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World-Class Fitness. Unemployable Gang Fit (Pt 1) - Gang Fit (Pt 2) - Gang Fit (Pt 3) -
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Mar 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
GRAVITY 🌎🏋️‍♂️

Gravity is an increasing challenge for people as they age; they fall, they break bones, they have difficulty walking up stairs or slopes, they can’t get up from a chair without using their arms.

Ironically, gravity is the upstream reason… Working against gravity is how we retain our strength. Using ‘hyper-gravity’ (my term for resistance training), in any direction or plane, means that normal gravity is easier to overcome.

Strong, robust and enduring strength is the fountain of youth. Look at the elderly people……
Mar 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
What do sauna, ice baths, sprinting, training to failure & acidosis have in common?

They are EXTREMES. Generating extremes and tolerating extremes are a superpower. It doesn't matter the nature of the extreme, they are what keeps you young, robust and dynamic. As you age, your ability to tolerate/generate extremes is the first thing that degrades

First the 'extremes' go - sprinting, jumping, acidosis tolerance, strength; then the normal becomes harder, walking, getting out of a chair, walking up steps.... Image
Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read


- It’s better to be naively right than expertly wrong
- Much of modern medicine is a solution in search of a problem
- The more powerful the ‘superfood’ the more potential for harm
- The more energy you eat, the less energetic you are - The human body is designed for scarcity
- Starvation reveals your primal nature
- Supply dictates harm/benefit
- Plants make sense when viewed as drugs
- Eat plants, not all of them, not too many
- The extent of your omnivory is dictated by what you tolerate
Feb 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
My Vaccination Against Covid:

You do you.

THREAD 🧐😛 Image .......... Image
Feb 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
DISEASES of CIVILISATION - the way they arise which you haven't been told about.

1 Primal protective mechanisms
2 Interaction with the modern environment
3 The derangement manifests as disease

What saves you in the wild environment, harms u in the modern environment

Thread🧵 The human body has been designed to cope with scarcity, not abundance. It's also designed to protect us from injury not from 'comfort'.

Fat storage, visceral fat, inflammation & insulin resistance are primal protective mechanisms.
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
During the first lockdown I spent huge amounts of time in the Sun; in the park, on the heath, at the track, in the woods and at the coast. I exercised outside (did interval training on the empty roads) and I knocked about London with my top off. Spring 2020 was WARM in London, the weather was glorious.

I was going to the coast (aerobic exercise, sun and sea spray) in direct contravention of the lockdown rules BOOSTED my immunity and health.

The lockdown rules of staying indoors did the opposite.
Nov 20, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

I listened to the gym bros, and bottom-up twitter advice on this; people like @Mangan150 + my own intuition that being outdoors and in the Sun 🌿☀️ would be beneficial. I spent most of the time outdoors. 1

Nov 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
People are confused about the idea of risk - there is a huge psychological element. I could tolerate losing all my wealth; whereas for you it may be a catastrophe.

What is seen as a gigantic risk for some is "meh" to others. When I was young I left full-time employment with no side income. For me this could have meant destitution, but I was prepared to take that risk because being trapped full-time was worse than destitution.

For most people this would be a ridiculous thing to do, not advisable.
Nov 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I understand this is the rule for strength and hypertrophy, but more than half of my gym, now I'm older, is short recoveries between sets (no more than a minute). This is adapting for something else - all training has a specific response. Short recovery training has a response.

I have no proof, just intuition, that this repeatable muscular/power output quality degrades rapidly in old age, so I want to retain it to 'keep young'.
Oct 2, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
@AJA_Cortes I took part in the game leading up to it. Then watched it slowly disintegrate 2 or 3 years before when murmers and one or two voices in the financial press were writing about the problems with bear stearns and lehman bros. @AJA_Cortes Subprime morts bundled up into CDOs and passed off as triple A securities became worthless - overfinanced property prices crashed leaving buyers with negative equity and unable to sell.

Everyone was making money from the property bubble...
Oct 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

The point is, not whether lockdown/vaccines etc have *caused more or less harm than covid* but that the media & government only present one-sided data. Of course, there is opacity, but that that applies to both sides. Iatrogenics from an intervention need to be known before we can say whether there is net benefit. The problem is it is not in the interest of the interventionists for the harm to be known.

"Medicine showcases its benefits but hides its failures"
Sep 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Chesil Beach, an 18mile stretch of shingle in Dorset. Fleet Lagoon on the left; the novel 'Moonfleet' the was based here. The bouncing bomb designed by Barnes Wallis was tested on the Lagoon.

In the distance is the Isle of Portland, the word 'Rabbit' is taboo. People are inbred. Image I noticed a horse with rider galloping across a field. It reminded me of a Jane Austen novel.

Whilst people are stuck in an office; this person was riding across Dorset fields on a 3/4 tonne beast. Image
Sep 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In middle-distance running (800/1500m) there are 3 types of athlete; endurance-based, sprint-based & hybrid; very much depending on muscle type. Give a sprint-based athlete an endurance programme, they don't respond well & become overtrained. The reverse with the endurance type. So, apart from the generic ideas of vol, freq, freq, etc - we have individuality within runners achieving the same running times

1 The correct stimulus for one athlete is sub-par for another
2 The incorrect stimulus also increases fatigue/injury risk & requires a longer recovery
Sep 22, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read

Freedom, Strength & Health


1 Image 'Create Problems'

2 ImageImage
Aug 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Not being funny, I wrote all this in GANG FIT before I'd heard of Andrew Tate.

Anyone who has read it, knows as much. GANG FIT (Pt 1)
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Judith Durham - (July 1943 - Aug 2022)

'The Carnival is Over' - an adaptation of a Russian folk song. I loved this single by The Seekers - I must have been 6 or 7yrs old.

Remarkably, it is still one of the top 50 best-selling singles in the UK.

Stenka Razin - The Russian Red Army Choir.

The song became popular in the 1890's. The original Poem 'Stenka Razin' was written in 1883

Aug 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
An increased VO2max *on its own* is NEVER bad and increases longevity - however, some studies suggest there is a limit - a point where there is no further longevity benefit.

The maximisation of VO2max ALWAYS comes with decreased muscle mass and bodyweight. If strength is also strongly associated with longevity, there is a trade-off. The negative effects of decreased muscle mass and strength starts to out compete the positive effects of increased aerobic endurance (mitochondrial efficiency)

This is a problem for younger people...
Aug 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Everyone who has gut issues, joint pain, inflammation, bloating, skin problems, IR, IBD...should try this for a week. There is ZERO downside. You can live without fruit and vegetables for a week.

If it works you can reintroduce other foods slowly, see what is causing the problem You do not have to do this long term, but doing it for a short while may indicate there are foods in your usual diet which are not good for you. The problem is many people who have chronic 'minor' issues regard them as a fact of life.
Jul 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you are only doing strength training and cardio as you age, you are missing out on a crucial element which keeps you robust and dynamic.

The ability to generate and tolerate repeated high muscular output - this is the superpower of age not the former. The ability to generate repeated high-level output is what goes first as you get older, so people hide in strength training and Zone2 type exercise; neither of which are that hard

Try 100rep squats; 15 x 200m with one min between; 10 x fast 30-40second hills. Do them judiciously
Jul 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Bleached Pine at Loch Glascarnoch Dam, Inverness-shire 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Jun 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
"...sub-max training & HIT did not improve VO2max of well-trained endurance runners. However, the vVO2max (Velocity at VO2max) can be increased using HIT or adding traditional strength training"

i.e. strength & fast running make u faster if not 'fitter'… Image 'Several...studies have demonstrated that vVO2max is the best predictor of the 1500 m performance in well-trained runners...longitudinal studies have confirmed that 1500-m was improved after HIT only when vVO2max was increased..'

I intuitively feel this. Image