Green Party Women Profile picture
We are @TheGreenParty women. Supporting women in politics. Championing ecofeminism. Internationalist. Working for a world that is feminist, just & green.
Mar 4, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
Our panel of three environmental activists at #GPC22 is starting now👇 We kick off with @lilyfitzg2 - one of the founders of @bristolYS4C and Bristol's youngest councillor - who lays out the work of the Bristol climate strikers throughout 2019 - from focusing on airport expansion to calling for general strikes
Sep 27, 2020 17 tweets 9 min read
Our #DefendingDemocracy conference is kicking off✊🏽✊🏾✊🏼

@klinaj explains why her ecological activism brought her to help set up @MakeVotesMatter after the 2015 election which highlighted like never before how dramatically unfair our voting system & how much it blocks change⤵️ Most countries using the First Past the Post voting system are former British colonies. This is one of the worst colonial exports which continues with a huge impact to this day

🇳🇿Hope can be found in how New Zealand changed its voting system from FPTP to PR...⤵️
Sep 14, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
It's #BasicIncomeWeek! Each day we'll link to a piece explaining the pioneering, and feminist, idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Start with @natalieben on how this unconditional payment to every citizen would have transformed the impact of the pandemic… Today's piece: why UBI empowers women in less than 2 minutes.

A short, accessible video by @PagetKagy👇🏽

Sep 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
"The political debate on work cannot afford to ignore these questions any longer.

Greens need to lead the way in placing unpaid, socially useful & often invisible work firmly in its rightful place at the centre of discussions around the future of work."… [Thread]

"Throughout history, women have mostly been relegated to unpaid domestic and care work, from cooking and housekeeping to looking after children and ill, elderly, or disabled relatives.

Although men increasingly take on some of this work, the balance is still..."

Aug 6, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
📈rising domestic violence
⚠️gendered impact of austerity, Brexit, the pandemic
💷pension inequality
💼pay gap
⚖️low rape conviction
👶🏽double burden
🌎frontlines of climate chaos worldwide

We asked the leadership candidates about the issues facing women
👉🏼… Image Domestic violence and domestic murders are a global & national emergency🚨

Due to systemic sexism, often little is done.

It is getting worse: the rate of men beating and killing women they know reached a five-year high in 2019.

This tripled in the lockdown.

Our 1st question👇🏽 Image
Jun 28, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
.@tinalouiseUK kicks off our 'Powering Up to Take On Energy' event talking about @UK_Nanas anti-fracking mobilisation👇🏼

"I wanted to show how far the police would go to protect this polluting industry.

We wanted people to see there was this everyday abuse of residents" [thread] She describes activist strategies, one of which is "To try & get some respect for the human that you are, rather than the activist than you are"

Tina talks about some of the fab women who make up @UK_Nanas, how it created community & supported each other: beautiful side effects.
May 31, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
.@rebekkapopovic and @DrLizaSelley kick off our air pollution event by discussing their work -based on research from across the world- on the link between air pollution & COVID19 in the UK.

Link between common pollutants such as nitrogen ocides & ozone with COVID-19 mortality... This may be due to the background lung inflammation that pollution causes, possibly adding to the effect of existing health complications.

This mirrors similar studies in Europe & USA

Therefore, research show that high levels of pollution can worsen symptons of air pollution...