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Teaching Self-Care of what, why, and how to care for yourself when medical system pharma isn’t resolving personal health issues | 100%Naturals Cofounder
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Jan 7 6 tweets 2 min read
This paper hasn’t yet been replicated as far as I’m aware, but the results were extremely impressive and it was going around sometime last year in the fitness community.

Results demonstrated 66.5-95.4% improvement rates in atherosclerosis at a 10,800 FU/day.

Potential risks are, because it can lower blood pressure, potentially excessively decreasing blood pressure for those who are on BP medications.

Advised caution in those taking any sort of blood thinner medications such as Coumadin, also known as warfarin, and possibly also those who are on medications like Eliquis (another blood thinner prescribed for atrial fibrillation).Image
Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants…
Dec 28, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A major flaw I’ve found behind the “seed oil/PUFA = obesity” theory is that there is this mechanism confabulated regarding linoleic acid having a pro-endocannabinoidergic effect via CB1 receptor agonism (this part is true), but the faulty thinking here is that this can be extrapolated to THC activity in cannabis producing the “munchies” in regards to lack of satiety induction and the drive to continue eating. There is also the theory that PUFA, specifically linoleic acid, is the sole cause of producing depression, which would go completely against the above theory. If we’re using THC’s pharmacology as the basis for these theories, how is it that linoleic acid is also the cause of depression if CB1 agonism generally produces a very strong anti-depressant effect, including via simply increasing endogenous endocannabinoid activity via resistance and/or cardio exercise?
Dec 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
One of the key factors I notice with those with flagrant digestive issues are a severe aversion to any sort of bitter foods or herbs/vegetables.

These two factors will often go hand in hand, typically dating back to a childish palate and/or downregulated taste receptors that require a reset after a lifetime of a Stupid American or ultra processed diet.

Aside from chloride, zinc, trimethylglycine/betaine, thiamine, and potassium, tasting bitter foods/herbs on the tongue regularly helps to keep stomach acid production high via the bitter taste receptor on the tongue. Activating the bitter taste receptors stimulates the vagus nerve, which goes on to stimulate salivation (digestive enzymes begin during proper mastication/chewing), and gastric secretions (stomach acid and digestive enzymes in the stomach).

This is absolutely CRUCIAL to optimal digestion of proteins, fibers, and fats. This is one key reason why I highly recommend to stop being a pussy and to taste herbs like black seed oil directly on the tongue, capsules and softgels eliminating a good portion of the potential benefits you could be experiencing.

Speaking of which, you can find a phenomenal quality black seed oil here:…Image
Dec 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The problem I have with natural T boosters is they’re largely squeezing out additional adrenal androgen output, vs gonadal/testicular. Adrenal androgen production making up only about 3% of total testosterone and DHT production systemically. Shilajit being a prime example of this phenomena.

An exception to this obviously being micronutrients that directly influence antioxidant capacity or hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis in the gonads and natural aromatase inhibitors, which reduces total systemic estradiol and interrupts the negative feedback loop on gonadotrophin production (luteinizing hormone/LH and follicle stimulating hormone/FSH) via HPTA.

I’ve yet to see this having a sustained effect on the HPTA and resulting androgen production without using that acute energy and motivation to make serious dietary, lifestyle, and environmental changes. Such as subcutaneous and visceral fat loss, which downregulates aromatase expression, thus having a more sustained effect on relieving that negative feedback loop on HPTA function.

Providing a surplus of micronutrients and sufficient macronutrients/calories that will enable the testicles to produce gonadotrophins without interference from lack of energy or excessive reactive oxygen species production (ROS/oxidative stress).

Or seriously altering indoor light environment and sunlight exposure practices to provide the proper stimulus to HPTA via the retinohypothalamic tract and removing the negative stimulus that interferes with this and produces excessive ROS, that is artificial blue light and nnEMF/RF.
Nov 16, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
If you ignored my yearly warnings to START NOW on midday UV sunlight exposure and last winter ended up turning out rough for you, you need to read this so you don’t have to repeat it again.

You should only ever resort to supplements acutely to restore levels if deficient and below 30ng/mL on blood work, otherwise even if you just buy the Phillips bulbs and a basic set up instead of Sperti or a Chroma (safety and protection of the bulb is a highly concerning matter), you should be using UV light and I’ll tell you exactly why. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3 and what you think of when you hear “vitamin D”) is only ONE vitamin D complex metabolite of literally dozens.

There are dozens of different metabolites, both active and used as storage, of vitamin D that are highly important factors for vitamin D receptor (VDR) binding, organ receptor affinity and specificity, storage capacity, interchangeability throughout different contexts (i.e. low external UV, external temp dropping, healthy people demonstrating their own UV spectrum emission internally to influence the metabolites produced from dietary intake via cold exposure, etc.), and antiviral effects.Image
Nov 6, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Jul 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Omega-3 fatty acids also generate endocannabinoids, yet aren’t associated with obesity. Quite the opposite in fact.

Cannabis usage is associated with lower BMI than non-users. I’ve seen the theory that this association with cannabis usage and lower BMI is caused by a downregulation of CB1 receptors via chronic intake, but the same downregulation would occur with linoleic acid that gets stored in subcutaneous fat as they’re released and metabolized: a chronic supraphysiological activation of CB1R by endocannabinoids.
Jun 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Start with 1-4 weeks of just sunrise and sunset exposure at 5-15 minutes if the ectoderm and neuroectoderm are that severely atrophied.

Then introduce 5 min midday sun exposure, and gradually build from there. Including O3 PUFA (DHA specifically), vitamin A, copper, magnesium, riboflavin, zinc, and taurine as well.
Jun 16, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Estrogen in itself is pro-GABA and neuroprotective. Estrogen dominance or, more accurately, the imbalance between hormones, metabolites, and neurosteroids is anti-GABA or excitatory. A handful of the estrone metabolites is more specifically anti-GABA. Serotonin is both inhibitory and excitatory depending on receptor and subreceptor unit site binding, typically tending towards more inhibitory, or pro-GABA. Hence why increasing it is effective in cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.
Apr 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Not quite. Just like your research, “hormone of darkness” is quite outdated.

Melatonin is produced in the mitochondria by infrared light. What time of day is infrared light present naturally? Oh, that’s right, daytime. Catch up on the latest research.
Apr 7, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read

Light, Water, and Melatonin: The Synergistic Regulation of Phase Separation in Dementia…

Melatonin: Regulation of Prion Protein Phase Separation in Cancer Multidrug Resistance…

Apr 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Most of the UV light spectrum and about 40% of red/infrared light spectrum is blocked by glass windows, allowing all blue light to enter unphased.

Simply staying inside even without artificial lights on can make one blue light toxic. Aging from sunlight is a meme, the real cause is artificial blue light and melanopsin-POMC-melatonin and retinol cycle dysregulation.

Sunlight is also one of the most immunoregulatory factors on the planet if you’re not looking at UV light in isolation (sunlight is never UV light in isolation).
Mar 8, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
All trash/recyclables unless incinerated at extreme heat to break down chemical bonds, litter, laundry and clothing, shower liners, Tupperware, water bottles, fast food takeaways, food packaging, vehicles (particularly crashes), essentially anything that we use that’s plastic, particularly if it comes in contact with water.

Then we all learned about the water cycle in 2nd grade, right? It really is unavoidable at this point. I’ve seen some work done on filters to capture micro/nano plastics from water sources, but more work needs to be done on that front.

I plan to invest heavily in the fungus research being done on fungi that eat microplastics and convert into harmless byproducts.

There’s a young researcher I came across who’s managed to convert plastics into a fuel source as well.…
Feb 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Missing how POMC and melanin are destroyed by artificial light and nnEMF.

It’s not just sunlight avoidance, sunscreen, and glasses/contacts.

That’s the true root cause to skin cancers. And it’s not just past sunset either. It’s causing harm any time of day, just moreso past sunset.

Even spending time inside with windows closed can make one blue light toxic.
Jan 22, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
This has been researched and common knowledge since the 1970s - 1980s. Not really so common anymore, of course. It’s not as profitable as a lifetime pharmaceutical prescription.

This is another major reason why I recommend investing in term insurance if you choose to ignore circadian rhythm and light environment. Disturbed circadian rhythm of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system: relevant to nocturnal hypertension and renal damage…
Dec 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There seems to be a deep misunderstanding of what occurs with glucose metabolism while consuming a ketogenic or low carb diet that I’ve seen floating around the Ray Peat community. The claim I’ve seen going around goes as you begin to break down your muscles directly into amino acids, which is what stimulates gluconeogenesis to produce glucose, and that this occurs regardless of caloric intake or dietary composition.

This is not remotely true if you are eating sufficient protein at a caloric maintenance or surplus (fed state), even when exercising when net protein balance is impacted most in this context vs at rest.
Nov 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Completely changed my diet, lifestyle, environment, and relationships with myself and those around me. Utilized herbs, supplements, and various compounds along the way to support those processes and changes.

Quit all drugs, quit all inflammatory foods and “foods”, quit all drug-like relationships. Began spending my time learning more about my interests, eating a whole food diet at a nutritional surplus to resolve extensive deficiencies and supplemented gaps along the way, started to surround myself with people who actually wanted what’s best for me and didn’t just see me as stupid or not worth their time.

The most difficult aspect was likely changing my own conscious outlook on myself and my own life, finding gratitude and value in my experiences and self. Lots of deep shadow work, delving into the darkest emotions I had suppressed for most of my life head-on, and processing them effectively, then accepting.

I don’t really remember how depression feels anymore. I recall the memories, but it feels like a different person experienced those memories now.
This took a couple years, gradually making more and more progress. Figuring out the ins and outs.

Chronic social isolation was the final obstacle I had to overcome, so I moved cross country to be closer to those I had grown closest to. Perhaps the most profound effect on my mental health, where I had otherwise tried to biohack my way out of that biochemistry. Nothing beats positive relationships with those you feel comfortable and safe to be around.
Nov 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Great way to induce insulin resistance and elevate total/LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, among a handful of other detrimental symptoms.

The much better option would be increasing potassium and magnesium intake in relation to sodium.

Particularly 2:1 potassium to sodium intake in diet.
Association between the Urinary Sodium to Potassium Ratio and Blood Pressure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis…
Nov 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Creativity is actually a degenerated serotonergic, dopamine-dysregulated brain state. Well, think about it.

Artificial lighting, circadian dysregulation, and blocking the sunlight all contribute to dopamine dysregulation globally throughout the body, but especially in the eyes and brain.
Sep 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Various common antibiotics also wipe out Oxalobacter formigenes and other bacteria that metabolize oxalates.

I believe artificial blue light and nnEMF have a similar effect due to the depth of penetration of those wavelengths and their effect-coupling to vitamins A + D cycling.
Jun 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read