Seána Profile picture
on here while it lasts for Law things 👩‍💼Interests: human rights, healthcare policy, shiny things, millinery and the occasional crown
Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
*Five hundred* people drowned trying to reach Europe last week and it was covered but my god contrasting it to the coverage of this Titanic submarine is just appalling to see, so much more focus, experts on, analysis and interest from the public. Certain lives are so cheap to us I hope those in the submarine are found alive and well. Not trying to take away from their awful situation
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Irish people who glibly dismiss waves of young people emigrating as inevitable and as if it’s about having a good time, blow my mind. The poorer the background of the emigrant the fewer the the visits they got. We had to club together to send people home for funerals. Friends who are nurses, physios, OTs and Drs etc have left so they can get a chance to draw breath and practice their professions in an environment where they’re valued and can give decent patient care, but you miss sooo much. It’s time you can never get back