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Grass Roots Journalist Author Consultant Speaker Helping people and organizations persuade politicians to act worked in State Capitals & DC
Feb 17 8 tweets 2 min read
U.S. democracy will likely break down during the second Trump administration, in the sense that it will cease to meet standard criteria for liberal democracy: full adult suffrage, free and fair elections, and broad protection of civil liberties.… the system is not democratic, because incumbents rig the game by deploying the machinery of government to attack opponents and co-opt critics. Competition is real but unfair.
Oct 21, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
How to pay for medicare-for-all-who-want-it:
"My first executive order will be to hire 1,000 IRS agents to go after tax dodgers like Donald Trump Boeing and Verizon to make sure they pay what they owe, their fair share"
We will audit the richest Americans First! See

Taxpayers owe $131 billion to the US government — enough to fund the entire Department of Education for two years
But a gutted IRS can't track them down…