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Learn how to craft experiences so delightful that your customers will be happy to spread the word for you. (by @DanBenoni & @LouisXavierL)
Manoj Dronadula Profile picture Dokaben Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 16, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Quick tip to increase your signup confirmation rates:

Use "Sniper Links" in your onboarding (steps in 🧵) 1. 🔥 PROBLEM:
27% of your new users will never confirm their email.

There are 3 main reasons for this:

• Friction in your onboarding steps
• Spam folders snatching your email
• Distractions from other emails in your user’s inbox Image
Sep 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
🧠 The psychology behind TikTok's addictive feed (thread)

Check the full case study for more info:… 1/ Immersion

Full screen, distraction free interface.
Jul 14, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
⚡️ HEY's Onboarding Case Study:

The founders at @basecamp thought it was time to upgrade the email experience but...

...switching email addresses today is not an easy task!

Check out how HEY handles this:…

ps: working on onboarding? watch the summary👇 Here are 5 strategies to increase activation rates based on HEY's case study:

⓵ 🧠 KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER: Understanding your customers' deepest desires, pains, and barriers will help you create better messaging during the onboarding. Make sure you identify the vocabulary they use. Image
May 27, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 After talking with thousands of product teams...

We've discovered 7 wide-spread pitfalls that slow teams down and impact product quality.

If you want to see where your team stands...

Take the quiz at the end! 🔥

(takeaways in the thread)… 2/9 ⓵ 👂 LISTEN & ASK QUESTIONS: One of the key traits of a product leader is his/her ability to listen carefully. With customers, colleagues, bosses, you need to work on your empathetic skills to understand where people come from and where they want to go.
May 12, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
🧠 Cognitive biases. We listed 101+ ways they affect your user experience. They all fall in 4 simple categories (in thread) 1—🙈 Information. Users filter out a lot of the information that they receive, even when it could be important. (Attentional Bias, Von Restorff Effect, Center-Stage Effect...)
Apr 7, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
💘Tinder Case Study:

Just before this whole thing went down…

…I had the chance to see firsthand why Tinder’s revenues are booming. (and even got a match!)

If you’re looking for better ways to convert users, check it out!

(key lessons in thread)… ⓵ 🖥 BE MINDFUL OF SPACE: Every screen is a chance for you to make your users successful. Each word/element should earn its place by adding clear value for users at this exact moment. Image
Mar 12, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
So the coronavirus🦠 is spreading quickly but…

…COVID-19 stats misinterpretations are spreading even faster.

Creating clear dashboards is critical for a good UX, here's why:

1/8 - key reminders in the thread… ⓵ 👁 OPTIMIZE FOR FIRST GLANCE: First impressions stick. Make sure the dashboard information standing out is what you want people to remember. Image
Jan 21, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
"Email newsletters are the next BIG thing" - @ryandeiss

@MorningBrew is definitely playing the game right, yet they could still increase their retention with a few experiments...

Check out the step by step breakdown of MB's newsletter 👉… ⓵ 💎 RECOGNIZABLE BRAND: Consistency is key when you send emails often. Having a clear mark that distinguishes your brand from other emails will help you raise awareness. Image
Dec 11, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Uber Eats is giving us a VALUABLE product lesson here when it comes to using scarcity the right way... but a bit of help around it would drastically improve the overall ordering UX.

Check out the step-by-step guide to scarcity 😨(in the thread)… ⓵ 💎 IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITED RESOURCE: Without a real limited resource, you will lose trust with users right away. What is scarce and has value? Image
Nov 20, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Airbnb does MANY things right… but a tiny bit of personalization could really help their booking UX (+ minimize user churn). The first (of 5) key lesson here is… (thread)… 1—👤INDIVIDUALS > SEGMENTS: Find ways to detect individual preferences and anticipate needs. (e.g.: 90% of Shaquille O'Neal's last 100 Airbnb bookings had King Size Beds—let's suggest him a default filter so that he can sleep comfortably!) Image
Oct 23, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
🏎Mario Kart Tour was released 3 weeks ago...

Here's the full analysis of their revenue model from a psychology and UX perspective.

FYI, Dark Pattern Alert 🚨!

⏬See the thread for the 5 things to avoid...… ⓵ 😈 FAKING SCARCITY: Scarcity is a powerful nudge to help people make decisions when it’s real. If you fake or add scarce for no good reason, then people will react the opposite way. Image
Oct 17, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
🧠 Here's our deep-dive into an essential psychological bias when designing products: Social Proof.

See 7 practical examples of how you can apply the different types of #socialproof in your #productdesign.

⏬Watch the summary & examples in the thread...… ⓵ ⭐️ USER REVIEWS: Show real feedback from current users. It can lift conversions by 270% (Spiegel Research Center)
Sep 25, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
New Case Study on @Strava

7 Strategies To Convert More 💰 Freemium Users…

⏬ See thread for the 6 keys to a bullet proof freemium model ⓵ 🚪 ACQUISITION MINDSET: Treat your freemium as an acquisition tool, not a revenue tool. Prioritize long term user happiness vs. quick conversions. Image
Sep 13, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
New Case Study
⚡️Tesla: How To Maximize Growth Through Word-of-Mouth:…

⏬ See thread below for a summary of 7 quick tips ⓵ 🎯 PROMPT & TIMING: Few people spread the word without a trigger. Find the right moment to nudge your customers in and you'll multiply your word-of-mouth. (e.g., while waiting at a Supercharger)
Aug 28, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
🌕 How Hopper 🐰 Perfectly Nails Permission Requests UX During Onboarding

⬇️The 4 Key Ingredients To Improve Your Permissions...… ⓵ 👤 USER INTENT: Find a way to let users deliberately trigger the permission prompt. How? See #2. Image
Aug 14, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
🌕 [CASE STUDY] 9 Ways To Boost SaaS Revenues With A Better Upgrade UX

⏬ TIPS SUMMARY…… ⓵ ⏰ TIMING: Prompt your users at the right moment based on your value metric (e.g. Tasks & Zaps). Emails are a great way to achieve that Image