Christian • husband • dad • Dean of Faculty @CCEF • alum @SBTS • "speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way" (Eph 4:15)
Jan 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The story of Jesus calming the storm (Mt 8:23–27) follows the pattern of the storm story in Jonah 1. At first, the similarities stand out, leading us to compare the stories:
But these similarities then highlight key differences: Jonah's running from God; Jesus is walking with God. Jonah's storm exposes his sin; Jesus' storm reveals his divinity. The Mediterranean is calmed by Yahweh; Lake Galilee is calmed by Jesus—who must be Yahweh, God incarnate.
Nov 19, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
10 reflections on the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting (#ETS2021) that just concluded in Fort Worth:
1/10: Many of our leading evangelical scholars are aging. The next generation must be ready to take the torch. This readiness must mean sharp minds, soft hearts, proven integrity, a saturation with Scripture and theology, and the love and courage to stand.
Dec 24, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Our inflated bios, our curated images, our growth addictions, our me-ministries, our carnal networking, our jealous hearts, our talent-idolatry, our unsubtle platform-building, our fear of going unnoticed, our internal scoffing at small things—what have we become?
Why don't we notice anymore? Why don't we care? Do we think Jesus isn't serious? Do we think he's not really coming back? Do we think we won't stand before him?
Do we even stop and think at all anymore, or do we just do what others seem to be doing?
May 30, 2018 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
Just got home after hearing Jordan Peterson here in Houston for his 12 Rules for Life book tour. I have a number of immediate reflections:
The crowd wrapped around 3 sides of a city block, with a good number carrying Peterson’s book. Most were white, and most seemed in the 25–45 range. There was an interesting calm and underlying readiness to the group.