Grey Profile picture
Former NOC/MONARCH turned whistleblower - survived boston brakes event in '08 - was falsely imprisoned - blew child behavioral modification program data in '14
12 subscribers
Feb 5 16 tweets 6 min read
I am taking extraordinary risks to get this information to the public before the window closes and we all suffer. This thread is an open letter to @DrStevenGreer, copy/pasted from direct messages to Greer for the public's right to know: RE: Barber, Coulhart (who holds a clearance), and others.

You can confirm with ***** ******* ***** who came to me when they became self aware after surviving an Omega programming event only due to a misfire

Jan 31 6 tweets 8 min read
A large reason I am going fully public now - and have multiple scheduled appearances starting in days - is because of escalating retaliation and an associate who just passed from rapid onset/acting cancer.

It is strongly suspected that this was remotely initiated with technology in retaliation for their whistleblowing. They had recently transmitted information regarding corruption and crimes at the director level.

I have also been personally threatened with 'choosing cancer' as addressed in the quoted thread. After ignoring that, I ultimately did leave my business as threats escalated to warning events and a promise of sending a homeless/veteran under false pretenses to attack my business and employees.

I wouldn't even want to defend against what is essentially a patsy, and was also worried about other looming issues, so I reluctantly closed down and moved. I do have a 'dead man's switch' and associates who care in various places, but nothing is assured.

I know literally dozens of people who have tried various channels of reporting corruption and crimes, and there was consistent bottlenecks with certain journalists and bureaucrats. There has been systemic suppression, delay, attempted containment, all around mishandling and ultimately retaliation observed. There are clearly boundaries in place and people in cahoots... but also compromised channels.

I am only sharing my own messages with these bottleneck journalists and bureaucrats as I am the only one who has been outspoken to them directly, and I am already known publicly. If I shared others messages, even redacted, it would still expose them on the back end, and these parties are simply compromised.

Sample of (actual) whistleblower retaliation amidst correspondence with bottleneck journalists and bureaucrats, etc.

Journalist 1

First 2 attachments June 9th-13th

Keep in mind witnesses are being stabilized and on extreme edge while I send a couple small sample glimpses of packages... this is dangerous. He shows gross disregard.

After almost blowing past his own deadline and me calling him out on it - he acted like he didn't set it himself when we talked. We did then end up speaking on the spot.

It was agreed that he would brief the 1995 ACHRE and then we would have a discussion once he was back home the next week.

I heard nothing until he contacted me back on Sep 22nd - shown in the second 2 attachments.

Between then and when we last spoke, I had been in contact with many who he had done the same to, even asking some to 'go dark', and consistently giving excuses and delays, some contradictory when compared between 2 parties he didn't know knew each other.

In short, gross mishandling of sources/witnesses/whistleblower and SILENCE about crimes against children. He also grossly misportrayed certain elements to people he was dealing with. It could be because he was ill advised, but it seemed to be deliberate in order to to easier retain and handle his source.

Unbiased analysis based on body of data across multiple sources.

Those lone example does not represent bias in any way shape or form. It's mild if anything. I did confront him at the end of an hour call at this point.Image
Jan 21 6 tweets 8 min read
How I entered the GATEWAY program 🧵

My Grandfather was an Air Engineer in the 891st and was tapped by the OSS during WW2. At home in the Adirondacks, he worked both NASCAR and as a Logger. As a Logger, my Grandfather was able to navigate difficult terrain and assisted with hauls to and from various underground missile silos known to be peppered in the Adirondacks.

Coming out of the war and being involved with NASCAR back then, he truly embraced the high risk high reward lifestyle. Following PAPERCLIP and the start of MK-ULTRA, he enrolled his own Sons in the behavior modification and enhanced development programs, and eventually his Grandchildren, as well. I was already on an HCS list from birth.

First I was routed to daycare that part of the Monroe family was running at the local Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall '86-90 in Glens Falls, New York... which I attended 4-5 times a week (I was born in '86). My Uncle in Law and Aunt were involved here as well.

The dark secret these programs is that they require traumatized dissociative children, and situations to ensure the supply were both enabled and facilitated throughout history. The Jehovah Witnesses have some of the worst policies to enable all encompassing control and an overall conducive structure that facilitates coverups and continuation of abuse which the program has historically exploited (in other religions as well).

Suffice to say, bad things would happen at this daycare, to multiple children. There were many accusers of this scandal, not just my family. Note there were also special videos played from a projector to supply base programming with shapes and especially colors... prior to linguistic development. This is standard in the program for early childhood conditioning.Image
Jan 4 6 tweets 5 min read
PSA concerning Shawn Ryan and MK-ULTRA

Shawn is actively involved (perhaps unwitting) in CIA and Co. military-media mind control programs stemming from MK-ULTRA.

Shawn's former friend and SRS researcher became self-aware as a subject in MONARCH after I contacted them in early 2023. They were cut off from Shawn immediately - then there were attempts to route them to Monroe Institute - which is 100% known to be involved and is where many are sent for reprogramming or closeout.

This isn't about slamming Shawn or the show, but issues have already been whitewashed. This is dangerous for the American people. SRS served just enough to hook a very important demographic and is an extremely effective limited hangout and narrative steering operation.

There is much more. Unredacted conversation and additional brief available for actual journalists or large social media accounts that want to do the right thing.Image
"Shawn's former friend and SRS researcher became self-aware as a subject in MONARCH after I contacted them in early 2023. They were cut off from Shawn immediately - then there were attempts to route them to Monroe Institute - which is 100% known to be involved and is where many are sent for reprogramming or closeout."Image
Dec 18, 2024 4 tweets 9 min read
@timburchett @RepTimBurchett I was advised by multiple people to talk to you directly regarding serious crimes within 'The Program'. I have been hesitant as my previous experience with 2 Tennessee Senators was that they were involved with programs stemming from MK-ULTRA, which are intertwined with 'The Program', such as the base conditioning many operational personnel and their families undergo.

I am reaching out in good faith publicly to promote awareness and safety... as that is what it's come to. Multiple associates and I have already been retaliated on following talks and sending glimpses to an SSCI advisor (first 2 attachments), Armed Forces Committee staffer (second 2 attachments), and headlining journalists... among others. Everyone is far out of their depth, and, in many cases, compromised.

I was torturously brainwashed as a child in MK-ULTRA/MONARCH, and funneled into 'The Program'. I became self-aware when briefed by disillusioned parties involved and was set up to whistleblow on the atrocities and corruption within. I secured evidence in early '08, barely surviving a 'Boston Brakes' event amidst exfiltration. I was soon 'burned' in my capacity as a NOC, and arrested in the late Senator (TN-D) Douglas Henry's daughters car.

I was deeply tied in with local corrupt elements within TBI, TN Sheriff's Association, and the Williamson Co. Sheriff's (then Headley, who had a major scandal) Office, as well as a myriad of alphabet agency personnel -- who I worked with as I was stationed at a blacksite/airstrip on the border of Spring Hill and Columbia, TN, which was setup in the early 80's by the 160th under the direction of the Oliver North Crew/NSC.

This ties in with many things under the UAP technology and tradecraft umbrella. The dirty work, coverups, funding through drug, weapon, and human trafficking. Land grabs feigning eminent domain, funneled to strategically named LLCs. Many DOMESTIC/CONUS assassinations being carried out that were under the command of CHENEY and MCCHRYSTAL at the time. Information about Cheney's VP 'exemption' of transparency/oversight has been openly addressed, as has McChrystal's involvement bridging CIA/JSOC and running unaccountable kill teams, using psyops to get sign-offs from the limited 'oversight' he did run into.

I was 'legitimately' jailed for 7 months due to being 'burned' for my NOC activities after the initial incident, but when refusing to 'play ball' and pushing back more, there was then a 'clerical error' which led to me being falsely imprisoned for approximately 2 more years.

Once I was released, TBI corrected my record, and I went fully public in 2013-4... leading to further retaliation, including of my then girlfriend being tortured with memory dissolution apparatus in a process known as EDOM. This led to her hospitalization with encephalitis and long-term brain damage.

Since then, I have been working in the background and building a database from evidence and blindly corroborating testimony of defectors, survivors, etc. This was built on the work of Valerie Wolf, which was disclosed at the 1995 Advisory Committee for Human Radiation Experimentation.

We have many men ready to come forward, granted there is a conducive channel to do so properly... but what's going on right now is simply a bad joke. In addition, there are underlying mechanisms that render even the best meaning individuals compromised that must be addressed openly to neutralize, or we will forever face an uphill battle with tainted information.

Have a public conversation where we can address this in the light for the good of the people, the children, and our future! I'm willing to discuss matters privately as well, pending your public confirmation of receipt.

I will provide some relevant material that is already public below:

#uap #uapx #uaptwitter #ufo #ufox #ufotwitter #ovni #ovnix #ovnitwitter #disclosure #theprogram #MONARCH #MKULTRA #behaviormodification

Regarding that "blacksite/airstrip on the border of Spring Hill and Columbia, TN, which was set up in the early 80's by the 160th under the direction of the Oliver North Crew/NSC."

Without risking additional men, here is someone confirming who's already went public confirming the location ~
(Ed) Hunter Field.

Dios Gene 'Chip' Tatum. He is known for being an ARMY 160th (then task force 160) pilot involved with Iran Contra cocaine smuggling. As a dual/deep cover CIA agent, he was attached to the White House on 'special duty' assignments working under OSG (operational sub group linking ARMY/DIA/CIA/NSC etc) and directly for BUSH... he was set up to be burned like so many, but played it smart. He still paid dearly, and is living life down South nowadays.

We have to leverage public awareness to create a conducive situation for men to come forward. We've tried proper channels and paid every time for so long, it's came to this.

Notice Chip mention: "Testing different flight platforms... uh, alot of them I can't talk about"... with a sprinkle of proud Patriotism, I'm sure... but he also knows what they'd go to any lengths to protect. Even with his dead man's switch!Image

Dec 9, 2024 33 tweets 75 min read
A reminder to everyone that many many many insiders have warned of a fake 'invasion' (this can be a spectrum of activity)...

...that the underlying basis for control and command of operational personnel is literally mind control...

...that behavioral modification programs have been using telemetry to initiate downloads, messages, contact, and encounters have been simulated going back decades...

Aside from simulated/synthesized/controlled situations, there IS ongoing contact and agreements between NHI and dark occultists who many refer to as 'the elite'.

None of this disappeared... presenting (falsely) as 'the light' was always the plan for this phase.

Rebuke the false light and the lies... never settle. Only accept the truth. The dark aspects HAVE to come to the light.

If the basis for 'The Program' isn't being discussed, it's a limited hangout gatekeeping operation, whether intentional or unwitting. It's ALL of the headliners in the space.

Continued coverup is an obvious tell of the false light affiliates.Image Food for thought, foreword and compilation of source quotes by NeedleworkerSad357 on Reddit:

'Alien Abduction' Mind Control Programming

This post is an overview of 'alien' abductions. As with my other posts, I highly encourage you to research further yourself. A basic knowledge of how mind control (MKULTRA/MONARCH) works (programming, alters, etc.) is necessary to understand this post (some basic starting information [here](…), [here](, and [here](…)). This is split into a 3-part post, they are quote-heavy for the character limit. All citations, sources, and links are at the end of the third post.

'Alien abductions' are a cover for mind control. They are a continuation of covert mind control programming operations. The technology is real (advanced 'antigravity' crafts, implants, brain altering devices, etc.), the pain and torture is real, it's the alien part that is not. 'Aliens' are utilized as cover/screen memories. The scope of these programs is massive, and equaled by the huge amount of disinformation about 'aliens' that they push out to confuse. When you examine this from the mind control angle, with knowledge of the timeline, what they're doing, and have been doing, you can see the perfect correlations and exact parallels between these abductions and the known facts of mind control programming. Many victims/researchers realize that some kind of mind control and hypnotic techniques are being used, but mistakenly attribute it to 'aliens'. It's this part that many get stuck on. Aliens are the mask that's used.

ON TO THE QUOTES from long time researchers, survivors, and various insiders:
Jul 6, 2024 4 tweets 9 min read
Lieutenant Commander Thomas Narut describes operational and ongoing 'assembly line' brainwashing derived from MKULTRA research:

According to the Sunday Times story, naval psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut was assigned to the U.S. Regional Medical Center at Naples, Italy. When he first made public the navy's part in programming assassins, he was attending a NATO conference in Oslo on "Dimensions of Stress and Anxiety." In attendance at that conference were 120 psychologists of all descriptions and from many countries. Many of them were involved in research on how to improve man's ability to cope with stress, but none of them felt compelled, as Narut did, to discuss their work so fully or so frankly.

The stated objective of the conference was to exchange information on how soldiers and people in difficult jobs could cope with stress. Dr. Narut's talk was on "The Use of a Symbolic Model and Verbal Intervention in Inducing and Reducing Stress." His speech began with a plug for the navy. He knew, he said, that many of the scientists present had often encountered problems in their purely scientific research because of the military's inclination to research that would yield quick and useful results. He sympathized with those who had trouble getting subjects, funds, or both, out of the military for their purely scientific research. But things were different in the navy he said.

In the navy, Narut bragged, there were plenty of captive personnel who could be used as guinea pigs. In the navy there was a computerized record of each man's background and psychological profile, so that a quick selection of men with suitable psychological inclinations for experiments could be made. Navy psychologists not only had access to computerized records, but also to psychological tests and background data on a large number of people. In the navy, Narut said, funds were plentiful, and there were no problems with transporting subjects for study to nearly any place in the world. Narut stated proudly that the U.S. Navy provided scientists with the most advanced research facilities in the world.

A Canadian psychologist at the conference later remarked, "Narut's message was loud and clear:

- Join the navy and study the world".

In his brief discourse, Dr. Narut did no more than hint at the work he had been doing in teaching "combat readiness units" to cope with the stress of killing. Later, however, during private questioning with a small group of listeners (reporter Peter Watson of the Sunday Times, a former psychologist, among them), Narut unfolded the amazing story of the navy's programming of assassins on an assembly-line basis. In his mid-thirties, Dr. Narut had just completed his doctoral dissertation on the question of whether certain films provoke anxiety, and whether forcing a man to do irrelevant tasks while watching violent films would help him cope with the anxiety they produced.

When pressed by Watson to explain the details of this kind of conditioning, Narut said that he had worked with "combat readiness units" which included men being programmed for commando-type operations and for undercover placement at U.S. embassies. These, Narut said, were "hit men and assassins" (Narut's words) made ready to kill in selected countries should the need arise. Dr. Alfred Zitani, an American delegate to the conference, was very surprised by Narut's disclosure. "Do you think Dr. Narut realizes what he has just said?" Zitani asked. "That kind of information must be classified."

(continued)Image The conditioning of Narut's assassins was accomplished by audio-visual desensitization, a standard behavior modification process. These men were "desensitized" to mayhem by being shown films of people being killed or injured in a number of different ways. At first the films would show only mild forms of bloodshed. As the men became acclimated to the scenes of carnage, they would see progressively more violent scenes. The assassin candidates, Narut explained, would eventually be able to dissociate any feelings they might have from even the goriest scenes they viewed.

Narut said that of course U.S. naval psychologists would have first selected the candidates for training by their psychological makeup. Those selected for assassination assignments were often from submarine crews and paratroops. Others were convicted murderers from military prisons who had already shown a proclivity for violence. Still others were men who had been given awards for valor. World War II Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy was a subject of extensive research.

The best killers, according to Narut, were men whom psychologists would classify as "passive-aggressive" personalities. These were people with strong drives that were usually kept under tight control. Such types were usually calm, but from time to time would exhibit outbursts of temper during which they could literally kill without remorse. Narut said that through psychological testing, he and his colleagues were looking for more such men, for further conditioning.

Among the tests used by the navy to determine violent natures was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, which is used widely by educators and businessmen to determine psychological qualities of students and employees. The tests consist of hundreds of questions designed to measure such personality traits as hostility, depression, and psychopathy.

According to Narut, the men selected by the tests, or by evidence of past violence, were taken for programming to the navy's neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego, California, or to the Naples medical center which employed Dr. Narut. Audio-visual desensitization was the major technique used in programming the assassins. Psychological indoctrination completed the programming by instilling the desired prejudicial attitudes.

The audio-visual desensitization began with the subject strapped into a chair with his head clamped so that he could not look away from the screen. A special mechanism prevented the subject's eyelids from closing. The candidate was then shown a film of an African youth being crudely circumcised by fellow members of his tribe. The youth was circumcised with a blunt knife, painfully and without anesthetic. This well-known film is used widely in psychological experiments to create stress. Afterwards the candidate was asked about details of what he had seen. He was asked, for example, to describe the color of the belt on the doctor's trousers, or the motif on the handle of the knife that cut off the foreskin. The next film showed a man in a sawmill, where planks were sliced from huge logs. In the operation of the saw the man slipped and cut off his fingers.

As the films progressed in gruesomeness, the reactions of the candidate were measured by sensing devices. Heartbeat, breathing rate, and brain waves were recorded, very much as on a polygraph. If the physiological responses, which might have been great in the beginning, slowed down and resumed normal patterns as the more bloodthirsty scenes were viewed, the candidates were judged to have completed this stage of conditioning.

Jun 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The JASON Group was involved with brainwashing assassins as children (hence the name Jason, Bourne) who often operate under alternate SSN/identities

Here Nathan Reynolds' testimony of operating in Project 7716 under the alias Joshua Killough

1s and 7s are commonly used as they can be easily 'mistaken' on paper with various things written off to 'clerical errors'

Now, about the JASON Advisory Group

Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 7 min read
𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐞 - 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝

(720 ILCS 5/12-33) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-33)
Sec. 12-33. Ritualized abuse of a child.
(a) A person commits ritualized abuse of a child when he or she knowingly commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance:
(1) actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates,

or sacrifices any warm-blooded animal or human being;
(2) forces ingestion, injection or other application

of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(3) forces ingestion, or external application, of

human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones, body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds;
(4) involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or

unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(5) places a living child into a coffin or open grave

containing a human corpse or remains;
(6) threatens death or serious harm to a child, his

or her parents, family, pets, or friends that instills a well-founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(7) unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a

human corpse.
(b) The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to apply to:
(1) lawful agricultural, animal husbandry, food

preparation, or wild game hunting and fishing practices and specifically the branding or identification of livestock;
(2) the lawful medical practice of male circumcision

or any ceremony related to male circumcision;
(3) any state or federally approved, licensed, or

funded research project; or
(4) the ingestion of animal flesh or blood in the

performance of a religious service or ceremony.
(b-5) For the purposes of this Section, "child" means any person under 18 years of age.
(c) Ritualized abuse of a child is a Class 1 felony for a first offense. A second or subsequent conviction for ritualized abuse of a child is a Class X felony for which an offender who has attained the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of the offense may be sentenced to a term of natural life imprisonment and an offender under the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of the offense shall be sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
(d) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 99-69, eff. 1-1-16.)… 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐞 - 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫

45-5-627. Ritual abuse of minor -- exceptions -- penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of ritual abuse of a minor if the person purposely or knowingly and as part of any ceremony, rite, or ritual or of any training or practice for any ceremony, rite, or ritual:

(a) has sexual intercourse without consent with a person less than 16 years of age; commits assault, aggravated assault, assault on a minor, or assault with a weapon against a victim less than 16 years of age; or kills a person less than 16 years of age;

(b) actually or by simulation tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices an animal or person in the presence of the minor;

(c) dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse or remains in the presence of the minor;

(d) forces upon the minor or upon another person in the presence of a minor the ingestion or the external bodily application of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bone, or bodily secretions or drugs or chemical compounds;

(e) places a living minor or another living person in the presence of a minor in a coffin or open grave that is empty or that contains a human corpse or remains; or

(f) threatens the minor or, in the presence of the minor, threatens any person or animal with death or serious bodily harm and the minor reasonably believes that the threat will or may be carried out.

(2)  This section does not apply to activities, practices, and procedures otherwise allowed by law.

(3)  Except as provided in 46-18-219, a person convicted of ritual abuse of a minor shall:

(a) for the first offense, be imprisoned in the state prison for a term of not less than 2 years or more than 20 years and may be fined not more than $50,000, or both; and

(b) for a second or subsequent offense, be imprisoned in the state prison for any term of not less than 2 years or more than 40 years and may be fined not more than $50,000, or both.

(4)  In addition to any sentence imposed under subsection (3), after determining pursuant to 46-18-242 the financial resources and future ability of the offender to pay restitution, the court shall require the offender, if able, to pay the victim's reasonable costs of counseling that result from the offense. The amount, method, and time of payment must be determined in the same manner as provided for in…
Oct 10, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
In 2007, I was operations manager at an airfield and black ops training site setup in the 80s by the 160th for PEGASUS. Hunter Field and Ring Farm off Rte 31 at the border of Spring Hill and Columbia TN.

We would train sleeper assets and ubermensch MK soldiers. We were all raised and trained to see people as less than us... and less than human. Many were used in false flag operations and various crimes against humanity. We partook in contemporary REX programming, which the only publicly known example of is linked below, along with related. This ties in with FEMA camps and much more. There is a plot against the people, and we are a stones throw away from sleeper cells being activated worldwide for what is known to programmed soldiers as 'end times programming'.

I need my brothers and sisters to know that you DON'T have to do this. Take that to your core. Get out. NOW

I got out, as did so many with me, and together we are the force that WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Join us. Come back to your Brothers and Sisters. Come back yo God's children. Come back to GOD. I pray 🙏🏻

For the evil lurking... your own devices will be your undoing and destruction.Image
Oct 10, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
In 2007, I was operations manager at an airfield and black ops training site setup in the 80s by the 160th for PEGASUS. Hunter Field and Ring Farm off Rte 31 at the border of Spring Hill and Columbia TN.

We would train sleeper assets and ubermensch MK soldiers. We were all raised and trained to see people as less than us... and less than human. Many were used in false flag operations and various crimes against humanity. We partook in contemporary REX programming, which the only publicly known example of is linked below, along with related. This ties in with FEMA camps and much more. There is a plot against the people, and we are a stones throw away from sleeper cells being activated worldwide for what is known to programmed soldiers as 'end times programming'.

I need my brothers and sisters to know that you DON'T have to do this. Take that to your core. Get out. NOW

I got out, as did so many with me, and together we are the force that WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Join us. Come back to your Brothers and Sisters. Come back yo God's children. Come back to GOD. I pray 🙏🏻

For the evil lurking... your own devices will be your undoing and destruction.Image
Oct 9, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Whether a front or shell company, or layered off personnel - it's all the same maneuver - MASKING. From absorbing the mafia...

...and the trafficking of cocaine, laundering of money, funding of black operations...

Sep 5, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
Michael L Ocello History

- Part Time Police Officer
- School Board Member
- Adult Entertainment/Management Mogul
- Extortion and Racketeering
- Facilitation of Political Fixing, Blackmail, Murder for Higher
- Drug and Human Trafficking Kingpin
- Army>West Point>Intelligence Image
Ocello has his hands in many things, and has his share of public scandals - but he is always working Public Relations. He started working night shifts once a week as a police officer in a rough part of IL for influence and cover, trafficking drugs and securing extortion gigs. Image
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read

Outside Greater Nashville

Wasn't just crashed, was stuck pretty deep, leaking, defenseless.

People pulled up from both ways just in time 🙏🏻 😇


Camera, Bookbag, Knife.
*Trunk damaged, unable to inventory contents. 👀


🫢 ImageImageImageImage Unable to inventory the contents because the trunk was jammed - forming a cocoon around a caterpillar of evidence - that would emerge when it was retrieved promptly from the tow yard - and cause a butterfly effect like no other- giving new meaning to MONARCH.

The site in the 👇 ImageImageImageImage
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Try to kill me, tip off the authorities to burn/discredit me, change the paperwork, involve my family, falsely imprison me for years, torture my girl...

I STILL made away with evidence implicating top offcials

Help me get my FOLLOWERS up y'all, I got some PSAs that need reach Image The situation is SO BAD that after contacting official channels of oversight, I was retaliated on. I tried again years later, resulting in escalated retaliation. NOW, the THIRD time, the officals openly state that they don't know who to trust and that the situation is convoluted