticism and often looks like something gnostic that later got edited by mora rabbinic leaning Jews. Paul's epistles go back and forth with numerous contractions even within the same text because of this editing. For example he says eating meat sacrificed to idols is okay and can't hurt you...then goes on to say absolutely don't do it or God may kill you. You had an editor trying to make it more rabbinic. Paul also calls the Torah a ministry of death graven in stone...
Oct 30, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
I've seen this so many times from various angles. Starting in high school where I beat the fuck out of a guy and his gf was hitting on me a day later. I was disgusted at the time. Something about her complete lack of loyalty. I figured she'd feel bad about it all. Nope. Even at my most cold and violent I always did understand basic loyalty. I wouldn't turn on my bro or my gf like that, I guess I thought back then women were similar to to that. She says she loves the guy, surely that counts for at least as much as it would for me.
Oct 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Roger II King of Sicily. From the St. Mary of the Admiral cathedral in Palermo. Norman era artwork from the 12th century. The Normans(Frenchy Vikings) came down there as warlords and ended up taking to the local Greek, Italian cultures. Roger II was Roman Catholic but also liked the Byzantine aesthetic. He depicted himself like a Byzantine ruler and had himself addressed as a Roman emperor. And the local artstyle was taken right off the Byzantines.
Oct 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
You don't know the first thing about Hindoos or Pajeets(the other major ethnic group in India).

She ain't intentionally appealing to them, I doubt she knows much about Indian politics. I ended up getting tons of them without intending it. Hindoos engage like crazy and one when reacts to something more come in. They are very supportive and like to retweet.

Pajeets also engage a lot. They also come one then another then a swarm, but usually to argue in your comments with each other or go on about stupid shit.
Oct 28, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Similar situations are found in India. An elite that far surpasses the average iq of the masses.

Consider that the average European iq, in a country like England or France is apparently comparable to elites iqs from China or India. We also see from studies that in western Europe the upper class(from at least the 14th century) had double the children of the lower classes and naturally replaced the lower class every few generations. This seems to have resulted in a more evenly distributed population iq wise.
Oct 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
China was always a nobility, gentry, and mandarin ruling class ruling a mass of peasants(mostly rice farmers) of various ethnicities and languages. Uniformity in language, culture, and dress was this upper class. The rest of the country was homogenized in the 20th century. That's what Han culture really was, why Mandarin is standard Chinese now. Also northern Chinese are mixed with a lot of steppe tribes while southerners are mixed with what amounts to Thai and Vietnamese(related groups were the older inhabitants of the south)
Oct 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I have seen this idea before and it's just bizarre. The people that focused on asceticism and moksha, patronized and joined religions around it and similar ideas...were the upper classes of that society. Royalty, nobles, brahmins, landowners. I've never seen asceticism, or ideas of release or union with some divine principle come from rice farmers, shit shovelers, or even slaves. Usually those have beliefs focused on immediate benefits, and they love easy teachings that require little from them. Just say this mantra.
Oct 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
It wasn't Rome that worshiped Mars that was conquered. It Rome where Vesta's fire had been put out and it was forbidden to worship Ares.

In fact almost every people that had Christianity forced on them by the rulers and ascended merchant class was annihilated or enslaved quickly This is a pattern I've never seen addressed. The entire area where Christianity first spread ended up conquered by Arabs(within the lifetime of some late pagan explusions and killings). Christians were tax serfs and slaves after that, and hardly any remain there today.
Sep 29, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
It's culture is so much worse than just saying it's race.

The Chinese have tried to enslave nomadic pastoralists into being sedentary farmers before. Short of constant repression and genocide it's never worked out. Gypsies have been known to take about housing given to them to sell everything of value. Making them sedentary tax payers has never worked.
Sep 17, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
It's possible to build pretty metaphysical castles that make sense based on an internal logic and yet don't actually prove anything.

The core assumption of Christian metaphysics(the most important doctrine that makes it specifically Christian) is that God wants BLOOD. Guilt of an action must be paid to him in BLOOD. He can accept nothing else and apparently cannot waive this rule. Similar to life for a life sacrificial exchanges done with goats by bronze age peoples.

Can this be philosophically and metaphysically proven?
Sep 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Trivial. My people slaughtered millions and often left nothing alive. Some Amazon tribe doesn't come close to the bloodlust and ambition of the aryan. They slaughtered so much of the Neolithic population of Europe in many areas it just ceased to exist. So they wear some skin. Wearing skin of someone dead does them no more harm. They can talk when they wipe out most of continent of people and conquer it all.

We killed more people in Japan or Vietnam in a month alone than they probably ever have since they existed as a tribe.
Sep 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a really easy one to understand.

Semen contains(or is) life force. This is a near universal idea across cultures and is in the Vedas too. Soma, the Moon, rainwater, all compared to semen. Rain was considered to be a kind of sex. It's the sky putting life into the earth Kama(desire, passion) comes up. Brahma feels this before releasing semen. In the Vedas(and Greek theogony) desire is at the root of creation. It precedes creation and any creative act. Makes intuitive sense if you think on it. An artist wanted a painting that's why it exists.
Apr 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Paul himself is an interesting case. According to what we are told, he heard a voice and went blind. Then he starts preaching a version of Christianity, very much against some other apostles he rails against. He tells his followers it is okay to break Torah laws. He tells his followers to Mot listen to any other gospel even if an angel from heaven tells them(arbitrary mindless acceptance, who but a liar would ask this). On what basis should he be believed? Why not believe his competition? Guy heard a voice, oh you mean a DEMON.
Apr 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
People inevitably going to take it how they want to.

Patriarchy nor women's rights nor feminism are natural. What is natural is, what you see in nature. Human social rules and institutions often militate against what is purely natural. In a state of nature no amount of nagging or whining changes being smaller and weaker, which is all that would matter. Do apes have women's rights? Do they have patriarchy? No. Dominant males control groups of females and kill or drive out competing males(including their own sons
Apr 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
They didn't moralize over homosexuality as a concept. Rather, it was the idea of unmanliness and shamelessness attached to certain acts that they were concerned over. It was fine for an unmarried young man to take an older male lover, but public sexual advances (or displays) were taboo and shameless. Further, this was always as a sort of courtship with gifts and knowledge of the father, as in the case of seeking a woman for marriage.
Mar 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Epistemology is a racket anyway. There's a few ways of determining truth, but they all rely on limited human minds and understanding. As well as unexamined, presupposed ideas smuggled in. Dyer himself has outright said that all worldviews are at the bottom, circular. Justifications only go so far, they are mainly there to make arguments not determine truth in some abstract sense. The best way to examine Christianity is to look at its claims. Does it make sense?
Mar 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I've seen this go around and I can only be amazed at the stupidity of it. It's completely the reverse. You got all the famous historical cultures from societies based on male selection. This is indisputable fact. If hypergamy were eugenic it's odd no society of any clout adopted it as a standard. As I always like to point out, society we can model on this would be American blacks. A minority of black men responsible for most black children. Marriage and patriarchy, mostly absent.
Mar 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
War crimes don't really have much else than paper and America defining them. You can punish a defeated enemy however you like, we Westerners just like to define them as criminals rather than enemies told "Vae victus". Outside the western order the term doesn't matter much. That said, if you start to shoot prisoners you are encouraging your enemy to do the same. And to fight harder, no surrender. So generally this is considered a bad policy. Customs of war exist as an agreement to keep things from being ramped up endlessly.