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Scott Henson. Ck out my new noir microhistory zine, "Icarus in Heels and Fur." On sale here:
Dec 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Not too sure about this @TexasMonthly column on Texas Rangers history, for reasons described here: This could've been a decent column if the author wasn't engaged in the same present-day justifications of which he accuses Ranger critics. He wants to argue the "net good of two hundred years of Ranger history far outweighs the negative," but that's still a present-day judgment.
Sep 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Wow. I just gave the new report a quick first read and it's basically @Austin_Police justifying everything they did and making excuses terrible management decisions while eliding any specifics of the hundreds of misconduct complaints lodged against officers. 🧵 Here's the report itself:…
Sep 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This article includes detail that explains a LOT I hadn't understood about the debate in Harris County over constable rollover funds. 🧵… As it turns out, county officials did NOT unilaterally scoop up rollover funds. What they did what require they only be spent on one-time expenses, not adding additional staff. Image
Sep 24, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Deaths at this rate for less than one week would result in more dead people than all murders statewide in the whole of 2020 (1,927 out of a state of 30 million). This is why I see the crime hype as a deflection. Crime is important and the murder increase is concerning, but the breathless, "Be Afraid!" framing distracts from the far more serious public health dangers facing Americans. For state leaders, I think it's intentional.
Jan 11, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
Texas cop unions have put out a website to oppose police reform called Texas Police Facts. But the "facts" presented are mostly either anodyne distractions or pretty brazenly misrepresented. Citing a DOJ-BJS study, they say "claims that minorities are substantially more likely to be contacted by the police are inaccurate."… Check out Tbls 3 and 4. Black folks are overrepresented in POLICE-initiated contacts; whites in crime reporting.
Nov 18, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Been digging deeper into Texas' 2019 #SandraBland data and Houston is a big outlier.

Of agencies reporting to @TCOLE under Texas' racial profiling statute, @houstonpolice account for 3% of traffic stops statewide and 29% of all use-of-force incidents reported at those stops. HPD reported the highest use-of-force rate among large TX agencies at 71 incidents per 10K stops. Statewide avg around 8 force incidents per 10K stops. (N.b., this only captures force at traffic stops, not all UoF incidents.)

Source (columns J and HK):…