Gunti gaab Reer Galbeed ah 𐩯𐩣𐩧𐩥𐩬 𐩯𐩲𐩺𐩵 | BBB = Badd, Ban iyo Buurlayda |🇵🇸”From the river to the Sea”✊🏽🇸🇴🇩🇯#AwdalFirst #GadabuursiUghazet
May 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
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Five generation of Gadabuursi ugaases for promoting and defending islaamnimo and somalinimo.
#GadabuursiUghazet were famous for their desperate love and defence Somalinimo they even made this a moral duty that they inherited from generation to generation.
Ugaas Nuur || Ugaas Rooble || 1848-1898
Major.R.G Edwards Leckie mentioned Ugaas Nuur is his document Visit to the Gadabuursi land.
“We had been warned that he did net love the Feringi (white man), and therefore thought it better to send a messenger ahead to interview His……
Jan 14, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
#Awdal_ruins#اطلال_اودل An ancient archology sites around Borama District, Awdal from Medieval ages show that this area was inhabited for thousands of years even before Islam and Before Common Era, most of the sites are just far from Borama approx 30-60 km in every direction.
exactly in the Borama city there is several ancient sites like the two famous mountains Sharlaganaadi and Saw, as well as Qorgaab a valley in east of the city which was very important urban settlement in the 5th century, in 1444 Qorgaab was attacked by Ethiopian Negus Zara Yacob