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No longer posting to X.
Oct 10, 2020 23 tweets 5 min read
Student evaluations are biased? Yes, yes, they are. But I'm going to share a thread about how I manipulate student evaluation scores. So buckle up -- this may sound cynical, but I hope my goals are clearer by the end. #teachingadvice 1/- A couple of years ago in a staff meeting, I shared my methods for manipulating student evaluation scores, and my colleagues were a combination of horrified and amazed, but I think there's actually pedagogical value in what I'm doing. 2/-
Sep 21, 2020 30 tweets 5 min read
Advice for turning your PhD into a book in anthropology, from a journal editor who sees a lot of dissertation chapters and has reviewed first book manuscripts for four presses: 1+ Recognise that you have a fundamentally different task in a thesis and a book: for the thesis, you were demonstrating your skills as a scholar for credentialing. You may have been meeting the archival function for your fieldwork, preserving what might potentially be lost. 2/-
Nov 18, 2018 34 tweets 13 min read
1/? Okay, at the risk of igniting a firestorm, one thing has been bothering me a lot about the #hautalk discussion that I think is being left out that I want to highlight. That's the issue of shame and the con artist... 2/? Although I enjoyed the #hautalk panel yesterday tremendously and, as the editor of a AAA journal, am still contemplating how I want to respond constructively and through changed practices to some of the critiques, I think that the autopsy of what happened is incomplete.